50-State Engineering Licensing Compliance Guide
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Alaska Engineering Industry Licensing

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Licensing requirements for engineering industry firms and individuals in Alaska.

This page provides an overview of engineering industry licensing in Alaska for individuals and firms. You will find state requirements, application fees, filing instructions, and more. For assistance with licensing, please contact us to learn about our software and managed license services.

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Company Licenses
Individual Licenses

Company Licenses

Alaska Engineering Company Licenses

Alaska Certificate of Authorization for Corporate, LLC, or LLP Practice

Agency:Alaska State Board of Registration for Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors

AS § 08.48.241

Eligible Entity Types:
  • Business Corporations
  • Professional Corporations
  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Partnerships
  • Limited Liability Partnerships
Ownership Requirements:

Business Corporations:

  • Officers and directors need not be licensed, but the corporation must appoint an Alaska licensed individual to be responsible for all professional activities undertaken by the firm.

Professional Corporations:

  • All of the incorporators, directors, and shareholders must have an Alaska-issued license in the profession practiced by the corporation.

Limited Liability Companies:

  • Members need not be licensed, but the LLC must appoint an Alaska licensed individual to be responsible for all professional activities undertaken by the firm.


  • Each member of a partnership must be an Alaska licensed design professional.

Limited Liability Partnerships:

  • Partners need not be licensed, but the LLP must appoint an Alaska licensed individual to be responsible for all professional activities undertaken by the firm.

Initial Registration


Certificate of Authorization for Corporate LLC, or LLP Practice

Filing Method:

Mail or fax.

Agency Fee:

$200 application fee + $300 registration fee


An email confirmation will be sent within 5 business days; final approval by the board is sent within 60 days. The typical turnaround time is 10-15 business days.

Before you Apply:

Domestic and Foreign Applicants:

  1. A certified notarized copy of amendment showing compliance with AS 08.48.241(b)(1)
  2. A certified notarized copy of resolution by the corporation’s board of directors, the LLC’s managing members or manager, or the LLP’s general partners designating the Alaska-registered person(s) in responsible charge for each field or branch of service offered.
  3. A certified sealed statement (found in application packet) from the Alaska-registered person(s) designated in responsible charge.
  4. Documentation of corporation, LLC, or LLP’s experience i.e., a company brochure or statement of experience. If the company is new, provide a resume of each person in responsible charge.
How to Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  1. Register your business with the Corporations, Business, & Professional Licensing - Corporations Section.
  2. File a Certificate of Authorization application with the Board of Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors.

Foreign Applicants:

  1. Foreign qualify your business (unless exempt) with the Corporations, Business, & Professional Licensing - Corporations Section.

  2. File a Certificate of Authorization application with the Board of Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors.
Required Attachments:
  • Entity number/Certificate of registration from the State of Alaska’s Division of Corporations, or, if you are an out-of-state company, a letter from an officer explaining how the company meets a corporate exemption.
  • Authorization for Release of Records
  • Certified notarized copy of amendment showing compliance with AS 08.48.241(b)(1)
  • Certified notarized copy of resolution by the corporation’s board of directors, the LLC’s managing members or manager, or the LLP’s general partners designating the Alaska-registered person(s) in responsible charge for each field or branch of service offered
  • Certified sealed statement from the Alaska-registered person(s) designated in responsible charge.
  • Documentation of corporation, LLC, or LLP’s experience i.e., a company brochure or statement of experience. If the company is new, please provide a resume of each person in responsible charge.

Registration Renewal


Biennial Certificate of Authorization Renewal for Corporate LLC or LLP Practice

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$300. Firms that obtained a license in the second half of the renewal period and are renewing for the first time pay a prorated fee of $150.


4-6 weeks


By December 31 of odd-numbered years.



Required Attachments:
  • List of licensees in responsible charge of the firm's professional services
  • Disclosure of disciplinary actions taken against individuals in leadership roles or acting as qualifying individuals (if applicable)



Application for Amendment for Certificate of Authorization for Corporate, LLC, or LLP Practice

Agency Fee:



Within 30 days of the effective date of the change.


The amendment form is used to report changes to:

  • Your corporate name
  • The person(s) designated in responsible charge
  • Added endorsements for field(s) of practice
  • Altered ownership of the corporation/ the membership of the limited liability company/ or the partners of the limited liability partnership.
Required Attachments:

Attachments needed if you have a change in corporate, LLP, or LLP name:

  • Photocopy of certificate from the Corporations section of the Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing showing the new corporate, LLC, or LLP name.
  • Certified notarized copy of the corporate board of directors, the managing members or manager of the LLC, or the general partners of the LLP’s resolution to change the name.


Attachments needed if you have a change in person(s) designated in Responsible Charge:

  • Certified notarized copy of the corporate board of directors, the managing members or manager of the LLC, or the general partners of the LLP’s resolution designating the current Alaska-registered professional in responsible charge for each branch of practice.
  • Certified statement from person(s) designated as being in responsible charge.


Attachments needed if you have a change in field(s) of practice:

  • Certified notarized copy of the amendment to corporate, LLC or LLP bylaws indicating each field in which the corporation, LLC, or LLP wishes to practice.
  • Certified notarized copy of the corporate board of directors’ resolution, the managing members or manager of the LLC, or the general partners of the LLP’s resolution designating the current Alaska-registered professional in charge for each branch of practice.


Agency Fee:

$300 for licenses expired for less than 5 years and $500 for licenses expired for 5 years or more.


License expired under 5 years follow the standard renewal procedure. Licenses lapsed more than 5 years must submit a new license application.

