50-State Real Estate Broker Licensing Compliance Guide
An overhead view of a woman signing forms

Tennessee Real Estate License

A real estate agent giving a tour of a modern house

Licensing requirements for Tennessee brokerage firms.

A business entity offering real estate brokerage services to the public typically must register with the real estate commission before conducting business activity. For assistance with licensing, please contact us to learn about our software and managed license services.

Company Licenses

Tennessee Real Estate Company Licenses

A Real Estate Firm is required to be licensed by the Tennessee Real Estate Commission, have a principal broker and maintain a fixed location and adequate facilities for affiliated licensees, located to conform with zoning laws and ordinances.

Tennessee Real Estate Firm License

Agency:Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance - Real Estate Commission
Eligible Entity Types:
  • Corporations
  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Limited Partnerships
  • Limited Liability Partnerships
  • General Partnerships
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Ownership Requirements:
  • Corporations and limited liability companies must submit a copy of the firm's Corporate Charter or Article of Organization
Financial Requirements:
  • An escrow account must be opened in the firm's name. 
  • Firms are required to keep records of all real estate transactions for a period of three years. These files must contain, at a minimum, the following: listings, offers, contracts, closing statements, agency agreements, agency disclosure documents, property disclosure forms, correspondence, and notes with any other relevant information. 
Insurance Requirements:

All individual licensees must carry errors and omissions insurance. Premium schedule and alternative insurance information are provided here.  

Requirement Notes:

 All changes of name or address require a new application and fee. You are required to give notice of change of any principal broker within 10 days of his release or transfer. Branch offices must each hold a separate firm (Brokers) license and have a full-time Principal Broker assigned to supervise all Affiliate Brokers. 

Initial Registration

Real Estate Firm License Application 


To open a new firm or firm reapplication you must:

  1. Submit the completed application and have it notarized
  2. Obtain and submit a current zoning letter from your local planning commissionf or the new firm;s business address
  3. Submit a completed TREC Form1 (items1-7) to transfer the principal broker into the new firm. The transfer fee is $25. If the broker is not already a principal broker, the broker must submit their current wall license and a $25 upgrade fee
  4. If a corporation or a limited liability company, submit a copy of the firm's corporate charter or article of organization 
  5. All individual licensees must carry errors and omission insurance. Premium schedule and alternative insurance information are provided at https://www.tn.gov/commerce/regboards/trec/rules-and-laws.html
  6. Open an escrow account in the firm's name and provide the information asked for on the application 

To change the name of an existing firm:

  1. Submit a completed firm application and have it notarized
  2. Return the current firm's license so that a new license can be issued in the new firm name 
  3. Submit a completed TREC Form 2 (items 1-4). The fee is $25
  4. Escrow account information must be submitted with the application to the office each time application is made, even if it was submitted with the original application 
  5. If a corporation or a limited liability company, submit a copy of the letter of good standing from the SoS

To change the address of an existing firm:

  1. Submit a completed TREC2 form (items 1-4). The fee is $50 
  2. Obtain and submit a current zoning letter from your local planning commission for the new firm's business address


Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Application must be notarized
  • Zoning letter from the proper County or Municipal Authority must be attached. If not required, a letter from the County or Municipal Government is to be attached stating not required.
  • Submit a completed trec form1 (items 1-7) to transfer the principal broker into the new firm, transfer fee is $25. If the broker is not already a Principal broker, the broker must submit their current wall license and a $25 upgrade fee to principal broker.
  • Submit a completed notarized application with fee
  • Obtain and submit a current zoning letter from proper governmental authorities; if local jurisdiction does not have zoning regulations, submit a letter from local county or city mayor that jurisdiction does not have zoning regulation
  • Submit appropriate TREC 1 paperwork and fees for licensed Tennessee broker to become principal broker or for an existing principal broker to transfer into the firm
  • If a corporation or limited liability company, submit a current copy of the firm’s certification (or Letter of Good Standing) from Tennessee Secretary of State, along with any DBA name
  • If Non Resident firm, complete, sign and have notarized Consent to Jurisdiction and Consent to Suits
Registration Renewal


Agency Fee:




Individual Licenses

Tennessee Individual Real Estate Licenses

Tennessee Real Estate Affiliate Broker License

Agency:Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance - Real Estate Commission
Initial Registration
Agency Fee:



License applications are provided after passing the exam.

Registration Renewal
Filing Method:


Agency Fee:




Tennessee Real Estate Broker License

Agency:Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance - Real Estate Commission
Initial Registration
Agency Fee:



License applications are provided after passing the exam.

Registration Renewal
Filing Method:


Agency Fee:




Learn about real estate licensing in other states:

Associate Broker - Associate brokers are qualified to work independently as a broker, but choose to work under the authority of a designated broker.

On-Site Manager - A broker or salesperson who oversees the operations of a branch office under the authority of the designated broker.

Qualifying Broker/Designated Broker - An experienced and licensed real estate broker responsible for management and operation of a real estate firm.

Real Estate - Land, buildings, and their permanent improvements and fixtures. Also called "real property" in contrast to personal property.

Real Estate Agent - This term refers generally to any licensed real estate professional.

Reciprocity - Reciprocity makes it easier for out-of-state real estate firms to gain approval to operate in a foreign state by streamlining some licensing requirements.

Association of Real Estate License Law Officials (ARELLO)
Offers a license verification database accross 43 jurisdictions.

NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Development Association Agencies
Aid education, research, and advocacy efforts in the real estate industry.

National Association of Realtors
Real estate trade organization that provides information and resources for development of the real estate industry.

Urban Land Institute
Research and education association concerned with responsible land use and creating sustainable communities.

Business Compliance Services and Software

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