50-State Construction Licensing Compliance Guide
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Arkansas Construction Licensing

A group of construction workers on site

Licenses are typically required for individuals and businesses that provide construction industry services. This guide contains information about construction industry licensing in Arkansas.

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Company Licenses
Individual Licenses

Company Licenses

Arkansas Construction and Contracting Company Licenses

Arkansas Abestos Consultant License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality - Office of Air Quality

Initial Registration


Asbestos Contractor & Consultant License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Contractor & Consultant License Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:




Arkansas Alarm Systems Class E Unrestricted License

Agency:Arkansas State Police - Private Investigators / Security Companies / Alarm Installation & Monitoring Program
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Ownership Requirements:
  • If applying for a class “e” unrestricted company license, the designated manager must have completed all areas indicated from one of the following organizations:
    • NICET 
    • NESA
    • ESA
    • Elite CEU
  • If applying for a class “e” restricted company license, the designated manager must have completed all areas indicated from one of the following organizations:
    • NICET 
    • NESA
    • ESA
    • Elite CEU
  • If applying for a class “e-s” company license, the manager shall be required to successfully pass a written examination administered by the arkansas state police. The examination will test the manager’s knowledge in fire protection and the proper use and placement of single station fire and heat detectors pursuant to the afpc and nfpa (rule 9.2)
  • If applying as a manager for an alarm systems monitoring company the manager is not required to complete any courses or examinations. The manager of an alarm systems monitoring company must execute an affidavit that he or she has read and understands a.C.A § 17-40-101, et seq. And these rules (rule 9.3).
Insurance Requirements:
  • All class “E” companies must have public liability insurance with a minimum limit of $300,000. (please attach current certificate of insurance to this application).
  • All alarm systems companies that issue ul (underwriter’s laboratories) certificates must maintain public liability insurance of at least $300,000. (please attach current certificate of insurance to this application).
  • Class “G” companies must have public liability insurance not less than $500,000. (please attach current certificate of insurance to this application).
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


New Class E Unrestricted Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • Class “E” – Restricted Alarm Systems Company ; Class “E-S” – Alarm Systems Company ; Class “E-M” – Alarm Systems Company ; Class “E” – Unrestricted Alarm Systems Company - $600
  • Class “G" – General License - $1200
  • State background check fee $22.00
  • Federal background check fee $11.25
  • Federal background/ina fee $1.00
  • Federal background check fee $2.00
Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of insurance 
  • If company is a coproration, attach corporation papers 
  • Affidavit, if applicable 
  • If you are a non-u.S. Citizen, please attach current/valid proof of eligibility to work in the US
  • 2 fingerprint cards
  • 2 passport style photos

Registration Renewal


Renewal Class E Unrestricted application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • Class “E” – Restricted Alarm Systems Company ; Class “E-S” – Alarm Systems Company ; Class “E-M” – Alarm Systems Company ; Class “E” – Unrestricted Alarm Systems Company - $300
  • Class “G" – General License - $600
  • State background check fee $22.00
  • Federal background check fee $11.25
  • Federal background/ina fee $1.00
  • Federal background check fee $2.00

Annually by the date of issuance

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of insurance 
  • If company is a coproration, attach corporation papers 
  • Affidavit, if applicable 
  • If you are a non-u.S. Citizen, please attach current/valid proof of eligibility to work in the US
  • 2 fingerprint cards
  • 2 passport style photos

Arkansas Asbestos Contractor License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality - Office of Air Quality

Initial Registration


Asbestos Contractor & Consultant License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Contractor & Consultant License Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:




Arkansas Boiler Repair License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing Boiler Inspection Division

A.C.A 20-23-405 states all persons, firms, or corporations engaged in the repair of boilers or unfired pressure vessels shall be licensed by the Boiler Inspection Division.

Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Boiler Repair License Registration Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



All persons, firms, or corporations performing welded repairsto boilers or pressure vesselsshall have a Quality Control Program, WQR, WPS and PQR qualifiedin accordance to ASME Section IX.

