50-State Engineering Licensing Compliance Guide
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Kansas Engineering Industry Licensing

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Licensing requirements for engineering industry firms and individuals in Kansas.

This page provides an overview of engineering industry licensing in Kansas for individuals and firms. You will find state requirements, application fees, filing instructions, and more. For assistance with licensing, please contact us to learn about our software and managed license services.

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Company Licenses
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Company Licenses

Kansas Engineering Company Licenses

Kansas Certificate of Authorization for Business Entity (Engineering)

Agency:Kansas State Board of Technical Professions

K.S.A. 74-7036

Eligible Entity Types:
  • Business Corporations
  • Professional Corporations
  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Partnerships
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Ownership Requirements:

Business Corporations:

  • At least one of the principal officers or directors, who is also a full-time employee, must be a Kansas licensed engineer.

Professional Corporations:

  • All of the shareholders, officers (other than the secretary), and directors must be qualified persons.
    • A qualified person is any natural person licensed, registered or certified to practice the same type of profession that any professional corporation is authorized to practice.
    • A general partnership, if all partners thereof are authorized to render a professional service permitted by the articles of incorporation of the issuing professional corporation and in which at least one partner is authorized by a licensing authority of Kansas to render in Kansas a professional service permitted by the articles of incorporation of the corporation, is deemed a qualified person.
    • A professional corporation or foreign professional corporation in which at least one shareholder is authorized by a licensing authority of Kansas to render in Kansas a professional service permitted by the articles of incorporation of the corporation is be deemed a qualified person.

Limited Liability Companies:

  • At least one of the members, who is also a full-time employee, must be a Kansas licensed engineer.


  • At least one of the partners, who is also a full-time employee, must be a Kansas licensed engineer.

Engineering Firms with more than one physical location in Kansas must decide how they wish to handle the oversight of these locations through one of the following methods: 

  1. Only 1 Certificate of Authorization is needed for a firm with multiple locations if a single qualifying individual is capable of overseeing and taking responsibility for the work coming out of all locations. 
  2. A separate Certificate of Authorization will be needed for each location with a different qualifying individual overseeing and taking responsibility for the work coming out of that location. 

This a decision to be made by the firm and the state does not mandate how firms handle this issue

Requirement Notes:

One or more principals must be designated as being in responsible charge

Initial Registration

This section applies to engineering firms that are applying for a license in Kansas for the first time. If you already have a license and are looking to renew it, please see the renewal section.


Certificate of Authorization for Business Entity

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



2 business days with approval sent by mail

Original Ink:Required
Before you Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  • Identify a Kansas licensed individual to act as the qualifying architect and a Kansas licensed individual to act as the responsible supervisor for each Kansas branch office location.

Foreign Applicants:

  • Identify a Kansas licensed individual to act as the qualifying architect and a Kansas licensed individual to act as the responsible supervisor for each Kansas branch office location.
  • Ensure that your Kansas entity meets ownership requirements.
  • Obtain a certificate of good standing from your business entity's home state (to be filed during the foreign qualification process). The certificate cannot be more than 90 days old when filing foreign qualification documents.
How to Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  1. If a PC, email ksbtpadmin@ks.gov with the name of your principal in responsible charge, incorporators, and proposed business name to receive a verification document to file with the Secretary of State.
  2. File articles of incorporation/organization with the Secretary of State.
  3. Obtain a Certificate of Good Standing from the Kansas Secretary of State to file with license application.
  4. Submit a Certificate of Authorization for Business Entity application with the State Board of Technical Professions.

Foreign Applicants:

  1. Email ksbtpadmin@ks.gov with the name of your principal in responsible charge and proposed business name to receive a verification document to file with the Secretary of State.
  2. File a Foreign Entity Application for Registration with the Secretary of State.
  3. Obtain a Certificate of Good Standing from the Kansas Secretary of State to file with license application (If you determine not to foreign qualify with the Kansas Secretary of State instead include a letter detailing your intended use of a Certificate of Authorization and state your reason for not filing per K.S.A. 17-7932 to complete this requirement).
  4. Submit a Certificate of Authorization for Business Entity application with the State Board of Technical Professions.
Required Attachments:
  • A copy of file-stamped Articles of Formation from the home state of the business entity. Unofficial copies are acceptable.
  • Certificate of Good Standing from Kansas Secretary of State. If the business entity determines not to file with the Kansas Secretary of State include with the application a letter detailing your intended use of a Certificate of Authorization and state your reason for not filing per K.S.A. 17-7932 to complete this requirement.
  • List of all officers, directors, or members of the entity including address, title, % ownership, and Kansas license number (if applicable)
  • List of all other professionals licensed in Kansas in responsible charge of engineering services
  • List of all other Kansas or Non-Kansas office locations of the entity and persons in responsible charge at those locations

Registration Renewal

This section applies to engineering firms that are already licensed in Kansas and need to renew their license.


