50-State Construction Licensing Compliance Guide
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Pennsylvania Construction Licensing

A group of construction workers on site

Licenses are typically required for individuals and businesses that provide construction industry services. This guide contains information about construction industry licensing in Pennsylvania.

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Company Licenses
Individual Licenses

Company Licenses

Pennsylvania Construction and Contracting Company Licenses

Pennsylvania Asbestos Contractor Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Asbestos Contractor Certification Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Asbestos Contractor Certification Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Pennsylvania Electrical Contractor License

Not required

Electrical Contracting Company licensure is not required on the State level in Pennsylvania.

Electrical contractors are licensed at the local level in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania General Contractor License

Not required

General Contractor Company licensure is not required on the State level in Pennsylvania.

General Contractors are licensed at the county or city level.

Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor Registration

Agency:Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General - Bureau of Consumer Protection
Eligible Entity Types:
  • Corporations
  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Limited Partnerships
  • General Partnerships
  • Joint Ventures
  • Sole Proprietorships
  • Individuals

A registered agent is required for all out-of-state entities. 

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?Yes
Qualifying Individual Requirements:

Liability Insurance in amounts not less than $50,000 bodily harm (personal injury) and $50,000 property damage

Initial Registration


Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$50 license fee + $1.28 online processing fee

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Insurance

Registration Renewal


Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$50 license fee + $1.28 online processing fee


Biennially by the date of issuance.

Pennsylvania Lead Contractor Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Lead Occupations

Initial Registration


Pennsylvania Lead Contractor Certification

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Pennsylvania Lead Contractor Certification Renewal

Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Pennsylvania Mechanical Contractor License

Not required

Mechanical/HVAC Contractor Company licensure is not required on the State level in Pennsylvania.

Mechanical contractors are licensed at the local level in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania Plumbing Contractor License

Not required

Plumbing Contractor Company licensure is not required on the State level in Pennsylvania.

Plumbing contractors are licensed at the local level in Pennsylvania.

Local Construction and Contracting Company Licenses

City of Bethlehem Telecommunications Designation License

Agency:City of Bethlehem - Community and Economic Development Department - Code Enforcement Division (PA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Please call the city and request an application to be emailed to you

Filing Method:

Mail or in-person

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


There is no form to renew a telecommunications designation. Pay the annual fee and the designation will remain active.

Filing Method:

Mail or in-person

Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31.

Borough of Bristol Contractor Registration

Agency:Borough of Bristol - Code Enforcement (PA)

Borough of Bristol, Pa., Municipal Code § 13-501 — § 13-515.

Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:
  • Insurance is required in amounts not less than:
    • $50,000 per occurrence Public Liability
    • $50,000 per occurrence Products Liability
    • $50,000 per occurrence Property Damage
    • $50,000 per occurrence Worker's Compensation
  • Blasting and Demolition Insurance is required for blasting and demolition contractors with reasonable limits of such insurance to be determined by Inspector at the time of application
  • Insurance Carriers must be licensed to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

A Contractor's Registration is not required for residential work in the Borough of Bristol. Residential Contractors must show a current Certificate of Insurance when going to pull a permit. 

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Contractor Registration Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Certificate of Insurance

Registration Renewal


Contractor Registration Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31

Required Attachments:

Certificate of Insurance

Township of Bristol Contractor Registration

Agency:Township of Bristol - Building, Planning & Development Department (PA)

Township of Bristol, Pa., Municipal Code § 85-1. — § 85-16.

Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:
  • Insurance in amounts not less than:
    • $100,000 per occurrence Public Liability
    • $100,000 per occurrence Property Damage
    • $100,000 per occurrence Products Liability
  • Blasting and Demolition Insurance is required for blasting and demolition contractors and the reasonable amounts shall be determined by the Director at the time of application
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Application for Contractors Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Registration Renewal


Application for Contractor Registration (Renewal)

Renewal applications can omit the last page in the packet.