Registration Renewal


Boiler Repair License Registration Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31. 


Those companies who do weld repairs on their own vessels must either hold a current NB Code “R” stamp certification or submit to us copies of their Quality Control Manual, Weld Procedures Specifications, Welders Qualification Records and supporting Procedure Qualification Records for Boiler Division files.

Companies or Individuals who do weld repairs on boilers and/or pressure vessels not at their own location must hold an “R” stamp issued by the National Board of Boilers and Pressure Vessels.

All Welders must be examined and qualified to Section IX of the ASME Code. All welded repairs/alterations require an R-1 or State Welding form.


Arkansas Installation License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing Boiler Inspection Division
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No

Applicants for a license who perform welding shall possess the National Board “R” stamp or shall certify that they perform welding only on vessels owned and operated by the applicant.

All Welders must be examined and qualified to Section IX of the ASME Code.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Installation License Registration Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



If a company installs pressure piping, they must have the Pressure Piping Endorsement on their Installation License.

Applicants for a license who perform welding shall possess the National Board “R” stamp or shall certify that they perform welding only on vessels owned and operated by the applicant.

All Welders must be examined and qualified to Section IX of the ASME Code.

Registration Renewal


Installation License Registration Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31. 

Arkansas Limited Home Improvement Specialty Contractor License

Agency:Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board

Licensees are limited to working on projects that are valued less than $50,000 including labor and material.

Initial Registration


Home Improvement Specialty New Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Arkansas Limited Residential Remodeler's License

Agency:Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Financial Requirements:

Applicants must provide a compiled balance sheet showing a positive net worth.

Insurance Requirements:

Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage.


Licensees are limited to working on projects that are valued less than $50,000 including labor and material.

Initial Registration


Residential Remodeler's New Application

Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the anniversary of licensure.

Arkansas Portable & Fixed System License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing - Fire Protection Licensing Board
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

A current Certificate of Insurance showing a minimum limit of $1,000,000.00.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Company Portable Fixed

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • Certificate of Registration Portable Fire Extinguishers - $300
  • Certificate of Registration Fixed Fire Extinguishers - $300
  • Certificate of Registration Class A Hydrostatic Testing - $100
  • Certificate of Registration Class B Hydrostatic Testing - $50
  • Branch Office - $25
Before you Apply:
  • Individual Application – Must be signed by individual.
  • Partnership Application – Must be signed by each partner.
  • Corporation Application – Must be signed by an officer of the corporation.
Required Attachments:

1. An Individual Application for every employee.
2. A current Certificate of Insurance showing a minimum limit of $1,000,000.00.
3. Samples of all tags used by firm. (NOT A COPY)
4. Sample of firm’s current Hydro Label.
5. Sample of firm’s current verification of Service Collar.
6. Copy of DOT letter.
7. Where applicable Application must be accompanied by evidence of registration as an Arkansas Corporation or evidence of registration with the Arkansas Secretary of State as a foreign corporation.

Registration Renewal


Renewal Portable

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • Certificate of Registration Portable Fire Extinguishers - $300
  • Certificate of Registration Fixed Fire Extinguishers - $300
  • Certificate of Registration Class A Hydrostatic Testing - $100
  • Certificate of Registration Class B Hydrostatic Testing - $50
  • Branch Office - $25

Annually by date of issuance. 

Required Attachments:
  • The following information must accompany the application for Certificate of Registration to be renewed.
    • A completed information section is located at the end of the application for every employee.
    • Copy of DOT letter.

Arkansas Residential Builder's License

Agency:Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Financial Requirements:

Applicants must provide a compiled balance sheet showing a positive net worth.

Insurance Requirements:

Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage.

Initial Registration


Residential Builder's New Application

Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the anniversary of licensure.

