50-State Engineering Licensing Compliance Guide
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Mississippi Engineering Industry Licensing

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Licensing requirements for engineering industry firms and individuals in Mississippi.

This page provides an overview of engineering industry licensing in Mississippi for individuals and firms. You will find state requirements, application fees, filing instructions, and more. For assistance with licensing, please contact us to learn about our software and managed license services.

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Company Licenses
Individual Licenses

Company Licenses

Mississippi Engineering Company Licenses

Mississippi Engineering Certificate of Authorization

Agency:Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

Mississippi Code § 73-13-43

Eligible Entity Types:
  • Business Corporations
  • Professional Corporations
  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Professional Limited Liability Companies
  • Partnerships
  • Limited Liability Partnerships
  • Professional Associations
Ownership Requirements:

Business Corporations:

  • At least one officer or individual who has management responsibility for the practice and who makes significant technical and/or contractual judgments on behalf of the firm must be an engineer licensed in Mississippi.

Professional Corporations:

  • At least one officer or individual who has management responsibility for the practice and who makes significant technical and/or contractual judgments on behalf of the firm must be an engineer licensed in Mississippi.
  • Ownership shares can only be issued to:
    • Individuals who are authorized by law in Mississippi or another state to render a professional service described in the corporation’s articles of incorporation;
    • Professional corporations, domestic or foreign, authorized by law in Mississippi to render a professional service described in the corporation’s articles of incorporation;
    • Any other individual or entity if expressly authorized by the licensing authority having jurisdiction over the professional services described in the articles of incorporation of the professional corporation;
    • General partnerships in which all the partners are individuals or entities otherwise authorized by any of the above points to be shareholders of a professional corporation.

Limited Liability Companies:

  • At least one member or individual who has management responsibility for the practice and who makes significant technical and/or contractual judgments on behalf of the firm must be an engineer licensed in Mississippi.

Professional Limited Liability Companies:

  • At least one member or individual who has management responsibility for the practice and who makes significant technical and/or contractual judgments on behalf of the firm must be an engineer licensed in Mississippi.
  • Membership is limited to:
    • Individuals who are authorized by law in Mississippi or another state to render a professional service described in the limited liability company’s certificate of formation;
    •  A professional limited liability company, domestic or foreign, authorized by law in Mississippi to render a professional service described in the limited liability company’s certificate of formation;
    • A professional limited liability partnership, domestic or foreign, authorized by law in Mississippi to render a professional service described in the limited liability partnership’s certificate of registration;
    • Any other individual or entity if expressly authorized by the licensing authority having jurisdiction over the professional services described in the certificate of formation of the professional limited liability company;
    • General partnerships in which all the partners are individuals or entities otherwise authorized by any of the above points to be members of a professional limited liability company.


  • At least one partner or individual who has management responsibility for the practice and who makes significant technical and/or contractual judgments on behalf of the firm must be an engineer licensed in Mississippi.

Initial Registration

This section applies to engineering firms that are applying for a license in Mississippi for the first time. If you already have a license and are looking to renew it, please see the renewal section.


Certificate of Authority Application

Agency Fee:



6-8 weeks

Before you Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  • Identify a Mississippi licensed engineer to act as the individual in responsible charge of the firm's engineering activities in Mississippi.
  • Ensure that your business entity meets ownership requirements.

Foreign Applicants:

  • Identify a Mississippi licensed engineer to act as the individual in responsible charge of the firm's engineering activities in Mississippi.
  • Ensure that your Mississippi entity meets ownership requirements.
  • Obtain a certificate of good standing from your business entity's home state (to be filed during the foreign qualification process). The certificate cannot be more than 60 days old when filing foreign qualification documents.
How to Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  1. File a Certificate of Authority Application with the Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors.
  2. Create an online account to file entity formation documents with the Mississippi Secretary of State (if your entity's name contains some form of the word "engineers" you may need to submit a copy of your board-issued firm license).

Foreign Applicants:

  1. File a Certificate of Authority Application with the Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors.
  2. Create an online account to file foreign qualification documents with the Mississippi Secretary of State (if your entity's name contains some form of the word "engineers" you may need to submit a copy of your board-issued firm license).

Registration Renewal

This section applies to engineering firms that are already licensed in Mississippi and need to renew their license.

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$100 renewal fee + $4.24 processing and service fee


Biennially by December 31. Licensees initially licensed in an even-numbered year renew every even-numbered year. Licensees initially licensed in an odd-numbered year renew every odd-numbered year.

Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required

The steps to renew a Certificate of Authorization if a firm faced disciplinary action is as follows: 

  1. Call the board to get the email of the processor for the renewal.
  2. Send the disciplinary action documentation to the provided email
  3. The board will review the documentation at their next board meeting
  4. If the board approves moving forward with the renewal the processor will email a manual renewal form
  5. Complete the form and mail it to the board with renewal payment and another copy of the disciplinary action documentation
Required Attachments:
  • List of officers, managers, or partners of the firm including addresses
  • Disclosure of disciplinary actions taken against individuals acting as qualifying individuals (if applicable)



Engineering Certificate of Authority Application (Amendment)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Within 30 days of the effective date of the change.



Engineering Certificate of Authority Application (Relicensure)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Mississippi Geology Firm License

Not required

Geoscience Firm licensure is not required on the State level in Mississippi.

More information: Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional Geologists

Mississippi Land Surveying Certificate of Authorization

Agency:Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

Mississippi Code 73-13-3

Eligible Entity Types:

Mississippi allows surveying firms to practice under most entity types, including corporations, professional corporations, LLCs, professional LLCs, partnerships, limited partnerships, and limited liability partnerships.

Initial Registration


Certificate of Authority Application

Agency Fee:


How to Apply:
  1. Secretary of State: Application for Registration of a Foreign Company
  2. Board of Professional Engineers and Surveyors: Certificate of Authority

EXCEPTION: If the name of the firm (or the firm's purpose clause) contain the word “survey” or any modification or derivation thereof, must submit, and have approved, a certificate of authority application to the Board prior to registering with the Secretary of State.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$100 renewal fee + $4.24 processing and service fee


Biennially by December 31. Licensees initially licensed in an even-numbered year renew every even-numbered year. Licensees initially licensed in an odd-numbered year renew every odd-numbered year.

Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required

Individual Licenses

Mississippi Individual Engineering Licenses

Mississippi Engineer Intern Enrollment

Agency:Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

Initial Registration


Engineer Intern Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:


Renewal Not Required

Not required

Mississippi Geologist-In-Training Enrollment

Agency:Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional Geologists

Initial Registration


FG Assessment Exam Proctoring Fee Form

Agency Fee:

$25 application fee + $200 exam fee + $ 35 proctor fee

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31.

Mississippi Professional Engineer License

Agency:Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors
Exam Required?Yes
Allow Digital Signatures?Yes
Digital Signature Guidelines:

Mississippi does not prohibit or restrict digital seals and signatures. Mississippi does not have rules to dictate where you sign your name (across, under, or next to your seal), nor is there a rule regarding the placement of the date.

Seal & Signature Guidance

Allow Digital Sealing?Yes
Digital Sealing Guidelines:

See digital signing guidelines.

Initial Registration


Professional Engineer Instructions

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Biennially by December 31. Licensees initially licensed in an even-numbered year renew every even-numbered year. Licensees initially licensed in an odd-numbered year renew every odd-numbered year.

Mississippi Professional Geologist Registration

Agency:Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional Geologists
Allow Digital Signatures?No
Digital Signature Guidelines:

Mississippi does not have provisions for the use of electronic signatures.

Allow Digital Sealing?No
Digital Sealing Guidelines:

Mississippi does not have provisions for the use of digital seals.

Initial Registration


FG and PG Exam Proctoring Fee Form

Agency Fee:

$200 application fee

Reciprocal Registration

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by December 31.

Mississippi Professional Surveyor License

Agency:Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

Initial Registration


Initial PS Application Form

Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

Reciprocal Registration

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Biennially by December 31. Licensees initially licensed in an even-numbered year renew every even-numbered year. Licensees initially licensed in an odd-numbered year renew every odd-numbered year.

Mississippi Surveyor Intern Enrollment

Agency:Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

Renewal Not Required

Not required

Enrollment as engineer intern or surveyor intern does not expire.

Learn about engineering licensing in other states:

Design Firm - Engineering firm registration is sometimes grouped with architecture and land surveying on a single “design firm” application form.

EI (Engineering Intern) - A term also used to describe an Engineer in Training.

EIT (Engineer in Training) - A professional designation granted upon having completed at least 3 years of school at an ABET-accredited university and having passed the FE exam.

FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) - An exam testing on basic engineering principles that is required to become an engineer in training.

PE (Professional Engineer or 'Principles and Practice in Engineering') - Means either Professional Engineer or refers to the Principles and Practice in Engineering exam that is a prerequisite for an engineering license.

Reciprocity - When a licensed engineer in one state can provide documentation (often an NCEES Record) to more easily apply for a license in another jurisdiction.

Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
Accrediting board that sets standards for university programs in a variety of applied science disciplines.

American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)
Engineering, architecture, and land surveying advocacy group.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Organization that provides continuing education, professional conferences, and advocacy efforts to the civil engineering community.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Mechanical engineering organization that focuses on education and professional development.

Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC)
Reviews accreditation requirements and makes final decisions regarding the accreditation process.

National Council of Examiners for Engineering & Surveying (NCEES)
Develops, administers, and scores the exams used for engineering licenses.

National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
NSPE is an advocacy group for professional engineers.