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • State License, if applicable

City of Chester Commercial Contractor License

Agency:City of Chester - Building Official's Office (PA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:
  • General Liability Insurance in amounts not less than $500,000 single limit or $1,000,000 aggregate
  • The City of Chester must be the certificate holder
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance for employees and completed operations
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Contractor License

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$120 contactor license fee (business check or money order only)

Notarization Required?:Required
Required Attachments:
  • Business Privilege License
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Proof of Worker's Compensation Insurance
  • Contractors License from another municipality OR
  • Letter with references that include the names and contract information of other employees for which the application has undertaken similar work

Registration Renewal


Contractor License (renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$120 contactor license fee (business check or money order only)


Annually by date of issuance

Required Attachments:
  • Business Privilege License
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Proof of Worker's Compensation Insurance

Borough of Conshohocken Commercial Contractor License

Agency:Borough of Conshohocken Licenses and Inspections Department (PA)

Borough Code of Ordinances

Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

The applicant must provide certificate of insurance, maintained at the expense of the applicant, as follows: no less than $100,000 to $300,000 for bodily injury; no less than $100,000 for property damage, public liability, and products liability; and at least $50,000 for completed operations, each of which shall have a single occurrence limit. Borough of Conshohocken must be noted as HOLDER. 

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Commercial Contractor License Registration Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Commercial Contractor License Renewal Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by date of issuance. 

Borough of Dunmore Contractor License

Agency:Borough of Dunmore - Code & Zoning Department (PA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:
  • General Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $500,000
  • The certificate holder must be listed as the Borough of Dunmore 400 S. Blakely Street Dunmore, PA 18512
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Application for Contractor License

Filing Method:

Mail or fax

Agency Fee:

$100 application fee

Required Attachments:

Certificate of Insurance

Registration Renewal


Application for Contractor License (Renewal)

Filing Method:

Mail or fax

Agency Fee:

$100 renewal fee


Annually by December 1

Required Attachments:

Certificate of Insurance

Eddystone Borough Contractor License

Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Attach a certificate insurance

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Contractor License Registration Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Contractor License Registration Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Contractor license are valid from the date of issuance to the end of the calendar year. 

Borough of Folcroft Contractor License

Agency:Borough of Folcroft - Administration (PA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:
  • Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $300,000 for general liability, property damage, product liability, and completed operations coverage.
  • Minimums for demolition and blasting contractors will be determined at the time of the application by the Borough Inspector or Engineer. 
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Contractor License

Filing Method:

Mail or fax

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal


Contractor License

Filing Method:

Mail or fax

Agency Fee:



Licenses expire annually on December 31 and must be renewed by January 1.

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance

Lower Gwynedd Contractor License

Agency:Lower Gwynedd Township Building and Zoning Department (PA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Certificate of insurance listing Lower Gwynedd Township 

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Contractor License Registration Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Contractor License Registration Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by August 31. 

Township of Marple Contractor License

Agency:Township of Marple (PA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:
  • Certificate of Insurance with Township named as certificate holder
  • Certificate of Self Insurance 
  • Affidavity of exemption from providing Workers' Compensation Insurance
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Registration Renewal


Contractor License Registraton Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31. 

Borough of Moosic Contractor License

Agency:Borough of Moosic - Zoning Office (PA)

Borough of Moosic, Pa., Municipal Code § 124.

Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:
  • Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than $100,000 per person and $300,000 per occurrence
  • Worker's Compensation as required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Contractor License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

The Judgement Statement (2nd page in application) MUST be notarized.

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Proof of Technical School Training
  • Proof of Practical Experience

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by date of issuance


There is no application form to renew a contractor registration in the Borough of Moosic. Provide the Zoning Office with an updated Certificate of Insurance and pay the required fee. 

Required Attachments:

Certificate of Insurance

Philadelphia Contractor License

Agency:City of Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections (PA)

Initial Registration


A Contractor License is required for any business doing work that:

  • Involves construction, demolition, or repair.
  • Does not require a specialized company license.

Some work requires a specialized license, including:

  • Complete demolition.
  • Electrical.
  • Fire suppression.
  • Plumbing.

You don’t need this license if your business only does work on existing one-or-two-family dwellings and does not do work that requires a special trade license. In that case, the company must instead register as a Home Improvement Contractor with the State.