Paper Renewal Form for Business Entities

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:


  • Business Entities with names beginning with A-L renew by December 31 in even-numbered years; M-Z renew by December 31 in odd-numbered years.
  • Renewals can be filed as early as 60 days prior to the expiration date. There is a grace period from January 1 to March 1 where no penalties are issued for late filing.
Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required
Required Attachments:
  • Disclosure of disciplinary actions taken against the firm (if applicable)

Change of Business Address


Change of Address Form

Filing Method:

Mail, fax, email, or online

Agency Fee:



The licensee shall notify the board in writing of any change of address within 30 days after the date of such change.

Change of Business Name


Name Change Form for Businesses

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Attachments need for change in corporate, LLC, or LLP name:

  • Documentation of name change must be attached to this application. Examples include Business Entity Board Resolution, Certificate of Good Standing with new name from the state of origin, or amended articles of formation, as applicable.

Principal in Responsible Charge Change


Principal in Responsible Change Form

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



In the event of a change of any principal, such change shall be provided to the board within 30 days after the effective date of such change.

Required Attachments:

Attachments needed if you have a change in person(s) designated in Responsible Charge:

  • Examples of documentation include a business entity board resolution, signed letter of approval for Principal
    status from another Principal of the business entity, a list of all Principals and licensees in responsible charge for
    the business entity and their work location(s) or other documentation as applicable



Application for Reinstatement Certificate of Authorization for Business Entity

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Original Ink:Required

Kansas Certificate of Authorization for Business Entity (Geology)

Agency:Kansas State Board of Technical Professions
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes

Geology Firms with more than one physical location in Kansas must decide how they wish to handle the oversight of these locations through one of the following methods: 

  1. Only 1 Certificate of Authorization is needed for a firm with multiple locations if a single qualifying individual is capable of overseeing and taking responsibility for the work coming out of all locations. 
  2. A separate Certificate of Authorization will be needed for each location with a different qualifying individual overseeing and taking responsibility for the work coming out of that location. 

This a decision to be made by the firm and the state does not mandate how firms handle this issue

Initial Registration


Certificate of Authorization for Business Entity - Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Original Ink:Required
Required Attachments:
  • A copy of file-stamped Articles of Formation from the home state of the business entity. Unofficial copies are acceptable.
  • Certificate of Good Standing from Kansas Secretary of State. If the business entity determines not to file with the Kansas Secretary of State include with the application a letter detailing your intended use of a Certificate of Authorization and state your reason for not filing per K.S.A. 17-7932 to complete this requirement.
  • List of all officers, directors, or members of the entity including address, title, % ownership, and Kansas license number (if applicable)
  • List of all other professionals licensed in Kansas in responsible charge of geoscience services
  • List of all other Kansas or Non-Kansas office locations of the entity and persons in responsible charge at those locations

Registration Renewal


Business Entity Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:


  • Business entities with names beginning with A-L renew by December 31 in even-numbered years; M-Z renew by December 31 in odd-numbered years.
  • Renewals can be filed as early as 60 days prior to the expiration date. There is a grace period from January 1 to March 1 where no penalties are issued for late filing.

Kansas Certificate of Authorization for Business Entity (Land Surveying)

Agency:Kansas State Board of Technical Professions

Kan. Stat Ann. 74- 7001 et. seq. 

Eligible Entity Types:

Kansas allows land surveying firms to practice under most entity types, including corporations, professional corporations, LLCs, professional LLCs, limited liability partnerships, and corporate partnerships.

Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes

Land Surveying Firms with more than one physical location in Kansas must decide how they wish to handle the oversight of these locations through one of the following methods: 

  1. Only 1 Certificate of Authorization is needed for a firm with multiple locations if a single qualifying individual is capable of overseeing and taking responsibility for the work coming out of all locations. 
  2. A separate Certificate of Authorization will be needed for each location with a different qualifying individual overseeing and taking responsibility for the work coming out of that location. 

This a decision to be made by the firm and the state does not mandate how firms handle this issue

Initial Registration


Certificate of Authorization for Business Entity

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Original Ink:Required
How to Apply:
  1. Secretary of State: Application for Registration of Foreign Covered Entity
  2. State Board of Technical Professions: Certificate of Authorization for Business Entity

NOTE: The Secretary of State may request a certificate from the Board of Technical Professions verifying a principal’s professional license and company name before approving the foreign registration. The KSBTP does not offer a form for this certificate, it can be obtained by emailing “ksbtpadmin@ks.gov” with the name of the principal in responsible charge and the proposed business name.

