50-State Construction Licensing Compliance Guide
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Minnesota Construction Licensing

A group of construction workers on site

Licenses are typically required for individuals and businesses that provide construction industry services. This guide contains information about construction industry licensing in Minnesota.

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Company Licenses
Individual Licenses

Company Licenses

Minnesota Construction and Contracting Company Licenses

Minnesota Asbestos Contractor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Health - Asbestos Program

Initial Registration


Asbestos Contractor License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Contractor License Application Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:




Minnesota Contractor Registration

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No

Most contractors who provide residential or commercial building construction or improvement services are required to register if they do not already hold a contractor's license in Minnesota.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



The address listed on the registration application must match the entity's address on their Minnesota Secretary of State registration. PO Boxes are not accepted.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



By December 31 of odd-numbered years.

Minnesota Electrical Contractor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Initial Registration


Electrical Contractor License Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Electrical Contractor License Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



By February 28 of even-numbered years.

Minnesota Elevator Contractor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Elevator/Limited Elevator Contractor License Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • A computer screen print of the active SoS Business Record Detail for your business entity filing and/or the assumed name with your license application. Submit a computer screen print for each SoS business filing.
  • List of owners, partners, shareholders, and members owning more than 10 percent in the business and key officers responsible for the day to day operations for the business entity being licensed, certified or registered
  • Bond form
  • Certificate of Responsible Licensed Individual
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance
  • Certification of Compliance Form Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Law

Registration Renewal


Elevator/Limited Elevator Contractor License Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



By March 1 of even-numbered years.

Minnesota Fire Sprinkler License

Agency:Minnesota State Fire Marshall
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:
  • Fire protection contractors must have liability insurance (minimum coverage: $250,000 per person; $500,000 per occurrence; and $100,000 property damage).
Bond Requirements:

Fire protection contractors must have a $30,000 performance bond on file with the SFMD.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Qualifying Individual Requirements:
  • Every contractor must have a managing employee (ME) who is an employee of the company and is responsible for ensuring that all work complies with the legally adopted codes, standards, and fire protection laws and rules. Failure to do this can result in the suspension or revocation of the ME’s certificate or the contractor’s license. The ME is the point of contact for all issues related to fire protection plan reviews and installations.
  • All fire protection-related work must be performed by the ME or a certified journeyman sprinkler fitter. Both of these occupations are required to have a certificate from the State Fire Marshal Division (SFMD)v
  • All fire protection system design must be performed by employees of a Minnesota-licensed fire protection contractor.
  • MEs must be certified. To receive certification, they must successfully pass an exam with a score of 70 percent or higher. To be eligible to take the managing employee exam, the candidate must show one of the following:
    • Documentation of 10,000 hours of experience performing fire protection-related work.
    • Certification by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) at level III or IV certification in the field of fire protection and subfield of automatic sprinkler system layout (currently called fire protection water-based systems layout).
    • Licensure as a professional engineer under Minnesota Statutes, section 326.03, with competency in fire protection system design


Initial Registration


Sprinkler Contractor Licensure Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Sprinkler Contractor Licensure Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by May 31. 

Minnesota High Pressure Piping Contractor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Insurance Requirements:

Limits of at least $100,000 per person and $300,000 per occurrence and property damage insurance with limits of at least $50,000

Bond Requirements:


Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?Yes
Qualifying Individual Requirements:

A Master High Pressure Pipefitter must be designated as the individual in responsible charge.

Initial Registration


HPP Business Contractor License Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


HPP Business Contractor License Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



Biennially by December 31.

Minnesota Lead Firm Certification

Agency:Minnesota Department of Health - Lead Program

Initial Registration


Minnesota Lead Firm Certification

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Minnesota Lead Firm Certification Renewal

Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Minnesota Limited Elevator Contractor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Elevator/Limited Elevator Contractor License Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • A computer screen print of the active SoS Business Record Detail for your business entity filing and/or the assumed name with your license application. Submit a computer screen print for each SoS business filing.
  • List of owners, partners, shareholders, and members owning more than 10 percent in the business and key officers responsible for the day to day operations for the business entity being licensed, certified or registered
  • Bond form
  • Certificate of Responsible Licensed Individual
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance
  • Certification of Compliance Form Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Law

Registration Renewal


Elevator/Limited Elevator Contractor License Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



By March 1 of even-numbered years.