Filing Method:

Online or In person

Before you Apply:
  • Business Income and Receipts Tax ID (BIRT)
  • Commercial Activity License
  • Insurance
  • You must provide a Certificate of Insurance that includes these minimum amounts:
    • General liability: $500,000 per occurrence
    • Automobile liability insurance: $300,000
    • Worker’s compensation:
      • $100,000 per accident
      • $100,000 per employee
      • $500,000 policy limit
  • Safety training
    • You must identify the supervisors responsible for construction projects. A supervisor can only be employed by one company. They must also show proof of completion of an approved OSHA 30 safety training course taken within five years of application date
  • Tax compliance
    • The contractor must be current on all City of Philadelphia taxes.
  • Operating requirements
    • The contractor must follow the contractor requirements laid out in the Contractor Operational Requirements.
How to Apply:

1 Upload all required documents. Applications are reviewed within five business days.
2 If the application is approved, you will receive a notice to pay the balance. If the application isn’t approved, you will receive an email stating what is missing or required.


1 Visit the Permit and License Center. L&I can review most applications while you wait.
2 L&I will either issue your license or request more information.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:

Online or In person


Renewals are due annually

Before you Apply:

To renew your license, you must:

  • Be current on all City of Philadelphia taxes.
  • Have proof of an active insurance policy.
  • Have eligible supervisor information on file with L&I.

Philadelphia Demolition Contractor License

Agency:City of Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections (PA)

Philadelphia Electrical Contractor License

Agency:City of Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections (PA)

Initial Registration


Electrical Contractor License

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$60 application fee + $160 license fee which is due upon application approval.

Registration Renewal


Electrical Contractor License (renewal)

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:




Philadelphia Plumber (Master) License

Agency:City of Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections (PA)

Initial Registration


Plumber (Master) License

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$150 application fee + $200 license fee which is due upon application approval.

Registration Renewal


Plumber (Master) License (renewal)

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:




Pittsburgh General Contractor License

Agency:City of Pittsburgh Department of Permits, Licenses, & Inspections (PA)

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Before you Apply:
  • Valid government-issued ID
  • City of Pittsburgh Tax Compliance Letter
  • Certificate of General Liability Insurance with blanket coverage+
    • A Certificate of Insurance showing general liability coverage for the applicant at the location where licensed activity will take place, and listing the City of Pittsburgh as the certificate holder and additionally insured. The insurance expiration date must be at least 30-days after the date of licensed activity start date. If not, please provide a documentation from your insurer showing intent to extend coverage and list the expiration date as thirty-one (31)days after the licensed activity start date. 
  • Certificate of Worker’s Compensation Insurance or Affidavit of Exemption
    • A Certificate of Insurance showing Worker's Compensation coverage for the applicant business and listing the City of Pittsburgh as the certificate holder. If the business does not have any employees, then upload a notarized statement attesting that there are no employees.  
      Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections Workers' Compensation Exemption Affidavit.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.


A 60 day grace period begins when your license expires. A late fee will be charged the day after your license expires. If your license is not renewed within 60 days of expiration, it is considered lapsed and closed. All contractor and trade licenses expire a year from the date of issuance.

Before you Apply:
  • Valid government-issued ID
  • City of Pittsburgh Tax Compliance Letter
  • Certificate of General Liability Insurance with blanket coverage
    • A Certificate of Insurance showing general liability coverage for the applicant at the location where licensed activity will take place, and listing the City of Pittsburgh as the certificate holder and additionally insured. The insurance expiration date must be at least 30-days after the date of licensed activity start date. If not, please provide a documentation from your insurer showing intent to extend coverage and list the expiration date as thirty-one (31)days after the licensed activity start date. 
  • Certificate of Worker’s Compensation Insurance or Affidavit of Exemption
    • A Certificate of Insurance showing Worker's Compensation coverage for the applicant business and listing the City of Pittsburgh as the certificate holder. If the business does not have any employees, then upload a notarized statement attesting that there are no employees.  
      Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections Workers' Compensation Exemption Affidavit.

