Nevada Business License

A businessman opening the office door for his employees

General Business License Requirements for Nevada.

Business licenses are often required of business entities, regardless of their products and services. This page provides an overview of business license requirements in Nevada.

Nevada General Business Licenses

Nevada State Business License

Agency:Nevada Secretary of State - Commercial Recordings Division

NRS § 76.020

Registration to Obtain Exemption

Exemption Eligible Organizations:

  • A governmental entity
  • A nonprofit religious, charitable, fraternal or other organization that qualifies as a tax-exempt organization pursuant to 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)
  • A person who operates a business from his or her home and whose net earnings from that business are not more than 66 2/3 percent of the average annual wage, as computed for the preceding calendar year pursuant to chapter 612 of NRS and rounded to the nearest hundred dollars
  • A natural person whose sole business is the rental of four or fewer dwelling units to others
  • A business organized pursuant to chapter 82 or 84 of NRS
  • A business organization pursuant to chapter 81 of NRS if the business is a non-profit unit-owners' association
Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:


Renewal to Maintain Exemption

Exemption Eligible Organizations:

  • A governmental entity
  • A nonprofit religious, charitable, fraternal or other organization that qualifies as a tax-exempt organization pursuant to 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)
  • A person who operates a business from his or her home and whose net earnings from that business are not more than 66 2/3 percent of the average annual wage, as computed for the preceding calendar year pursuant to chapter 612 of NRS and rounded to the nearest hundred dollars
  • A natural person whose sole business is the rental of four or fewer dwelling units to others
  • A business organized pursuant to chapter 82 or 84 of NRS
  • A business organization pursuant to chapter 81 of NRS if the business is a non-profit unit-owners' association
Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the same date that the required annual list is due to the Secretary of State (if required to file this list) or annually by the date of issuance of the exemption (if not required to file an annual list with the Secretary of State)

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$500 for business corporations and $200 for all other entities.


The entity will be subject to additional penalties if the annual list and declaration form are not returned and in filing order by the due date of the annual list.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$500 for business corporations and $200 for all other entities.


File annually along with the annual list of officers. 

Local General Business Licenses

Boulder City Business License

Agency:Boulder City Business Licensing Department (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Insurance Requirements:

Workers Compensation Insurance 

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business License Registration Application 


Upon submission to the Business License Office, your application information will be forwarded to the Fire Department and the Building & Safety Division, you are responsible for scheduling inspections with each department. Licenses cannot be issued until all inspections have been approved. After approvals, your license will be invoiced and can be issued upon paymen

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type. See fee schedule here. 


10 business days

  • Three levels of approvals are
    • City Planner (zoning)
    • Building Official (onsite inspection)
    • Fire & Safety (onsite inspection) 
Required Attachments:
  • Nevada State Business License 
  • Workers Comp Insurance 
  • Nevada Sales Tax Permit
  • Copy of Fictitious Name certificate 
  • Copy of any other state license that is applicable 
  • Copy of health permit, if applicable 
  • Copy of any required Federal license
  • Copy of drivers license or government-issued ID
  • Proof of Boulder City residency 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type. See fee schedule here. 


Annually by June 30. 

Carson City Business License

Agency:Carson City Business License Office (NV)

Initial Registration


Business License Application

Agency Fee:

$25 application fee + additional fees depending on business type

Notarization Required?:Required

Registration Renewal


No application is needed for renewal, just the renewal fee.

Agency Fee:

Renewal fees are based on business type and size.


Annually by December 31.

Notarization Required?:Required

Elko City Business License

Agency:Elko City Business License Department (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No

All business licenses are issued on a yearly basis. A renewal reminder will be mailed to you each year as a courtesy. If you do not receive the reminder you are responsible for renewing your license by the due date. Failure to renew your license by the required deadline will result in a 25% penalty after (30) thirty days and a 50% penalty after (60) sixty days and possible closure of your business.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Requirement Notes:

  • State of Nevada Occupational Licensing: Certain occupations operating in the State of Nevada are required to obtain licensing from the state (i.e. Contractors, Cosmetologists, Realtors, Finance Companies, etc.) This licensing must be obtained prior to applying for your Elko City license and a copy attached to your application.