Minnesota Manufactured Home Installer License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Manufactured Home Installation Division

Initial Registration


Minnesota Manufactured Home Installer License

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Minnesota Manufactured Home Installer License Renewal

Agency Fee:



Triennially by March 31.

Minnesota Mechanical Contractor License

Not required

Mechanical/HVAC Contractor Company licensure is not required on the State level in Minnesota.

Mechanical contractors are not licensed at the state level in Minnesota, however, contractors must file a bond with the Department of Labor and Industry in order to perform gas, heating, ventilation, cooling, air conditioning, fuel burning or refrigeration work in the state.

Bond Renewal


Mechanical Bond

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:




Bond Amount:


Minnesota Pipe Layer Contractor Registration

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Initial Registration


Minnesota Pipe Layer Contractor Registration

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Minnesota Pipe Layer Contractor Renewal

Agency Fee:



By December 31 of odd-numbered years.

Minnesota Plumbing Contractor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Registration Renewal


Plumbing Contractor or Restricted Plumbing Contractor Business License Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:




Minnesota Residential Contractor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Insurance Requirements:

  • Each licensee shall have and maintain in effect commercial general liability insurance, which includes premises and operations insurance and products and completed operations insurance, with limits of at least $100,000 per occurrence, $300,000 aggregate limit for bodily injury, and property damage insurance with limits of at least $25,000 or a policy with a single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $300,000 per occurrence and $300,000 aggregate limits.
  • Applicants are also required to complete the certificate of compliance with Minnesota Workers' Compensation Law.
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?Yes
Qualifying Individual Requirements:

All licensees have a qualifying person (QP) who has a separate “Q registration” number. A residential building contractor or remodeler license cannot be renewed unless the QP for the license has an active Q registration. Q registrations also have expiration dates that may not be the same as the license expiration date.

Initial Registration


Residential Building Contractor/Remodeler License Packet


Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • $180 base license fee
  • $320 contractor recovery fund fee (if gross receipts are under $1,000,000)
  • $420 contractor recovery fund fee (if gross receipts are between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000)
  • $520 contractor recovery fund fee (if gross receipts are over $5,000,000)
Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required
Required Attachments:
  • Background Disclosure Form 
  • Certification of Liability Insurance 
  • Disclosure of Business Owners 
  • Minnesota Workers' Compensation 
  • Qualifying Person Designation Form
  • Minnesota Secretary of State Registration and/or Assumed Name Verification

Registration Renewal


License Renewal Packet for Residential Building Contractors and Remodelers

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • $505 if gross annual receipts are under $1,000,000
  • $605 if gross annual receipts are between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000
  • $705 if gross annual receipts are over $5,000,000

Biennially by March 31.

Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required
Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance
  • Minnesota Secretary of State Business Registration Verification
  • Qualifying Person Designation Form
  • Business Owner Disclosure Form

Minnesota Residential Remodeler License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division
Bond Requirements:

There is no bond requirement for this license.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Residential Remodeler Application Packet

Agency Fee:

$440 if gross receipts are less than $1 million, $540 if gross receipts are between $1 million and $5 million, and $640 if gross receipts are more than $5 million.

Registration Renewal


Renewal Application

Agency Fee:

$445 if gross receipts are less than $1 million, $545 if gross receipts are between $1 million and $5 million, and $645 if gross receipts are more than $5 million.


Biennially by March 1.

Minnesota Residential Roofer License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Residential Contractors, Remodelers, Roofers Division

Initial Registration


Minnesota Residential Roofer License

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Minnesota Residential Roofer License Renewal

Agency Fee:



Biennially by March 31.

Minnesota Restricted Plumbing Contractor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Initial Registration


Plumbing Contractor Restricted Plumbing Contractor

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Plumbing Contractor License Restricted Plumbing Contractor License (Renewal)

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:




Minnesota Technology Systems Contractor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Initial Registration


Technology System Contractor License Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Technology System Contractor License Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



By July 31 of even-numbered years.

Minnesota Water Conditioning Contractor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Initial Registration


Minnesota Water Conditioning Contractor License

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Minnesota Water Conditioning Contractor License Renewal

Agency Fee:



Biennially by December 31.

Local Construction and Contracting Company Licenses

City of Andover Mechanical Contractor License

Agency:City of Andover - Building Department (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $100,000 per individual personal injury, $300,000 per occurrence, and $50,000 property damage

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 State HVAC Bond

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Qualifying Individual Requirements:

Liquid Fuel or Fuel Gas Piping Contractors must have an individual who holds a Certificate of Competency or other evidence demonstrating the required level of competency in this classification. 

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Certificate of Competency or other Competency Documentation (liquid fuel or fuel gas piping contractors only)

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Certificate of Competency or other Competency Documentation (liquid fuel or fuel gas piping contractors only)

City of Arden Hills Contractor License

Agency:City of Arden Hills - Building and Community Development Department (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Liability Insurance in amounts not less than $100,000 per occurrence, $300,000 aggregate bodily injury, and $25,000 property damage OR $300,000 bodily injury and property damage per occurrence and $300,000 aggregate (CSL). 

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 State HVAC Bond (HVAC contractors only)

$8,000 State Sign Contractor Bond (Sign contractors only)

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Contractor License Application

Filing Method:

Mail, email, or fax

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal


Contractor License Application

Filing Method:

Mail, email, or fax

Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Blaine Contractor's License

Agency:Blaine Building Inspections Department (MN)

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by July 1.

Bloomington General Contractor License

Not required

General Contractor Company licensure is not required on the City level in Bloomington.

No license is required for general contractors to do commercial work.

More information: Bloomington Building and Inspections Department (MN)

City of Brooklyn Center Mechanical Contractor License

Agency:City of Brooklyn Center - Community Development Department - Building & Construction Regulations/Permits (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Liability Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 State HVAC Bond

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Mechanical License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Complete license applications are reviewed at the next scheduled City Council meeting. Applications must be received at least 7 days before the next meeting to be considered at that meeting. The City Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. 

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by April 30


A renewal notice with a renewal link will be sent via email prior to the expiration of the license with instructions on how to update your license information and pay the required renewal fee. 

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

City of Brooklyn Park Mechanical Contractor License

Agency:City of Brooklyn Park - Community Development Department - Building Inspections Division (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

General Liability Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 State HVAC bond

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Apply for a Brooklyn Park Mechanical License

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal


Apply for a Brooklyn Park Mechanical License

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31


Renewal notices and instructions will be emailed prior to the expiration of the license. 

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

City of Champlin Mechanical Contractor License

Agency:City of Champlin - Community Development Department - Building Inspections Division (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Liability Insurance in amounts not less than $100,000 for injury or death to any one person in any one accident, $300,000 per occurrence, and $50,000 property damage. 

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$2,000 surety bond in favor of the city

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:


Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31

Required Attachments:


Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

City of Dilworth Mechanical Contractor License

Agency:City of Dilworth - City Hall (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Liability Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 State HVAC Bond

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Forms are not currently available online. Please call City Hall and request one to be sent via email. 

Filing Method:

Mail or email

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal


Renewal forms will be emailed prior to the expiration of the license. 

Filing Method:

Mail or email

Agency Fee:



Annually by date of issuance

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

City of Golden Valley HVAC Contractor License

Agency:City of Golden Valley - Inspections Department (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

General Liability Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 State HVAC Bond

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Forms are not currently available online. Please email or call the Inspections Department to request one be sent via email. 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$75 + $2.14 service fee for credit card payments (payments can be made over the phone or a check can be mailed in)

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal


Renewal forms are emailed prior to the expiration of the license. 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$75 + $2.14 service fee for credit card payments (payments can be made over the phone or a check can be mailed in)


Annually by March 31

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

City of Little Canada Contractor License

Agency:City of Little Canada - Permit Department (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Liability Insurance in amounts not less than $50,000 for injury or death to any one person in any one accident, $100,000 per occurrence, and $25,000 property damage. The City of Little Canada must be listed as the certificate holder. 