Pittsburgh Sign Contractor License

Agency:City of Pittsburgh Department of Permits, Licenses, & Inspections (PA)

Radnor Township Contractor License

Agency:Township of Radnor Community Development Department (PA)

Ord. No. 2020-24

Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Current Certificate of Insurance with $500,000 minimum each occurrence on the generalliability and a thirty (30) day cancellation notice. Radnor Township must be listed as the “Certificate Holder”.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Requirement Notes:

General and Mechanical Contractors: copy of State License or license from another township

Electricians and Plumbers: must submit proof of “Master” certification. A license from another township stating “Master” will be accepted. By Ordinance, Radnor Township requires a“Master” license

Initial Registration


Contractor License Registration Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Contractor License Registration Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by date of issuance. 

Township of Springfield Plumber Contractor License

Agency:Township of Springfield Code Enforcement Department (PA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

Insurance requirements are separated in sections on application. 

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Township of Springfield Plumbing Contractor's License

Agency:Township of Springfield Code Enforcement Department (PA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Plumber Contractor License Registration Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Plumber Contractor License Registratino Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by September 31. 


[Amended 12-9-1975 by Ord. No. 931]

Tredyffrin Township Contractor Registration

Initial Registration


Contractor Registration Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

A $75.00 registration fee is required for new home builders and all Commercial contractors.

Registration Renewal


Contractor License Registration (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

A $75.00 registration fee is required for new home builders and all Commercial contractors.


Annually by December 31. 

Upper Darby Township Contractor License

Agency:Upper Darby Township (PA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

A certificate of insurance with a minimum liability policy of 500K per occurrence must be faxed to (610)-734-7638 listing Upper Darby Township as a certificate holder in order to complete this application.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Contractor License Registration Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Residential Compnay $0, but provide state license number. 

Commericial Compnay Registration $100

Master Electrician or Plumber $50 

Apprentice or Journeyman $15

Registration Renewal


Contractor License Renewal Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Residential Compnay registration $0, but provide state license number. 

Commercial Company registration $100

Master Electrician or Plumber $50 

Apprentice or Journeyman $15


Annually by March 30. 

Upper Merion Township Contractor Registration

Agency:Upper Merion Township - Code Enforcement Department (PA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:
  • Liability Insurance with coverage for public liability, property damage, products liability, and completed operations in an amount not less than $300,000 single occurrence (all contractors except demolition) 
  • Liability Insurance with coverage for public liability, property damage, products liability, and completed operations in an amount not less than $1,500,000 single occurrence (demolition contractors)
  • The Certificate holder must be Upper Merion Township
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • $50 application fee (commercial contractors)
  • $25 application fee (residential contractors)
  • $90 license fee (all contractors)
Required Attachments:
  • Business Privilege License
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$90 license fee


Annually by date of issuance

Required Attachments:
  • Business Privilege License
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance

Whitemarsh Township Contractor Registration

Insurance Requirements:

Contractors must be able to show proof of workers' compensation insurance, designating Whitemarsh Township as a certificate holder. Contractors who are self-employed or meet the criteria outlined in the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Law for exemption from providing Workers' Compensation should fill out the Workers Compensation Exemption Form.

Initial Registration

Agency Fee:

There are no fees to register except for plumbers, who have a $50 registration fee.

Required Attachments:

License of Master Plumber if applicable.

Registration Renewal

Agency Fee:

There are no fees to register except for plumbers, who have a $50 registration fee.


Annually by date of issuance. 

Required Attachments:

License of Master Plumber if applicable.

City of Williamsport Contractor Registration - Building

Agency:Williamsport City Hall - Bureau of Codes (PA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Contractor Registration Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$80 for a one-year registration, $120 for a two-year registration, or $175 for a three-year registration.

Registration Renewal


General Contractor License Registration Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$80 for a one-year registration, $120 for a two-year registration, or $175 for a three-year registration.


Annually, biennially, or triennially by December 31 depending on the renewal cycle selected by the registrant.

Individual Licenses

Pennsylvania Individual Construction and Contracting Licenses

Pennsylvania Asbestos Building Inspector and Management Planner Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety

Initial Registration


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $205.79; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $411.59


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Registration Renewal


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification (Renewal)

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $205.79; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $411.59


Annually by the date of training completion.