  • State of Nevada Business License: All businesses operating in the State of Nevada must obtain a state business license from the Secretary of State or apply for exempt status. Then provide a copy of the state
    license, confirmation letter or exemption letter with the City application. Please visit the Secretary of State’s website at or apply online at, or call 775-684-5708.

  • State of Nevada Department of Taxation: Pursuant to NRS 268.095 (6) all new businesses must register with the Nevada Department of Taxation. Applicants must contact Taxation for a determination
    of requirements. Verification from Taxation must be provided to the City which may include a copy of a sales or use tax permit, a copy of a confirmation letter or exemption letter. You can contact the
    Nevada Department of Taxation at their website at or apply online at, via email at or phone at 775-687-9999.

  • Fictitious Firm Name: Contact the Elko County Clerk for requirements for filing a fictitious firm name for your business. The number for the County Clerk’s office is 775-753-4600.
    Elko City Water Dept.: Please contact this department for questions regarding water billing for your business at 775-777-7135.

  • Home-Based Businesses: If your business operations will be operated out of your home located within the city limits of Elko, a Home Occupation Permit through the Elko City Planning Department is required
    prior to applying for your license. This office is located at the above address and the phone number is 775-777-7160. Please provide a copy of the Home Occupation Permit with your business license application.

  • Food Service/Sales Businesses: If your business sells or serves food or drink it must meet all requirements of the Nevada State Health Department. This department is located at 1020 Ruby Vista Dr. Suite 103, Elko. The phone number is 775-753-1138. Please contact them and provide a copy of your Health Permit with your business license application.

    Inspections: All new businesses located in the Elko City limits will require inspections from the City Fire, Building, Planning, and Development Departments. These departments will be notified by our
    office once a complete application is turned in to the Business License Department. If you have questions regarding inspection requirements a list of the departments will be provided at the end of this document. Please note if you have an Elko City home-based business or your business is not located inside the City limits of Elko the city inspections will not be required.

Initial Registration
City of Elko Business License Application


License Application


Following are the steps for completing the application for a new business license:

1. Please complete the application. Please legibly print or type.
2. Please complete the Non-Residential Wastewater Pretreatment Questionnaire and return with the application. (This is only for businesses with a physical commercial location in the City of Elko.)
3. The enclosed Duties as an Elko City Licensee form outlines licensing requirements, please read, sign and date it.
4. The Affirmation of Compliance form must be completed by all applicants and signed in the presence of an Elko City employee, or it must be notarized.
5. The Central Dispatch form updates contact information that maybe used in the case of an emergency. Please complete this form if your business is physically located in the city limits.
6. The Nevada Safety form and the Sign Regulations are for your information.

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

The fee for a new business license is $34.50 plus a $25.00 processing fee, unless your business is a Utility Company, Bank, Motel or Residential Property Rental those fees will be determined in person.


According to Elko City Code 4-1-13, if you are conducting business either directly or indirectly inside the city limits of Elko, whether or not your actual business is located within the city limits, you must obtain an Elko City Business License prior to opening the business.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees depend on annual gross sales receipts for most businesses. See the full fee schedule here.


Due annually.


Failure to renew your license by the required deadline will result in a 25% penalty after (30) thirty days and a 50% penalty after (60) sixty days and possible closure of your business.


One month before the expiration date of any business license, the city clerk or his/her designee shall send a business license renewal application to all businesses licensed in the city. The application and appropriate business license fee must be returned to the city clerk's office prior to the expiration date of the business license.


City of Ely Business License

Agency:City of Ely (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Bond Requirements:

Every person applying for a license as a pawnbroker shall, before receiving such license, execute a bond to the City, with two (2) or more sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, or furnish a surety company bond as provided by State law, in the penal sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) conditioned for the faithful compliance with the laws of the State and the ordinances of the City.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business License Registration Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee Dtermined by business type. 