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 State HVAC bond (mechanical contractors only)

$5,000 surety bond (excavation contractors only)

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Bond, if applicable

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by date of issuance

Required Attachments:

Bond, if applicable

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

City of Maplewood Contractor License

Agency:City of Maplewood - Building Department (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Insurance in amounts not less than $300,000 general liability, $100,000 property damage, and $50,000 worker's compensation. 

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 State HVAC bond (mechanical contractors only)

State Pipelayer Bond or State Master Plumber Bond (sewer contractors only)

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Contractor License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond, if applicable

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal


Contractor License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond, if applicable

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

City of Minneapolis Fire Extinguisher Service License

Agency:City of Minneapolis Licenses and Consumer Services (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Fire Extinguisher Servicing Application

Filing Method:

Email businesslicenses@minneapolismn.gov

Agency Fee:

See fee schedule for details.

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance – Class A only (Sample form #1)
    Attach a copy. This must be furnished by your insurance agent. You are required to have general liability that includes premises, operations and products insurance with the following coverages: $100,000 per occurrence and $300,000 aggregate for personal injury or death. $25,000 per occurrence for property damage. N/A Class B License
  • Class B: Attach a list of the addresses of all locations to be serviced.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:

Email businesslicenses@minneapolismn.gov

Agency Fee:

See fee schedule for details.


Annually by October 1.


Renewal forms are mailed to licensees about a month before the expiration date.

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance – Class A only (Sample form #1)
    Attach a copy. This must be furnished by your insurance agent. You are required to have general liability that includes premises, operations and products insurance with the following coverages: $100,000 per occurrence and $300,000 aggregate for personal injury or death. $25,000 per occurrence for property damage. N/A Class B License
  • Class B: Attach a list of the addresses of all locations to be serviced.

City of Minnetonka Public Right-of-Way User Registration

Agency:City of Minnetonka - Public Works Department - Engineering Division (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:
  • General Liability Insurance (including public liability, including premises, products and complete operations) in amounts not less than:
    • Bodily Injury: $1,000,000 per person/$3,000,000 per occurrence
    • Property Damage: $3,000,000 per occurrence
    • $3,000,000 aggregate
  • Comprehensive Automobile Liability (including owned, non-owned and hired vehicles) in amounts not less than:
    • Bodily Injury: $1,000,000 per person
    • Property Damage: $3,000,000 per occurrence
    • $3,000,000 aggregate
  • The City must be listed as an additional insured
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Registration Form

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Registration Renewal


Registration Form

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31.

Required Attachments:

City of New Brighton Contractor License

Agency:City of New Brighton - Community Assets and Development - Building Division (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Liability Insurance in amounts not less than $300,000 per person, $300,000 per occurrence, $500,000 per accident, and $100,000 property damage. 

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 State HVAC Bond (mechanical contractors only)

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond, if applicable

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by date of issuance

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond, if applicable

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

City of North Saint Paul Mechanical Contractor License

Agency:City of North Saint Paul - Community Development Department - Permits and Licensing (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Liability Insurance in amounts not less than $2,000,000 per accident per person and property damage (CSL), and $500,000 worker's compensation insurance. 

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 State HVAC Bond

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

City of Owatonna Gas Installer License

Agency:City of Owatonna - Building Inspections Department (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Liability Insurance in amounts not less than $300,000 for injury or death to 1 person, $300,000 per accident, $100,000 property damage per accident. The City of Owatonna must be named as an additional insured party. 

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Qualifying Individual Requirements:

All employees installing or repairing over 6' of gas piping must hold a City of Owatonna Gas Piping Certificate of Competency. 

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Certificate of Insurance

Certificate of Competency Card for each individual performing work for the business

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the last day of Feburary

Required Attachments:

Certificate of Insurance

City of Richfield Mechanical Contractor License

Agency:City of Richfield - Community Development Department - Permits, Inspections, and Licenses (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $2,000,000. The certificate holder must be the City of Richfield. 