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Pennsylvania Asbestos Building Inspector Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety

Initial Registration


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $205.79; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $411.59


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Registration Renewal


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification (Renewal)

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $205.79; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $411.59


Annually by the date of training completion.


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Pennsylvania Asbestos Contractor Certification (Individual)

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety

Initial Registration


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $341.01; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $682.06

Registration Renewal


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification (Renewal)

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $341.01; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $682.06


Annually by the date of training completion.

Pennsylvania Asbestos Management Planner Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety

Initial Registration


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $205.79; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $411.59


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Registration Renewal


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification (Renewal)

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $205.79; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $411.59


Annually by the date of training completion.


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Pennsylvania Asbestos Project Designer Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety

Initial Registration


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $205.79; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $411.59


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Registration Renewal


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification (Renewal)

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $205.79; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $411.59


Annually by the date of training completion.


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Pennsylvania Asbestos Supervisor and Contractor Certification (Individual)

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety

Initial Registration


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $341.04; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $682.06


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Registration Renewal


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification (Renewal)

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $341.04; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $682.06


Annually by the date of training completion.


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Pennsylvania Asbestos Supervisor Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety

Initial Registration


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $68.21; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $136.41


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Registration Renewal


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification (Renewal)

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $68.21; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $136.41


Annually by the date of training completion.


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Pennsylvania Asbestos Worker Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety

Initial Registration


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $35.28; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $70.56


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Registration Renewal


Application For Asbestos Occupation Certification (Renewal)

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $35.28; 6 months or more left on training certificate: $70.56


Annually by the date of training completion.


All but the contractor certification application forms require the applicant to include her/his latest training information and the certificate for this training.

Pennsylvania Crane Operator License

Agency:Pennsylvania Board of Crane Operators

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Must pass exam before applying for license. Must also submit a copy of physician's certification of examination

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



By October 31 of even-numbered years.

Pennsylvania Crane Operator Trainee License

Agency:Pennsylvania Board of Crane Operators

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Must pass exam before applying for license. Must also submit a copy of physician's certification of examination

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



By October 31 of even-numbered years.

Pennsylvania Lead Building Inspector and Risk Assessor Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Lead Occupations

Initial Registration


Lead Building Inspector and Risk Assessor Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $181.35; 6 months or more left on training certicate: $362.71


Must complete training course before applying

Registration Renewal


Lead Building Inspector and Risk Assessor Certification Renewal

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $181.35; 6 months or more left on training certicate: $362.71


Annually by the date of last training completed.

Pennsylvania Lead Building Inspector Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Lead Occupations

Initial Registration


Lead Building Inspector Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $181.35; 6 months or more left on training certicate: $362.71


Must complete training course before applying

Registration Renewal


Lead Building Inspector Certification Renewal

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $181.35; 6 months or more left on training certicate: $362.71


Annually by the date of last training completed.

Pennsylvania Lead Project Designer Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Lead Occupations

Initial Registration


Lead Project Designer Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $181.35; 6 months or more left on training certicate: $362.71

Registration Renewal


Lead Project Designer Certification Renewal

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $181.35; 6 months or more left on training certicate: $362.71


Annually by the date of last training completed.

Pennsylvania Lead Risk Assessor Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Lead Occupations

Initial Registration


Lead Risk Assessor Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $181.35; 6 months or more left on training certicate: $362.71

Registration Renewal


Lead Risk Assessor Certification Renewal

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $181.35; 6 months or more left on training certicate: $362.71


Annually by the date of last training completed.

Pennsylvania Lead Supervisor Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Lead Occupations

Initial Registration


Lead Supervisor Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $60.11; 6 months or more left on training certicate: $120.21

Registration Renewal


Lead Supervisor Certification Renewal

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $60.11; 6 months or more left on training certicate: $120.21


Annually by the date of last training completed.