Required Attachments:
  • Current balance sheet (if not completed on the online renewal portal)
  • Current certificate of coverage verifying Workers Compensation (if there are employees)

Arkansas Restricted Commercial Contractor License

Agency:Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Financial Requirements:

  • Applicants must provide a reviewed or audited financial statement from an independent CPA with a balance sheet prepared in accordance with GAAP or on an Income Tax Basis.
  • Net worth requirements are as follows: $50,000 for Heavy; Highway, Railroad, and Airport; Municipal and Utility; and Building classifications, $20,000 for Light Building, Mechanical, and Electrical classifications, and $5,000 for Specialty classifications.
  • Applicants must have at least half of the net worth requirement for their classification in cash.
Insurance Requirements:

Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage.

Bond Requirements:



Restricted commercial contractors are limited to commercial projects that are less than $750,000 including labor and material.

Initial Registration


Commercial New Application

Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the anniversary of licensure.

Required Attachments:
  • A current compiled financial statement should be submitted. It must include a signed CPA Report on letterhead, and balance sheet (prepared in accordance with GAAP or on an Income Tax Basis (Accrual Method).
  • Current certificate of coverage verifying Workers Compensation (if there are employees)

Arkansas Sprinkler System Contractor Certificate of Registration

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing - Fire Protection Licensing Board
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Company Sprinkler Certification

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • Certificate of Registration Sprinkler System Contractor - $700
  • One Time Application Fee - $100
  • Branch Office - $25
Required Attachments:

1. An Individual Application for every employee.
2. A current Certificate of Insurance showing a minimum limit of $1,000,000.00.
3. Samples of all tags used by firm. (NOT A COPY)
4. Sample of firm’s Hydraulic Placard. (NOT A COPY)
5. Copy of Responsible Managing Employee’s current NICET Certification.
6. Where applicable Application must be accompanied by evidence of registration as an Arkansas Corporation or evidence of registration with the Arkansas Secretary of State as a foreign corporation

Registration Renewal


Renewal Sprinkler Company

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • Certificate of Registration Sprinkler System - $700
  • Branch Office - $25

Annually by June 30.

Required Attachments:

1. A Completed information section, located on page 3 for every employee.
2. A current Certificate of Insurance showing a minimum limit of $1,000,000.00.
3. Samples of all tags used by firm. (NOT A COPY)
4. Sample of firm’s Hydraulic Placard. (NOT A COPY)
5. Copy of Responsible Managing Employee’s current NICET Certification.

Arkansas Unlimited Home Improvement Specialty Contractor License

Agency:Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board

Initial Registration


Home Improvement Specialty New Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Arkansas Unlimited Residential Remodeler's License

Agency:Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Financial Requirements:

Applicants must provide a compiled balance sheet showing a positive net worth.

Insurance Requirements:

Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage.

Initial Registration


Residential Remodeler's New Application

Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the anniversary of licensure.

Required Attachments:
  • Current balance sheet (if not completed on the online renewal portal)
  • Current certificate of coverage verifying Workers Compensation (if there are employees)

Arkansas Unrestricted Commercial Contractor License

Agency:Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Financial Requirements:

  • Applicants must provide a reviewed or audited financial statement from an independent CPA with a balance sheet prepared in accordance with GAAP or on an Income Tax Basis.
  • Net worth requirements are as follows: $50,000 for Heavy; Highway, Railroad, and Airport; Municipal and Utility; and Building classifications, $20,000 for Light Building, Mechanical, and Electrical classifications, and $5,000 for Specialty classifications.
  • Applicants must have at least half of the net worth requirement for their classification in cash.
Insurance Requirements:

Applicants with one or more employees must provide a certificate of insurance verifying workers' compensation insurance coverage.

Bond Requirements:


Initial Registration


Commercial New Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

The completed application must be in the board office 3 weeks prior to a board meeting to be reviewed. For a list of meeting dates, check the board website.

How to Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  1. Apply for Articles of Incorporation through the Arkansas Secretary of State. 