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 State HVAC bond

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

City of Rochester HVAC Contractor License

Agency:City of Rochester - Community Development Department (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Insurance Requirements:

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 HVAC State Bond

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Qualifying Individual Requirements:

Master Installer for each work classification being applied for who is currently licensed from the City of Rochester. 

Initial Registration


HVAC Contractor's License

Filing Method:

Mail or online

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Proof of State HVAC Bond

Copy of Certificate of Competency for each master installer qualifying for a specific classification

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Licenses expire annually on December 31 but renewals must be received by December 1 to avoid a late fee


$22.40 late fee for renewals submitted after December 1

$56.00 late fee for renewals submitted after December 31

City of Roseville Contractor License

Agency:City of Roseville - Community Development Department (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Liability Insurance in amounts not less than $500,000 for injury or death to any one person, $1,500,000 aggregate, $500,000 property damage per occurrence, and $1,500,000 aggregate. 

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 State HVAC Bond (mechanical contractors only)

$8,000 State surety bond (sign contractors only)

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$60 license fee + $3 online service fee

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond, if applicable

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$60 license fee + $3 online service fee


Annually by date of issuance

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond, if applicable

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

City of St. Cloud Excavator License

Agency:City of St. Cloud Engineering Department (MN)

St. Cloud, Minn., Municipal Code § 610-05

Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:
  • General Liability and Property Damage Insurance of no less than $100,000 for injuries to or death of one person, $500,000 per accident, and $250,000 property damage
  • The certificate holder should read The City of St. Cloud 1201 7th Street South St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301
Bond Requirements:


Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Excavator License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$125 license fee

Required Attachments:
  • Bond
  • Certificate of Insurance

Registration Renewal


Excavator License Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$125 license fee


Annually by December 31

Required Attachments:
  • Bond
  • Certificate of Insurance

St. Cloud Commercial Contractor's License

Agency:St. Cloud Building Safety Department (MN)

Licenses are issued in 3 classes:

  • Class A licenses are for contractors whose total value of projects during the license year is over $50,000
  • Class B licenses are for contractors whose total value of projects during the license year is between $25,000 and $50,000
  • Class C licenses are for contractors whose total value of projects during the license year is under $25,000

Initial Registration


Commercial Building Contractors Application

Agency Fee:

Depends on class of license and when you apply:

  • If applying before July 1, $144 for Class A, $74 for Class B, and $38 for Class C
  • If applying after July 1 but before August 1, $95 for Class A, $46 for Class B, and $26 for Class C
  • If applying after August 1, $46 for Class A, $26 for Class B, and $16 for Class C
Required Attachments:
  • A $25,000 License and/or Permit Surety Bond for a Commercial Contractor with the Principal’s signature notarized
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance for $100,000/$500,000/$250,000 naming the City of St. Cloud as Certificate Holder
  • Proof of Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal


Commercial Building Contractors Application (Renewal)

Agency Fee:

Depends on class of license:

  • $144 for Class A
  • $74 for Class B
  • $38 for Class C

Annually by December 31.

Required Attachments:
  • A $25,000 License and/or Permit Surety Bond for a Commercial Contractor with the Principal’s signature notarized
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance for $100,000/$500,000/$250,000 naming the City of St. Cloud as Certificate Holder
  • Proof of Workers’ Compensation Insurance

City of Saint Paul Building Trades License

Agency:City of Saint Paul - Department of Safety and Inspections (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $500,000 for bodily injury and property damage (CSL). The certificate holder must be DSI - City of St Paul 375 Jackson ST STE 220 St Paul, MN 55101. 

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 State Mechanical Bond (all trades)

$25,000 Plumbing Bond (plumbing only)

$10,000 surety bond (wrecking contractors only)

$10,000 City of Saint Paul license and permit bond OR $8,000 State of Minnesota Bond(sign contractors only)

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Qualifying Individual Requirements:

The qualifying individual must hold a current City of Saint Paul Master Certificate of Competency Card for each trade being applied for. Reciprocal Warm Air and/or Ventilation Licenses require proof of a current Master's card issued by the City of Minneapolis. 