Pennsylvania Lead Worker Certification

Agency:Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Lead Occupations

Initial Registration


Lead Worker Certification

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $31.09; 6 months or more left on training certicate: $62.18

Registration Renewal


Lead Worker Certification Renewal

Agency Fee:

Less than 6 months left on training certificate: $31.09; 6 months or more left on training certicate: $62.18


Annually by the date of last training completed.

Local Construction and Contracting Individual Licenses

Allentown Installer/Special Electrician License

Agency:Allentown Building Standards & Safety (PA)

Allentown Journeyman Electrician License

Agency:Allentown Building Standards & Safety (PA)

Allentown Journeyman Plumber License

Agency:Allentown Building Standards & Safety (PA)

Allentown Master Electrician License

Agency:Allentown Building Standards & Safety (PA)

Allentown Master Plumber License

Agency:Allentown Building Standards & Safety (PA)

Allentown Residential Electrician License

Agency:Allentown Building Standards & Safety (PA)

Allentown Sheet Metal Systems Apprentice Permit

Agency:Allentown Building Standards & Safety (PA)

Allentown Sheet Metal Systems Technician License

Agency:Allentown Building Standards & Safety (PA)

Allentown Telecommunication Electrician License

Agency:Allentown Building Standards & Safety (PA)

City of Bethlehem Master Electrician License

Agency:City of Bethlehem - Community and Economic Development Department - Code Enforcement Division (PA)
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Please call the city and request an application to be emailed to you

Filing Method:

Mail or in-person

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Proof of passing grade for the relevant ICC Exam

Registration Renewal


There is no form to renew an electrician's license. Pay the annual fee and the license will remain active.

Filing Method:

Mail or in-person

Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31.

City of Bethlehem Residential Electrician License

Agency:City of Bethlehem - Community and Economic Development Department - Code Enforcement Division (PA)
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Please call the city and request an application to be emailed to you

Filing Method:

Mail or in-person

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Proof of passing grade for the relevant ICC Exam

Registration Renewal


There is no form to renew an electrician's license. Pay the annual fee and the license will remain active.

Filing Method:

Mail or in-person

Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31.

Eddystone Borough Contractor License

Agency:Eddystone Borough Code and Zoning Department (PA)
Insurance Requirements:

Attach a certificate insurance

Initial Registration


Contractor License Registration Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Contractor License Registration Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by date of issuance. 

City of Harrisburg Master Electrician License

Agency:City of Harrisburg Bureau of Codes (PA)
Insurance Requirements:

General Liability Insurance (no minimum) 

Initial Registration


Electrical License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$125 license fee

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$125 license renewal fee


Annually by January 1


$30 late fee + reexamination if renewed more than 30 days after expiration of license


Renewal notices and instructions will be mailed prior to the expiration of the license

Required Attachments:
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance

Lancaster Apprentice Plumber License

Agency:City of Lancaster Board of Plumber Examiners (PA)

Lancaster Journeyman Plumber License

Agency:City of Lancaster Board of Plumber Examiners (PA)

Lancaster Master Plumber License

Agency:City of Lancaster Board of Plumber Examiners (PA)

Philadelphia Master Plumber License

Agency:City of Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections (PA)
Insurance Requirements:

You must provide a Certificate of Insurance that includes these minimum amounts:

  • General Liability: $500,000 per occurrence
  • Automobile Liability Insurance: $300,000
  • Worker’s Compensation:
    • $100,000 per accident
    • $100,000 per employee
    • $500,000 policy limit
Qualifying Individual Requirements:
  • To qualify, you must be registered as a Philadelphia Journeyman Plumber for a minimum of one year.
  • Alternatively, you may submit proof of a similar authorization granted by any other state or local jurisdiction with equal or greater qualification requirements. This is subject to approval by the Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I).

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by date of issuance. 