Foreign Applicants:

  1. Apply for Articles of Incorporation through the Arkansas Secretary of State. 
Required Attachments:
  • 3 references on forms provided on pages 8,9 and 10 of the application. 
  • Fully executed $10,000.00 Contractor's Bond, which must be in Principal Name & EIN, as registered with the Secretary of State's office. 
  • Copy of the Arkansas Business and Law passing test score.
  • A Compiled report from a CPA (CPA cannot be an in-house CPA) must be submitted. The date the financial statement was prepared for, not the date the financial was signed must be less than one year old.
  • If applying as a Corporation, LLC, LP, or LLP, attach a copy of the Articles/Filings from your entity’s Secretary of State’s Office. If a fictitious name has been registered for this company, attach a copy of the fictitious name registration.
Bond Amount:

$10,000.00 Contractor's Bond, which must be in Principal Name & EIN, as registered with the Secretary of State’s office.

Registration Renewal


Email COI & Current balance sheet to contractors.licensing.board@arkansas.gov or Fax to (501) 372-2247

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the end of the registration anniversary month.

Original Ink:Not required
Required Attachments:
  • A current Reviewed or Audited financial statement is required. It must include a signed CPA opinion page on letterhead, balance sheet (prepared in accordance with GAAP or on an Income Tax Basis (Accrual Method), and footnotes. The balance sheet must be in US dollars.
  • A Bond in Lieu of Financial can be used instead of submitting the required financials. The amount of the Bond is based on the classification. This is in addition to the $10,000 Surety Bond that is required.
  • Current certificate of coverage verifying Workers Compensation (if there are employees)

Qualifier Change


Qualifier Change Form

Filing Method:

Mail or email to jodie.hatfield@arkansas.gov

Agency Fee:



The board of contractors must be notified within 15 days of the qualifying party's departure. Notice may be emailed to jodie.hatfield@arkansas.gov. The replacement qualifier must be fully qualified within 30 days of the departure of the previous qualifier.

Required Attachments:
  • A letter on company letterhead with the following: Request to remove and/or add another qualifier
  • Updated list of officers & their positions, members, and owners
  • One of the following:
    • Arkansas Business and Law Exam passing test score.
    • Completed reciprocal form if applicable (under forms on our website)
    • Arkansas Master Trade license

Local Construction and Contracting Company Licenses

Little Rock Business License - Electric Contractor

Agency:City of Little Rock Planning and Development Department - Building Codes Division - Permit Program (AR)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Bond Requirements:


Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business License Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$200 + $20 per employee + .24% stock, if applicable


File a copy of your Arkansas Contractors License, a copy of your Little Rock business license, the $10,000 bond, and copies of the relevant Master Licenses with the Permit Program to qualify your firm to obtain permits for electrical work.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$200 + $20 per employee + .24% stock, if applicable


Annually by January 1.

Little Rock Business License - General Building Contractor

Agency:City of Little Rock Planning and Development Department - Building Codes Division - Permit Program (AR)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No

Different classifications are issued depending on permit value:

  • Class 1 licenses apply to any general building contractor obtaining a permit from $0 to $25,000 (remodeling only)
  • Class 2 licenses apply to any contractor obtaining a building permit from $0 to $150,000
  • Class 3 licenses apply to any contractor obtaining a building permit greater than $150,000 and less than $500,000
  • Class 4 licenses apply to any contractor obtaining a building permit greater than $500,000 and less than $1,000,000
  • Class 5 licenses apply to any contractor obtaining a building or construction permit in excess of $1,000,000.
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business License Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

Fees vary by classification:

  • Class 1: $200 + $20 per employee
  • Class 2: $300 + $20 per employee
  • Class 3: $500 + $20 per employee
  • Class 4: $800 + $20 per employee
  • Class 5: $1,600 + $20 per employee

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary by classification:

  • Class 1: $200 + $20 per employee
  • Class 2: $300 + $20 per employee
  • Class 3: $500 + $20 per employee
  • Class 4: $800 + $20 per employee
  • Class 5: $1,600 + $20 per employee

Annually by January 1.

North Little Rock Business License - General Building Contractors

Agency:City of North Little Rock City Clerk and Treasurer (AR)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No

You must get a zoning certificate before applying for a business/privilege license in office. The zoning certificate is only valid for thirty (30) days after the issue date.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business License Registration Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Varies by class of construction activity. See Business License Fee Schedule for details.

Registration Renewal


Business License Applicatin (Renewal)


Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Varies by class of construction activity. See Business License Fee Schedule for details.


Annually by December 31.

Individual Licenses

Arkansas Individual Construction and Contracting Licenses

Arkansas Air Conditioning Electrician License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing - Electrical Inspection and Licensing Division

Initial Registration


Arkansas Electrician Application Form

Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Arkansas Alarm Systems Manager License

Agency:Arkansas State Police - Private Investigators / Security Companies / Alarm Installation & Monitoring Program

Initial Registration


New Manager form

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$40 license fee + $36.25 background check fee

Required Attachments:
  • If you are a non-US citizen, attach a current/valid proof of eligibility to work in the US
  • All applicants must have a background check
  • 2 Classifiable Finger Print Cards
  • Two current passport-style photos

Registration Renewal


Renewal - Manager form

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$40 renewal fee + $36.25 background check fee


Biennially by date of issuance

Required Attachments:
  • If you are a non-US citizen, attach a current/valid proof of eligibility to work in the US
  • All applicants must have a background check
  • 2 Classifiable Finger Print Cards
  • Two current passport-style photos

Arkansas Alarm Systems Technician License

Agency:Arkansas State Police - Private Investigators / Security Companies / Alarm Installation & Monitoring Program

Initial Registration


New Alarm Systems Technician Form (AT)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • If you are a non US citizen, attach a current/valid proof of elibility  to work in the US
  • All applicants must have a background check
  • 2 Classifiable Finger Print Cards
  • Two current passport style photos


Registration Renewal


Renewal Alarm Systems Technician Form (AT)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Biennially by date of issuance. 

Required Attachments:
  • If you are a non US citizen, attach a current/valid proof of elibility  to work in the US
  • All applicants must have a background check
  • 2 Classifiable Finger Print Cards
  • Two current passport style photos

Arkansas Apprentice Plumber License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Health - Plumbing & Natural Gas Program

Initial Registration


Arkansas Application for Apprentice Plumber

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.


Renewal notice is sent at the end of November; no application to complete.

Arkansas Asbestos Air Monitor Certification

Agency:Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality - Office of Air Quality

Initial Registration


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Certification Application (Renewal)

Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Arkansas Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor Certification

Agency:Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality - Office of Air Quality

Initial Registration


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Certification Application (Renewal)

Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Arkansas Asbestos Inspector Certification

Agency:Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality - Office of Air Quality

Initial Registration


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Certification Application (Renewal)

Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Arkansas Asbestos Management Planner Certification

Agency:Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality - Office of Air Quality

Initial Registration


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Certification Application (Renewal)

Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Arkansas Asbestos Project Designer Certification

Agency:Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality - Office of Air Quality

Initial Registration


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Certification Application (Renewal)

Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of last renewal.

Arkansas Asbestos Worker Certification

Agency:Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality - Office of Air Quality

Initial Registration


Asbestos Certification Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Certification Application (Renewal)

Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of last renewal.

Certificates of Competency, or Inspector Commissions, are issued to State and Insurance Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, authorizing them to do inspections within the State of Arkansas.

Arkansas Boiler Certificates of Competency

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing Boiler Inspection Division

Initial Registration


Application for Arkansas Commission

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

See fee schedule here. 

Registration Renewal


Application to the Commission 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by June 30. 

Arkansas Boiler Operator License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing Boiler Inspection Division

Low Pressure Boiler Operator Licenses allow operation of low pressure boilers only.

High Pressure Boiler Operator Licenses allow operation of both low and high pressure boilers.

Qualifying Individual Requirements:
  • Beginning February 1, 2011, there will be a $25.00 testing fee which must be prepaid before an applicant may take the examination.  If the applicant passes the test, this fee will be applied to the first year’s license.  If the applicant must re-test, there will be a $25.00 fee per test.  Upon passing the test, the fee for that test will be applied to the first year’s license. No refunds are given for testing fees.
  • 6 months training/experience under a licensed boiler operator is required prior to taking either examination. A DD214 form may be acceptable. Applications may be acquired through the Boiler Division. Completed applications must be brought to testing site at time of testing, and given to the state inspector who administers the test. 
  • The test is given in the Little Rock office on the first Monday of each month, unless the office is closed. Tests may be given at various dates at key locations around the state; please call for more information. Appointments are required to take the test at any location. Seating is limited, so please call in advance to ensure availability.

Initial Registration


Boiler Operator Registration Application, Boiler Operator Exam Study Guide 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



The training of any Boiler Operator remains the sole responsibility of the employer. Issuance of a license only indicates that the applicant has passed a
general written examination, pertaining to the operation of boilers. Act 1163 of 1997 requires the Boiler Inspection Division to transfer name, address, and social security number information on applicants to the Office of Child Support Enforcement. Social security numbers shall otherwise be maintained in a confidential manner as required by Act 1163 of 1997.

Registration Renewal


Boiler Operator Registration Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by date of issuance

Arkansas Class A HVAC Contractor License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing - HVAC/R Program

Initial Registration


HVAC/R Contractor Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


HVAC/R Contractor Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:





Renewal forms are sent in the mail prior to expiration.

Arkansas Class B HVAC Contractor License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing - HVAC/R Program

Initial Registration


HVAC/R Contractor Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


HVAC/R Contractor Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:





Renewal forms are sent in the mail prior to expiration.

Arkansas Class C (Service) HVAC Contractor License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing - HVAC/R Program

Initial Registration


HVAC/R Contractor Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


HVAC/R Contractor Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:





Renewal forms are sent in the mail prior to expiration.

Arkansas Class D (Sheetmetal) HVAC Contractor License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing - HVAC/R Program

Initial Registration


HVAC/R Contractor Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


HVAC/R Contractor Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:





Renewal forms are sent in the mail prior to expiration.

Arkansas Class E (Refrigeration) HVAC Contractor License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing - HVAC/R Program

Initial Registration


HVAC/R Contractor Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


HVAC/R Contractor Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:





Renewal forms are sent in the mail prior to expiration.

Arkansas Fire Protection License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing - Fire Protection Licensing Board

Initial Registration


Sprinkler Inspector Affidavit, Sprinkler Fitter Affidavit, Apprentice Permit,  Examination Application

  • All individuals working in the State of Arkansas must be licensed. The individual must be employed by a licensed company, submit a licensing application and pass an examination for each type system they wish to perform.
  • All examinations will be taken from the following editions of nfpa standards and is a timed, open book exam
    • Portable Fire Extinguisher NFPA 10 – 2010 Edition –– 2 hrs.

    • Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems (C02) NFPA 12 – 2011 Edition – 2 hrs.

    • Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems (Fixed) NFPA 17 ––– 2009 Edition

    • Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems (Fixed) NFPA 17A –– 2009 Edition

    • Fixed System Exam consist of both Dry and Wet Chemical, the exam time covers both. –2 hrs.

    • Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems NFPA 2001 – 2012 Edition –2 hrs.

    • Hydro Class “A” NFPA 10 –– 2010 Edition –2 hrs.

    • Hydro Class “B” NFPA 10 – 2010 Edition & NFPA 17A – 2009 Edition –2 hrs.
  • All examination candidates must take and pass the arkansas rules exam with a score of 80%. Exam will be taken from a.C.A.20-22-601. This exam is also 2hrs.
    • Applications should be received no later than one (1) week prior to testing date.

    • Should the requested test date not be available testing will be arranged for the next test date or for the date mutually agreed on between the AFPLB and the applicant and/or employer.

    • Individuals not able to test on the scheduled date must call the office as soon as possible to reschedule testing.

    • Testing is scheduled for the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Exceptions to the testing schedule will be Holidays and Board Meetings.

    • Testing will begin at 8:00 AM and continue until 4:30 PM.

    • Test results will be available on test date.

    • Test applications must be completed for each test.

    • Applications for a Class “A” Hydrostatic license must be accompanied by a copy of the current DOT approval letter with the individuals name & Company must accompany the application.

    • A score of at least 80% is required in order to pass each examination, except for Sprinkler Fitter examination which requires passing score of 70%.

    • To schedule an examination or obtain additional information please call 501-661-7903



Sprinkler Inspector NFPA 13 ––2010 Edition and NFPA 25 ––2011 Edition ––3 hrs. 


Sprinkler Fitter – NFPA 20, NFPA 24, NFPA 25(2011 Edition) NFPA 13, NFPA13R & NFPA 14. –3 hrs.


Responsible Managing Employee Sprinkler Rules and A.C.A.20-22-601––2 hrs.

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • Exam Application 
    • Portable Fire Extinguisher $60.00 
    • Fixed System Wet/Dry $60.00 
    • Fixed System CO2 $60.00
    • Fixed System Halon $60.00 
    • Clean Agent$60.00 
    • Class “A” $60.00 
    • Class “B” $60.00 
    • Fire Sprinkler Inspector $150.00 
    • Responsible Managing Employee $300.00
    • Sprinkler Fitter $50.00 
  • Apprentice Permit
    • Apprentice Permit (Dry/Wet Chemical Extinguisher) $15
    • Apprentice Sprinkler Permit $25
Required Attachments:
  • Sprinkler Inspector Affidavit
    • An Inspector or Fitter License Affidavit, which must be signed by the firm’s RME testifying to the competency of the individual’s training and having 6,000 hours of experience with fire protection sprinkler systems; or

    • Proof of completion of an approved three (3) year apprenticeship program with the US
      Dept. of Labor Fire Sprinkler Fitter Program in order to obtain a Fitter License; or

    • A minimum of a NICET Level II in Inspection and Testing of Water- Based Systems certificate or wallet card; or

    • Evidence of certification by a program approved by the Board.

Registration Renewal


Sprinkler Inspector Affidavit, Sprinkler Fitter Affidavit, Apprentice Permit,  Examination Application

Agency Fee:
  • Responsible Managing Employee License $300
  • Inspector License $150
  • Fitter License $50
  • Apprentice Permit $25
  • Portable License $30
  • Fixed License $30
  • Class A License $15
  • Class B License $10

Annually by June 30 or September 30


A certificate or license or permit expired for two years or more cannot be renewed.
A person whose license has been expired for two years or more and who applies for a new license must take and pass another examination(s), unless otherwise specified herein. No examination(s) is required for a license renewed within two years of expiration.

Arkansas Journeyman Electrician License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing - Electrical Inspection and Licensing Division

Initial Registration


Arkansas Electrician Application Form

Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Arkansas Journeyman Plumber License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Health - Plumbing & Natural Gas Program

Initial Registration


Application for Journeyman Plumber

Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

Registration Renewal

Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31.


Renewal notice is sent at the end of November; no application to complete.

Arkansas Master Electrician License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing - Electrical Inspection and Licensing Division

Initial Registration


Arkansas Electrician Application Form

Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Arkansas Master Plumber License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Health - Plumbing & Natural Gas Program

Initial Registration


Application for Master Plumber

Agency Fee:

$325 exam fee + $200 license fee

Notarization Required?:Required

Registration Renewal

Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31.


Renewal notice is sent at the end of November; no application to complete

Arkansas Residential Master Electrician License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing - Electrical Inspection and Licensing Division

Initial Registration


Arkansas Electrician Application Form

Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Arkansas Specialist Sign Electrician License

Agency:Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing - Electrical Inspection and Licensing Division

Initial Registration


Arkansas Electrician Application Form

Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Explore Licensing in Other States

Associated General Contractors of America
Professional association providing advocacy and organization for construction firms and workers.

National Association of Home Builders
National association for the promotion of the housing industry.

National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies
National organization that represents and promotes the interests of state level contractor licensing agencies.