Initial Registration


Building Trades License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$188 per trade license

Required Attachments:


Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Copy of Master Certificate of Competency Card

Registration Renewal


Renewal applications and instructions are mailed out in October. 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$188 per trade license


Annually by December 1

Required Attachments:


Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Copy of Master Certificate of Competency Card

City of Sartell Commercial Contractor License

Agency:City of Sartell Building Department (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31.

City of Sauk Rapids Excavator License

Agency:City of Sauk Rapids License Department (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:
  • General Liability Insurance in amounts not less than:
    • $100,000 per person
    • $500,000 bodily injury per accident
    • $250,000 property damage
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance


Bond Requirements:

$25,000 plumbing code compliance bond filed with the Department of Labor and Industry

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Please call the licensing department to request an application packet be emailed to you

Filing Method:

Mail or in-person

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Bond
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal


Please call the licensing department to request an application packet be emailed to you

Filing Method:

Mail or in-person

Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31

Required Attachments:
  • Bond
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance

Spring Lake Park Contractor License

Agency:Spring Lake Park City Hall (MN)
Insurance Requirements:

General liability insurance with limits of $300,000/person, $1,000,000/any one accident, $100,000/property damage

Initial Registration


Contractor License Application

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Insurance for General Liability and Workman's Compensation with the City of Spring Lake Park listed as the additional holder. Limits $300,000/person, $1,000,000/any one accident, $100,000/property damage
  • Certificate of Compliance Minnesota Workers' Compensation page
  • For plumbing contractors, a copy of your state license and bond or Plumbing Contractor Certificate from the Department of Labor and Industry
  • For mechanical contractors, a copy of your mechanical bond
  • Tree contractors must also be registered in Minnesota's Tree Care Registry and provide their license number and expiration date

Registration Renewal


Contractor License Application (Renewal)

Agency Fee:



Annually by March 31.

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Insurance for General Liability and Workman's Compensation with the City of Spring Lake Park listed as the additional holder. Limits $300,000/person, $1,000,000/any one accident, $100,000/property damage
  • Certificate of Compliance Minnesota Workers' Compensation page
  • For plumbing contractors, a copy of your state license and bond or Plumbing Contractor Certificate from the Department of Labor and Industry
  • For mechanical contractors, a copy of your mechanical bond
  • Tree contractors must also be registered in Minnesota's Tree Care Registry and provide their license number and expiration date

City of Stillwater Contractor's License

Agency:City of Stillwater - Building Inspections Department (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $300,000. The certificate holder must be the City of Stillwater.

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Bond Requirements:

$25,000 HVAC State Bond (HVAC contractors only)

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Contractor and HVAC City License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond (HVAC contractors only)

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal


Contractor and HVAC City License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Licenses expire annually by December 31 but renewals should be submitted at least 60 days prior to the expiration date

Required Attachments:

Proof of State Bond (HVAC contractors only)

Certificate of Insurance

Worker's Compensation Insurance

Vadnais Heights Contractor License

Agency:Vadnais Heights Community Development & Building Department (MN)
Insurance Requirements:

All contractors must provide proof of public liability insurance of not less than $50,000 for injuries, including accidental death to any one person, and subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount of not less than $100,000 on account of any one accident and property damage insurance in the amount of not less than $25,000. The City of Vadnais Heights must be listed as the certificate holder.

Bond Requirements:

Excavating contractors must provide proof of a $5,000 Surety Bond

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by June 30.