Registration Renewal


Business License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type. 


Annually by June 30. 

City of Fernley Out of Town Business License

Agency:City of Fernley - Clerk's Office (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Out of Town License

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$25 processing fee + $150 license fee

Required Attachments:
  • State of Nevada Business License
  • Health Permit, if applicable
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance
  • Fictitious Name Registration (State & County level), if applicable

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$150 license fee

  • Annually by the first day of the month of initial issuance, if a license was issued between the 1st and 15th day of said month
  • If a license was issued on the 16th day or after of said month, the expiration date will be the first day of the following month

City of Henderson Business License

Agency:City of Henderson Finance Department - Business License Division (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Privilged Business License Application, Contractor Packet, Nonprivilged Business License Application 

Filing Method:

Mail or online

Agency Fee:

Payment for the initial six-month business license period + $25 processing fee . See fee schedule on application. 

Required Attachments:
  • All applicants must submit documentation issued by the State showing a current and active Nevada Business Identification Number and Nevada Sales or Use Tax Permit information.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by gross recipets. 


Semiannually by date of issuance. 

Las Vegas Business License - General Retail Sales

Agency:Las Vegas Business Licensing Section (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$100 license fee + $50 application fee

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by gross reciepts. 


There is no renewal application to maintain a business license, however, license holders must make semi-annual payments based on gross income to keep their license active. Fees can be paid online.

Las Vegas Business License - General Services

Agency:Las Vegas Business Licensing Section (NV)

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$100 license fee + $50 application fee

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by gross reciepts. 


There is no renewal application to maintain a business license, however, license holders must make semi-annual payments based on gross income to keep their license active. Fees can be paid online.

Las Vegas Business License - Professional Services (non-medical)

Agency:Las Vegas Business Licensing Section (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • $50 application fee
  • $200 for the first professional
  • $150 for each additional professional
Required Attachments:
  • Proof of Compliance with the Nevada Secretary of State
  • Proof of Compliance with the Nevada Department of Taxation

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • $200 for the first professional (located in the city)
  • $150 for each additional professional (located in the city)
  • $200 flat fee (if the business is located outside the city but performing work within the city)

Annually by date of issuance

Mesquite Gross Revenue Business License

Agency:City of Mesquite Business Licensing Office (NV)

Initial Registration


Business License Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$35 application fee + $100 license fee

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Varies based on gross revenue. See gross fee schedule for details.


Every 6 months starting on the initial date of commencing.

City of North Las Vegas Business License

Agency:City of North Las Vegas Business License Department (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type. 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type. 


Based on gross sales shall be due and payable semi-annually the last day of January and the last day of July of each year

City of Pahrump Business License

Agency:City of Pahrump Business License Department (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:

Mail or online

Agency Fee:
  • $150 Companies without a Pahrump Location
  • $100 Local Companies with more than 100 employees
  • $75 Corporation or LLC
  • $50 Sole Proprietor
  • $60 Partnership
  • $5 Non-profit Corporations

3-5 business days

Required Attachments:
  • EIN 
  • Nevada State Business License 
  • Register with the Nevada Department of Taxation, if applicable 
  • Workers Comp Insurance
  • Business Fictious Firm Name Form 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • $150 Companies without a Pahrump Location
  • $100 Local Companies with more than 100 employees
  • $75 Corporation or LLC
  • $50 Sole Proprietor
  • $60 Partnership
  • $5 Non-profit Corporations

Annually by date of issuance. 


Should said payment be more than ten (10) days late, but less than thirty (30) days late, a penalty fee of twenty-five ($25.00) shall be added to the renewal fee.