Alaska Geology Firm License

Not required

Geoscience Firm licensure is not required on the State level in Alaska.

More information: Alaska Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing - Geologist Section

Individual Licenses

Alaska Individual Engineering Licenses

Alaska Land Surveyor Registration

Agency:Alaska State Board of Registration for Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors

Initial Registration


Land Surveyor by Exam Registration Application

Agency Fee:

$200 application fee + $100 registration fee + $100 exam fee.

Notarization Required?:Required

Reciprocal Registration

Registration Renewal


Biennial Registration Renewal

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$100 for active registrations and $50 for registrations issued in the second half of the biennial renewal period during their first renewal.


By December 31 of odd-numbered years.

Alaska Professional Engineer License

Agency:Alaska State Board of Registration for Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors
Exam Required?Yes
Allow Digital Signatures?Yes
Digital Signature Guidelines:

The registrant must include the date each time the registrant signs and seals a document by electronically or manually inserting the date within the seal or within two inches of the seal.

12 AAC 36.185(d)

Allow Digital Sealing?Yes
Digital Sealing Guidelines:

A registrant must validate the seal on a document that has either: 1) An original handwritten signature over each seal; or 2) An electronic image of the original handwritten signature and a digital signature, both of which must be affixed to the document and meet the following requirements:

A) The electronic image must be permanently affixed to each seal on the document directly over the seal of the registrant; B) The digital signature must be:

i) Unique to the registrant using it; ii) Capable of verification; iii) Under the exclusive control of the registrant using it; and iv) Linked to a document in such a manner that the digital signature is invalidated if the document is changed.

12 AAC 36.185(f)


Initial Registration


Engineer by Exam Registration Application

Agency Fee:

$200 application fee + $100 registration fee

Reciprocal Registration


Application for Engineer by Comity

  • Original application form completely and accurately filled in, signed and notarized. Missing information will cause delays in processing or a return of the application.
  • All applicable fees (application and registration) in check or money order payable to the State of Alaska, or use the attached credit card payment form.
  • Be sure to sign and date your application.
  • Engineers may also be required to have a state business license. Contact Business Licensing at (907) 465-2550, or online at: BusinessLicense@Alaska.Gov
Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$200 application fee + $100 registration fee = $300


Applications are processed according to the date received. The Board meets four times a year, usually in February, May, August, and November. Board meeting dates are posted on the Board’s website. 

  • Alaska does NOT offer reciprocity (written agreement) with any other state or country
Required Attachments:
  • Transcripts, exam and registration verification 
    • Verification of NCEES exams and current registration in at least one other state must be submitted directly from the state board(s) to our office; these can be accepted by email or from NCEES.org
    • Official transcripts must be submitted directly from the institution by email, mail, or from NCEES.org; or
    • Submit an NCEES Council Record in place of the verification and transcripts.
  • Verification of work experience 
    • Work Experience Verification (form #08-4714) with at least 24 months of responsible charge
      verified by a PE in the discipline in which you are applying. This document, once signed and
      sealed, can be accepted by email if sent directly from your verifiers to our office; or 
    • If you are currently registered and have at least five years post-registration professional
      engineering experience, you can provide two current letters of reference from US-registered
      professional engineers registered in the discipline in which you are applying. These can be
      accepted electronically. The letters should address:
      o Your professional experience on projects;
      o Your ability and character;
      o The reference’s professional association to you;
      o How long the reference has been an associate of yours (minimum five years)
  • Artic & Sesmic requirement
    •  All engineer applicants must successfully complete a Board-approved arctic course (listed on the Board’s website). You may submit your application prior to completion of the course to expedite the application process. (12 AAC 36.110(a))
  • Jurisorudence Questionnaire

Registration Renewal


Biennial Registration Renewal

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$100 for active registrations and $50 for licenses issued in the second half of the biennial renewal period during their first renewal.


By December 31 of odd-numbered years.

Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required

Alaska Professional Geologist Certification

Agency:Alaska Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing - Geologist Section
Allow Digital Signatures?No
Allow Digital Sealing?No
Digital Sealing Guidelines:

Alaska has no provisions for sealing documents as a professional geologist.

Initial Registration


Professional Geologist Certification Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online

Agency Fee:


Notarization Required?:Required

Reciprocal Registration

Renewal Not Required

Not required

Certifications have no expiration date and require no renewal fees.

Learn about engineering licensing in other states:

Design Firm - Engineering firm registration is sometimes grouped with architecture and land surveying on a single “design firm” application form.

EI (Engineering Intern) - A term also used to describe an Engineer in Training.

EIT (Engineer in Training) - A professional designation granted upon having completed at least 3 years of school at an ABET-accredited university and having passed the FE exam.

FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) - An exam testing on basic engineering principles that is required to become an engineer in training.

PE (Professional Engineer or 'Principles and Practice in Engineering') - Means either Professional Engineer or refers to the Principles and Practice in Engineering exam that is a prerequisite for an engineering license.

Reciprocity - When a licensed engineer in one state can provide documentation (often an NCEES Record) to more easily apply for a license in another jurisdiction.

Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
Accrediting board that sets standards for university programs in a variety of applied science disciplines.

American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)
Engineering, architecture, and land surveying advocacy group.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Organization that provides continuing education, professional conferences, and advocacy efforts to the civil engineering community.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Mechanical engineering organization that focuses on education and professional development.

Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC)
Reviews accreditation requirements and makes final decisions regarding the accreditation process.

National Council of Examiners for Engineering & Surveying (NCEES)
Develops, administers, and scores the exams used for engineering licenses.

National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
NSPE is an advocacy group for professional engineers.