Philadelphia Plumber (Apprentice) License

Agency:City of Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections (PA)

Philadelphia Sheet Metal (Apprentice) License

Agency:City of Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections (PA)

Philadelphia Sheet Metal (Technician) License

Agency:City of Philadelphia Department of Licenses and Inspections (PA)

City of Pittsburgh Electrical Trade License

Agency:City of Pittsburgh Department of Permits, Licenses, & Inspections (PA)

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Valid Government-issued photo ID
  • Certificate of proof of passing the certified standardized test
  • A resume or document establishing a minimum of 6 years of a combination of experience and education
    • Education includes a degree or certification of attainment in electrical wiring or a related field from an accredited school or apprenticeship program
    • Experience must be accompanied by a statement from an employer or licensed electrician attesting to such experience. For those who are self-employed a notarized statement must be  provided attesting to such experience

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Required Attachments:
  • Proof of completing 8 hours of continuing education within the previous 12 months from the license renewal date
    • Proof must consist of documentation including the names of the training activities, the date(s) of the training, who provided the training, and the number of contact hours for each training activity

Pittsburgh Mechanical/HVAC Trade License

Agency:City of Pittsburgh Department of Permits, Licenses, & Inspections (PA)

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Plymouth Township Master Plumber License

Agency:Plymouth Township Code Enforcement Department (PA)
Requirement Notes:

Applicant must supply proof of liability workman comp. insurance along with
proof of examining board certification.

Registration Renewal


Master Plumber License Registration Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31. 

Reading ACP Plumber License

Agency:Reading Plumbing Board of Examiners (PA)

Reading AIE Electrician License

Agency:Reading Electricians' Examining Board (PA)

Reading AIP Plumber License

Agency:Reading Plumbing Board of Examiners (PA)

Reading Journeyman Electrician License

Agency:Reading Electricians' Examining Board (PA)

Reading Journeyman Mechanical License

Agency:Reading Building & Trades Division (PA)

Reading Journeyman Plumber License

Agency:Reading Plumbing Board of Examiners (PA)

Reading Master Electrician License

Agency:Reading Electricians' Examining Board (PA)

Reading Master Plumber License

Agency:Reading Plumbing Board of Examiners (PA)

Reading Mechanical Contractor License

Agency:Reading Building & Trades Division (PA)

Reading Sprinkler Contractor License

Agency:Reading Building & Trades Division (PA)

Reading Sprinkler Installer License

Agency:Reading Building & Trades Division (PA)

Upper Darby Township Contractor License

Agency:Upper Darby Township (PA)
Insurance Requirements:

A certificate of insurance with a minimum liability policy of 500K per occurrence must be faxed to (610)-734-7638 listing Upper Darby Township as a certificate holder in order to complete this application.

Initial Registration


Contractor License Registration Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Master Electrician or Plumber $50, Apprentice or Journeyman $15

Registration Renewal


Contractor License Renewal Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Master Electrician or Plumber $50, Apprentice or Journeyman $15


Annually by March 30. 

City of Washington Master Plumber License

Agency:Washington City Clerk's Office (PA)

Initial Registration


Master Plumber License Registration Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



City of Washington, PA Plumbing Code 

Bond Amount:


Registration Renewal


Master Plumber License Registration Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31.

Westtown Township Master Plumber License

Agency:Westtown Township (PA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Requirement Notes:

All applications for a master plumber license, whether a company or individual must be accompanited by a current registration, in the name of the individual, from a first or second class township, or a third class city and a copy of company state license. 

Initial Registration


Master Plumber License Registration Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

 Master Plumber $35 

Registration Renewal


Master Plumber License Renewal Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31. 

Whitpain Township Plumber License

Agency:Whitpain Township (PA)

Initial Registration


Plumber License Registration Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Plumber License Registration Application (Renewal)

Agency Fee:



Six months from datue of issuance. 

Allegheny County Master Plumber License

Agency:Allegheny County Health Department - Plumbing Program (PA)

Initial Registration


Journeymen wanting to take the Master Plumber Examination must complete two full years of work experience as a journeyman and make an application to the Plumbing Program. Once their application is accepted, candidates can take the exam. The exam is administered twice a year (spring and fall).

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Agency Fee:



Annually on the plumber's date of birth.

Explore Licensing in Other States

Associated General Contractors of America
Professional association providing advocacy and organization for construction firms and workers.

National Association of Home Builders
National association for the promotion of the housing industry.

National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies
National organization that represents and promotes the interests of state level contractor licensing agencies.