City of Waite Park Excavator License/Right of Way Registration

Agency:City of Waite Park City Administration (MN)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Excavator License Insurance Requirements: 

  • Professional and General Liability Insurance in amounts not less than:
    • $1,000,000 per occurrence
    • $2,000,000 aggregate
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance: $1,000,000 statutory and federal law compliant
  • The insurance must be in the proper business name
    • If incorporated, the insurance must be in the corporate name
    • If not incorporated, a DBA must be designated
  • The City of Waite Park must be listed as the certificate holder and an additional insured party

Right-of-Way Insurance Requirements:

  • General Liability Insurance including public liability, premises, products, and complete operations in amounts not less than:
    • Bodily Injury: $1,000,000 per person/$3,000,000 per occurrence
    • Property Damage: $3,000,000 per occurrence
    • $3,000,000 aggregate
  • Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles in amounts not less than:
    • Bodily Injury: $1,000,000 per person/$3,000,000 per occurrence
    • Property Damage: $3,000,000 per occurrence
    • $3,000,000 aggregate
  • The City of Waite Park must be listed as the certificate holder and an additional insured party
Bond Requirements:
  • $10,000 license and permit bond
  • The bond must be in the proper business name
    • If incorporated, the bond must be in the corporate name
    • If not incorporated, a DBA must be designated
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Please call the city administration to request an application be sent via email

Filing Method:

Mail or in-person

Agency Fee:
  • $100
  • This fee covers both the excavator license and right-of-way user registration.
  • Applicants apply for the excavator license and the right-of-way user registration concurrently. However, they have different insurance requirements. Make sure to attach both certificates of insurance.
  • If a licensee would like to receive a renewal notice with an application then they must request to be on this list during the application process.
Required Attachments:
  • Certificates of Insurance
    • Excavator License
    • Right-of-Way User Registration
  • State form regarding proof of Worker's Compensation Insurance
  • Bond
  • State of Minnesota License Applicant Information regarding tax identification numbers
  • If incorporated provide copy of the required Minnesota Secretary of State Registration documentation

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:

Mail or in-person

Agency Fee:
  • $100
  • This fee covers both the excavator license and right-of-way user registration.

Annually by December 31


If requested during the initial application process, renewal notices with forms will be mailed out in the beginning of December.

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Insurance
    • Excavator License
    • Right-of-Way User Registration
  • State form regarding proof of Worker's Compensation Insurance
  • Bond
  • State of Minnesota License Applicant Information regarding tax identification numbers
  • If incorporated provide copy of the required Minnesota Secretary of State Registration documentation

Individual Licenses

Minnesota Individual Construction and Contracting Licenses

Minnesota Asbestos Inspector Certification

Agency:Minnesota Department of Health - Asbestos Program

Initial Registration


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:



Certification is good for one year from the date of completion of the most recently submitted training course diploma.

Minnesota Asbestos Management Planner Certification

Agency:Minnesota Department of Health - Asbestos Program

Initial Registration


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:



Certification is good for one year from the date of completion of the most recently submitted training course diploma.

Minnesota Asbestos Project Designer Certification

Agency:Minnesota Department of Health - Asbestos Program

Initial Registration


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:



Certification is good for one year from the date of completion of the most recently submitted training course diploma.

Minnesota Asbestos Supervisor Certification

Agency:Minnesota Department of Health - Asbestos Program

Initial Registration


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:



Certification is good for one year from the date of completion of the most recently submitted training course diploma.

Minnesota Asbestos Worker Certification

Agency:Minnesota Department of Health - Asbestos Program

Initial Registration


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:



Certification is good for one year from the date of completion of the most recently submitted training course diploma.

Minnesota Electrical Installer License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Registration Renewal


Individual Electrical License Examination Application Renewal

Agency Fee:



Biennially by the date of issuance.

Minnesota Electrical Lineman License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Registration Renewal


Individual Electrical License Examination Application Renewal

Agency Fee:



Biennially by the date of issuance.

Minnesota Journeyman Electrician License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Registration Renewal


Individual Electrical License Examination Application Renewal

Agency Fee:



Biennially by the date of issuance.

Minnesota Journeyman Elevator Constructor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Elevator Constructors Division

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Elevator constructor license renewal form

Agency Fee:



Two years, expiring on the anniversary date of initial issuance, and renewable thereafter.

Minnesota Journeyman Plumber License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Initial Registration


Plumber license exam application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Master and journeyworker license renewal form

Agency Fee:



December 31 of each odd numbered year after issuance or renewal.

Minnesota Journeyman Sprinkler Fitter / Managing Employee Certification

Agency:Minnesota State Fire Marshall

Initial Registration


Journeyman Sprinkler Fitter / Managing Employee Application for Certification

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • The journeyman applicant must submit this application, accompanied by the certification fee of $75.00 to the Minnesota State Fire Marshal Division, along with documentation that the applicant meets the qualifications to become a journeyman as set forth in subpart 2 of the Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7512.1700; and a completed tax information form required by the Commissioner of Revenue under Minnesota Statutes, Section 270.72.
  • The managing employee applicant must submit this application, accompanied by the certification fee of $75.00 to the Minnesota State Fire Marshal Division, along with documentation that the applicant meets the qualifications to become a managing employee as set forth in Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7512.1300; and a completed tax information form required by the Commissioner of Revenue under Minnesota Statutes, Section 270.72.
  • Tax Information 

Registration Renewal


Journeyman Sprinkler Fitter / Managing Employee Application for Certification

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by June 30. 

Minnesota Lead Inspector Certification

Agency:Minnesota Department of Health - Lead Program

Initial Registration


Individual Lead License Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Individual Lead License Application

Agency Fee:



Annually from the date of completion on the most recently submitted training course diploma.

Minnesota Lead Project Designer Certification

Agency:Minnesota Department of Health - Lead Program

Initial Registration


Individual Lead License Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Individual Lead License Application

Agency Fee:



Annually from the date of completion on the most recently submitted training course diploma.

Minnesota Lead Supervisor Certification

Agency:Minnesota Department of Health - Lead Program

Initial Registration


Individual Lead License Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Individual Lead License Application

Agency Fee:



Annually from the date of completion on the most recently submitted training course diploma.

Minnesota Lead Worker Certification

Agency:Minnesota Department of Health - Lead Program

Initial Registration


Individual Lead License Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Individual Lead License Application

Agency Fee:



Annually from the date of completion on the most recently submitted training course diploma.

Minnesota Limited Journeyman Elevator Constructor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Elevator Constructors Division

Registration Renewal


Limited Journeyman Elevator Constructor License Renewal

Agency Fee:



Biennially by the date of issuance.

Minnesota Limited Master Elevator Constructor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Elevator Constructors Division

Initial Registration


Limited Master Elevator Constructor License

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Limited Master Elevator Constructor License Renewal

Agency Fee:



By February 28 of odd-numbered years.

Minnesota Maintenance Electrician License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Registration Renewal


Individual Electrical License Examination Application Renewal

Agency Fee:



Biennially by the date of issuance.

Minnesota Master Electrician License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Registration Renewal


Individual Electrical License Examination Application Renewal

Agency Fee:



By February 28 of odd-numbered years.

Minnesota Master Elevator Constructor License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Elevator Constructors Division

Initial Registration


Master Elevator Constructor License

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Master Elevator Constructor License Renewal

Agency Fee:



By February 28 of odd-numbered years.

Minnesota Master High Pressure Pipefitter License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Pipefitter License Exam Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$50 exam fee. A $68 license fee is also due after passing the exam.

Registration Renewal


License Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



Biennially by December 31.

Minnesota Master Plumber License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Initial Registration


Master Plumber License

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Master Plumber License Renewal

Agency Fee:



By December 31 of each odd numbered year after issuance or renewal.

Minnesota Power Limited Technician License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Registration Renewal


Individual Electrical License Examination Application Renewal

Agency Fee:



By February 28 of odd-numbered years.

Minnesota Satellite System Installer License

Agency:Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry - Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Registration Renewal


Individual Electrical License Examination Application Renewal

Agency Fee:



By February 28 of odd-numbered years.

Explore Licensing in Other States

Associated General Contractors of America
Professional association providing advocacy and organization for construction firms and workers.

National Association of Home Builders
National association for the promotion of the housing industry.

National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies
National organization that represents and promotes the interests of state level contractor licensing agencies.