Required Attachments:
  • A copy of file-stamped Articles of Formation from the home state of the business entity. Unofficial copies are acceptable.
  • Certificate of Good Standing from Kansas Secretary of State. If the business entity determines not to file with the Kansas Secretary of State include with the application a letter detailing your intended use of a Certificate of Authorization and state your reason for not filing per K.S.A. 17-7932 to complete this requirement.
  • List of all officers, directors, or members of the entity including address, title, % ownership, and Kansas license number (if applicable)
  • List of all other professionals licensed in Kansas in responsible charge of land surveying services
  • List of all other Kansas or Non-Kansas office locations of the entity and persons in responsible charge at those locations

Registration Renewal


Paper Renewal Form for Business Entities

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:


  • Business Entities with names beginning with A-L renew by December 31 in even-numbered years; M-Z renew by December 31 in odd-numbered years.
  • Renewals can be filed as early as 60 days prior to the expiration date. There is a grace period from January 1 to March 1 where no penalties are issued for late filing.
Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required

Renewal notices are sent out by November 30.

Required Attachments:
  • Disclosure of disciplinary actions taken against the firm (if applicable)

Individual Licenses

Kansas Individual Engineering Licenses

Kansas Engineer Intern Certificate

Agency:Kansas State Board of Technical Professions

Initial Registration


Application for Intern Engineer Certificate

Agency Fee:


Renewal Not Required

Not required

Intern certificates do not expire.

Kansas Geologist Intern Certificate

Agency:Kansas State Board of Technical Professions

Initial Registration


Fundamentals of Geology Exam Application

Agency Fee:


Renewal Not Required

Not required

Intern certificates do not expire.

Kansas Professional Engineer License

Agency:Kansas State Board of Technical Professions
Exam Required?Yes
Allow Digital Signatures?Yes
Digital Signature Guidelines:

(3) Any licensee may use a digital signature if the digital signature authentication process meets all of the following requirements:

(A) Is unique to the licensee using the digital signature;

(B) is able to be verified;

(C) is under the sole control of the licensee using the digital signature; and

(D) is linked to an electronic document bearing the digital signature in such a manner that the signature is invalidated if any data in the document is altered.

(4) Each transmitted or stored electronic document containing a digital signature shall bear the signature, date of signing, and seal, which shall be a confirmation that the electronic document was not altered after the initial digital signing of the document. If the electronic document is altered, the signature, date, and seal shall be void.

KAR 66-6-1

Allow Digital Sealing?Yes
Digital Sealing Guidelines:

The seal may contain, before the licensee's surname, an abbreviated form of the licensee's given name or a combination of initials representing the licensee's given name. The seal may be a rubber stamp, an embossed seal, or a digital seal.

(b)(1) After the licensee's seal has been applied to any document, the licensee shall apply the licensee's handwritten or authenticated digital signature and the date across the seal. The application of the licensee's seal and signature and the date shall constitute certification that the document on which the seal was applied was created by the licensee or under the licensee's responsible charge.

KAR 66-6-1

Initial Registration


Application for Professional Engineer License by Exam

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Transcripts (see detailed instructions on the first page of the application)
  • Engineering Experience (see detailed instructions on the first page of the application
  • Professional References (see detailed instructions on the first page of the application)
  • Verification of Exam (see detailed instructions on the first page of the application)

Reciprocal Registration


Application for Professional Engineer by Recirprocity 


Decide whether or not you are submitting an NCEES Council Record, then follow the instructions listed below in
either “Instructions Part 2” or "Instructions Part 3."
2. After completing the application per the instructions below, print and sign the application with wet ink.
3. Mail the completed application, application fee (see below), and any required supporting documentation to
the Board office at the address provided above.
• This application requires a non-refundable fee of $250.00. Make check or money order payable to: Kansas
State Board of Technical Professions. Cash and credit card are not accepted.

  • Instructions Part 2
    • If you ARE submitting an NCEES Council Record
      • Check that your council record is up-to-date, then request that NCEES transmit a copy to the Kansas Board.
      • Complete pages 5-8 of the application to include the Professional Experience Record.
      • Complete steps 2-3 above. 
    • If you are NOT submitting an NCEES Council Record:
      • Complete pages 5-8 of the application.
      • Request final, official transcripts in English for all educational credit claimed. The transcript must show the degree(s) awarded and the date(s) of graduation. Do not open the transcript record. Forward it as sealed by the institution or have it mailed or e-mailed
        directly to our office. If your degree(s) are from non-EAC/ABET-accredited programs, see “Education Evaluation Guidelines” on page 3 for additional requirements.
      • Use account.ncees.org to request verification of:
      • FE and PE scores from the state(s) where you took the exams. If you passed your FE in Kansas, we already have your scores and you do not need to request them.
      • Licensure from another state. If the state does not participate in electronic verification, use the verification form located on the website under Forms >> Individuals
      • Review the guidelines on pages 3-4 for Experience Verification Requests and Professional Reference Requests. The request forms can be found on pages 9-10.
      • Send appropriate verification and professional reference request forms to your references.
      • Complete steps 2-3 above.
Filing Method:

Mail or online

Agency Fee:


  • Foreign Education 
    • Applicants who have been educated outside the United States and whose engineering program is not recognized under the Washington Accord** must have their degree(s) evaluated by NCEES. Education must meet the minimum number of engineering science and engineering design credits required in an EAC/ABET-accredited degree. 
  • Domestic Education 
    • Applicants who have been educated in the United States, but their degree program is not EAC/ABET accredited, must have their degree evaluated by NCEES to determine if their degree program meets the minimum requirements for engineering science and engineering design credits. 
Required Attachments:
  • NCES Record
  • Transcripts
  • Applicants are required to have at least one licensed professional engineer verify four years of work experience recorded on their “Professional Experience Record” (found on page 7).
  • Applicants are required to provide three references that can reflect on diversity of their experience and are personally acquainted with their professional reputation. A completed experience verification form counts as a reference

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Biennially by April 30. Licensees with last names beginning with A through L must renew their license in even-numbered years. Those with last names beginning with letters M through Z must renew their license in odd-numbered years.

Kansas Professional Geologist License

Agency:Kansas State Board of Technical Professions
Allow Digital Signatures?Yes
Digital Signature Guidelines:

(3) Any licensee may use a digital signature if the digital signature authentication process meets all of the following requirements:

(A) Is unique to the licensee using the digital signature;

(B) is able to be verified;

(C) is under the sole control of the licensee using the digital signature; and

(D) is linked to an electronic document bearing the digital signature in such a manner that the signature is invalidated if any data in the document is altered.

(4) Each transmitted or stored electronic document containing a digital signature shall bear the signature, date of signing, and seal, which shall be a confirmation that the electronic document was not altered after the initial digital signing of the document. If the electronic document is altered, the signature, date, and seal shall be void.

KAR 66-6-1

Allow Digital Sealing?Yes
Digital Sealing Guidelines:

Board Stamp and Seal

Initial Registration


Professional Geologist by Exam Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Biennially by June 30. Licensees with last names beginning with A through L must renew their license in even-numbered years. Those with last names beginning with letters M through Z must renew their license in odd-numbered years.

Kansas Professional Surveyor License

Agency:Kansas State Board of Technical Professions

Initial Registration


Professional Surveyor by Exam Application

Agency Fee:



There are separate fees for the exams.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Biennially by March 31. Licensees with last names beginning with A through L must renew their license in even-numbered years. Those with last names beginning with letters M through Z must renew their license in odd-numbered years.

Kansas Surveyor Intern Certificate

Agency:Kansas State Board of Technical Professions

Initial Registration


Fundamentals of Surveying Exam Application

Agency Fee:



There is a separate fee for the fundamentals exam.

Renewal Not Required

Not required

Intern certificates do not expire.

Learn about engineering licensing in other states:

Design Firm - Engineering firm registration is sometimes grouped with architecture and land surveying on a single “design firm” application form.

EI (Engineering Intern) - A term also used to describe an Engineer in Training.

EIT (Engineer in Training) - A professional designation granted upon having completed at least 3 years of school at an ABET-accredited university and having passed the FE exam.

FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) - An exam testing on basic engineering principles that is required to become an engineer in training.

PE (Professional Engineer or 'Principles and Practice in Engineering') - Means either Professional Engineer or refers to the Principles and Practice in Engineering exam that is a prerequisite for an engineering license.

Reciprocity - When a licensed engineer in one state can provide documentation (often an NCEES Record) to more easily apply for a license in another jurisdiction.

Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
Accrediting board that sets standards for university programs in a variety of applied science disciplines.

American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)
Engineering, architecture, and land surveying advocacy group.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Organization that provides continuing education, professional conferences, and advocacy efforts to the civil engineering community.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Mechanical engineering organization that focuses on education and professional development.

Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC)
Reviews accreditation requirements and makes final decisions regarding the accreditation process.

National Council of Examiners for Engineering & Surveying (NCEES)
Develops, administers, and scores the exams used for engineering licenses.

National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
NSPE is an advocacy group for professional engineers.