City of Reno Business License

Agency:City of Reno Department of Community Development - Business License Division (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:
  • Industrial Insurance Coverage or certificate of self-insurance from the Nevada Commissioner of Insurance
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance as required by State Law
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Annual Business License Application

Not in City Business License Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online

Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business and estimated gross receipts

Required Attachments:
  • State of Nevada Business License
  • Nevada Sales and Use Tax Permit
  • Affidavit of Compliance with Industrial Relations Requirements (provided in application packet)
  • Washoe Fictitious Name Filing, if applicable

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on annual gross receipts


Annually by the first day of the month that business began in the city

City of Sparks Business License

Agency:City of Sparks Business License Department (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Insurance Requirements:

Proof of worker's compensation insurance required. All businesses doing business within the city limits of Sparks, with or without employees,  MUST complete the State of Nevada, Division of Industrial Relations form.


Applicants must have a Nevada State Business License, contact the Nevada Department of Taxation, a Fictitious Firm Name filing for Washoe County and a Home Occupation Permit if business is home based. 

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business License Registration Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online

Agency Fee:

See Annual License Fee Schedule here.


2 to 4 weeks. 

Registration Renewal


Business License Registration Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:

Mail or online

Agency Fee:

See Annual License Fee Schedule here.


Annually by the date of issuance.

Clark County General Business License

Agency:Clark County - Business Licensing Department (NV)

Required for entities doing business within the unincorporated areas of Clark County. This license does not replace the Nevada State Business License or any business license required by cities located within Clark County.

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$45 application fee + any license fees (variable based on the nature of the business)

Original Ink:Not required

Certain regulated industries must provide additional documentation to obtain licensure. Instructions for both general and regulated business licensing can be found here.

Required Attachments:
  • State of Nevada Business License

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business. 

A convenience fee of 2.65% of total fees will apply to each credit/debit card payment. 


Annually by date of issuance

Original Ink:Not required

Renewal notices with instructions and the amount due will be mailed out approximately 30 days prior to the expiration of the license.

Clark County General Business License - Construction Contractors (023-140)

Agency:Clark County - Business Licensing Department (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No

This Business License is specific to Construction Contractors with a classification of 023-140. All other Construction Contractors should use the Clark County General Business License. 

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • $45 application fee + any license fees (variable based on the nature of the business)
  • A convenience fee of 2.65% of total costs will apply to each credit/debit card payment. 
Required Attachments:
  • State of Nevada Business License

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • Fees vary based on the nature of the business. 
  • A convenience fee of 2.65% of total fees will apply to each credit/debit card payment. 

Biannually by April 30 and October 31

Humboldt County Business License

Agency:Humboldt County - Planning Department - Business License Department (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business License Application Packet

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on gross revenue. The minimum license fee is $25.

Required Attachments:
  • State of Nevada Business License
  • Relevant clearances from the appropriate departments
  • Compliance letter from the Department of Taxation

Registration Renewal


Renewal Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on gross revenue. The minimum license fee is $25.


Licenses expire annually based on the quarter in which the license was initially issued. For example, if the license was issued on February 14th then it will expire annually on March 31. The due date to renew a license is by the first day of the following quarter. (April 1, July 1, October 1, and January 1).

Lyon County Business License

Agency:Lyon County Clerk and Treasurer (NV)

Initial Registration


Business License Application

Agency Fee:

$25 application processing fee + fee based on the number of employyees: 1-3: $150; 4-15: $188; 16-50: $338; 51 or more: $900.

Notarization Required?:Required

Registration Renewal

Agency Fee:

$25 application processing fee + fee based on the number of employyees: 1-3: $150; 4-15: $188; 16-50: $338; 51 or more: $900.


Annually by July 1.

Notarization Required?:Required

Washoe County Business License

Agency:Washoe County Community Services Department (NV)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business License Application and Instructions

Filing Method:

Mail or online 

Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business and gross receipts

Required Attachments:
  • Fictitious Firm Name
  • State Business Registration
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Taxation
  • Workers' Compensation

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business and gross receipts


Annually by date of issuance. 

Learn about general business licensing requirements in other states: