Florida Business License

A businessman opening the office door for his employees

General Business License Requirements for Florida.

Business licenses are often required of business entities, regardless of their products and services. This page provides an overview of business license requirements in Florida.

Florida General Business Licenses

Florida Business License

Not required

General Business License licensure is not required on the State level in Florida.

Florida does not have a general business license at the state level, but local licenses are often required.

Local General Business Licenses

City of Atlantis Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Atlantis Building Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Insurance Requirements:

General Liability and Worker's Compensation Insurance (no minimum)

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Please contact City Hall at (561) 965-1744 for Tax Receipt forms

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business

Required Attachments:

Businesses doing work in the City of Atlantis:

  • Certificate of Competency (Contractors only)
  • County License
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • State License (if applicable) 


Businesses located within the City of Atlantis:

  • Affidavit for Home Business Tax Receipt (if applicable)
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Copy of current Business and Professional Regulation Registration or Certification (when applicable)
  • Palm Beach County Local Business Tax

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business


Annually by September 30


Renewal notices are mailed prior to the expiration of the license

Required Attachments:

Businesses doing work in the City of Atlantis:

  • Certificate of Competency (Contractors only)
  • County License
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • State License (if applicable) 

Businesses located within the City of Atlantis:

  • Affidavit for Home Business Tax Receipt (if applicable)
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Copy of current Business and Professional Regulation Registration or Certification (when applicable)
  • Palm Beach County Local Business Tax

Bartow Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Bartow City Clerk's Office (FL)

Initial Registration


Business Tax Receipt / Occupational License Application

Agency Fee:

Fees depend on business services.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees depend on business services.


Annually by September 30.

City of Boca Raton Business Tax Certificate of Use

Agency:City of Boca Raton Department of Development Services (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Requirement Notes:

A Palm Beach County Application is required to be submitted along with a City of Boca Raton Application.

Initial Registration


Business License Registration Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$28 application fee + $45 certificate of use fee + $45 code inspection fee + $45 fire inspection fee + $105 business tax

Required Attachments:
  • Attach a copy of Sunbiz for Corporation, Partnership, Limited Liability, etc.
  • Division of Corporation requires registration as a Fictitious Name; attach a copy
  • Attach of copy of each: Business Professional/Regulation/State Agency/Individual Licenses

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by September 30. 

City of Bonita Springs Business License

Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Registration Not Required

Not required

City of Boynton Beach Business License

Agency:City of Boynton Beach Development Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business License Registration Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee is determined by business type. 

Required Attachments:
  • Copy of your lease and other licenses if applicable
  • A printout of the Sunbiz online records or copies of the business entity’s filing documents, if the business is a corporation, LLC or partnership.
  • A printout of the Sunbiz online records or a copy of the Fictitious Name Registration, if using a fictitious name or "DBA"
  • A copy of your certification or license, if your trade or profession is regulated by another agency.
  • Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all hazardous materials to be used, if they will be stored at the business location.
  • Closing Statement or Bill of Sale, if you will be occupying property you recently purchased
  • Letter of Sharing from the current business at that location, if you will be sharing a space with an active business
  • Palm Beach County Local Business Tax Reciept 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by business type. 


Annually by September 30. 

City of Casselberry Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Casselberry Community Development Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business Tax Receipt Application - Commercial

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type

Required Attachments:
  • Emergency Business Contact Information
  • Security Alarm Registration, if applicable 
  • eBiz Registration Form, voluntary

Registration Renewal


Business Tax Receipt Application - Commercial

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type


Annually by September 30.

City of Chipley Business License

Agency:City of Chipley City Clerk (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business Tax License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type; see tax license fee schedule for details.

Registration Renewal


Business Tax License Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type; see tax license fee schedule for details.


Annually by September 30. 

City of Crestview Business License

Agency:City of Crestview - Community Development Services - Planning and Zoning (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Required Attachments:
  • State licenses 
  • Registrations needed by business type
  • Okaloosa County BTR

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:



Annually by September 30.

Daytona Beach Occupational/Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Daytona Beach Permits and Licensing (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business

Required Attachments:
  • Florida State Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Permit registration or exemption, if applicable
  • State License, if applicable
  • Federal employers' identification certificate, if applicable
  • Proof of fictitious name registration and/or Incorporation registration from the State of Florida
  • State Sales Tax Certificate, if applicable

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business


Annually by September 30

City of Debary Business Tax Reciept

Agency:City of Debary (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Requirement Notes:

Volusia County Business Tax Receipt is required along side the City of DeBary Business Tax Reciept, a copy of any required state license, and a copy of the fictitous name registration. 

Initial Registration


Business Tax Receipt Registration Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type + fire inspection fee

Fees may be prorated.

Registration Renewal


Business Tax Reciept Renewal Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type + fire inspection fee


Annually by October 1. 

City of Delray Beach Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Delray Beach Neighborhood Community Services (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Requirement Notes:

The Zoning Certificate of Use must be completed, if applicable. This certificate must be approved by Development Services prior to completing a Business Tax Receipt. 

Initial Registration


Business Tax Receipt Application/Contractor Registration 

Filing Method:

Mail or in person 

Agency Fee:

Fees are determined by business type. See fee schedule

Registration Renewal


 Business Tax Receipt Application/Contractor Registration

Filing Method:

Mail or in person 

Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type. See fee schedule


Annually by September 30. 

City of Deltona Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Deltona Business Tax Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Commercial Business Tax Reciept Form

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determind by business type

Required Attachments:
  • A copy of any required state license for yourself, your business, or your
    employees, if applicable.
  • A copy of your fictitious name registration from the Department of State
    and/or proof of registration of your occupation.
  • Once your application has been received in the Business Tax Office, it will be reviewed by building, zoning, and the fire department personnel. For commercial businesses a fire and building inspection will be required. For an in-home business a fire inspection will be required.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type


Annually by September 30

City of Destin Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Destin Community Development Department - BuildingDivision (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

  • The City of Destin utilizes the COMPASS self-service portal for New and Current Business Tax Receipt (BTR) customers. You need to have a COMPASS account in order to apply for or renew a BTR.
  • All first time COMPASS users must register in COMPASS and create a login account with a Username and Password.
Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by gross reciepts 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determiend by gross reciepts


Annually by September 30. 

City of Doral Business License

Agency:City of Doral Department of Planning and Zoning (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Requirement Notes:

A business located within the City of Doral is required to obtain both a city receipt and a County receipt.

The Local Business Tax Receipt and Certificate of Use must be displayed conspicuously at your place of business and in such a manner as to be open to the view of the public and subject to inspection by all duly authorized City of Doral officers.

The Occupational License office must be notified in writing regarding any changes to the following: business name or ownership, location, number of employees, equipment, machines or any other contingency.

If the business ceases operation, the owner must return the Local Business Tax Receipt to the Occupational License office.

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by business type. 

Before you Apply:
  • You must get Derm approval on the applications and have the fire inspection report before submitting your paperwork to the city. Applications will not be accepted if these conditions have not been met. 
  • You must recieve approval for business use in the requested location. 
  • Once approval from the city of Doral has been obtained, the licensing division will provide you with the required documents to proceed with the next step.
  • The department of environmental resource management (derm) approval as well as fire inspection approval (you may not proceed until directed by the licensing division) is required
  • Once above requirements have been met (derm, fire) and any other approvals (example building permits and state licenses), you are ready to proceed to applying via the portal
  • To apply you must have all the below requirements met:
    • DERM Approval
    • Fire Inspection Approval
    • Corporate documents from Tallahassee. (Articles of Incorporation)
    • Document showing the Federal Employer Id from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
    • Fictitious Name (DBA) Registration from Tallahassee, if applicable.
    • Executed Lease Agreement or Sublease for proposed location. Copy of DEED required (if owner).
    • State license(s) (if applicable).
    • Copy of Certificate of Occupancy issued by City of Doral Building Department (if applicable).
Required Attachments:
  • Corporate documents from Tallahassee. (Articles of Incorporation)
    Document showing the Federal Employer Id from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  • Fictitious Name (DBA) Registration from Tallahassee, if applicable.
    Executed Lease Agreement or Sublease for proposed location. Copy of DEED required (if owner).
  • State license(s) (if applicable).
  • Copy of Certificate of Occupancy issued by City of Doral Building Department (if applicable).

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by business type. 


Annually by Septemeber 30. 

City of Fort Lauderdale Business Tax

Agency:City of Fort Lauderdale Development Services - Business Tax
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Ownership Requirements:
  • Corporations are registered with the Florida Secretary of State. For information call (850) 245-6052. Out of State corporations must register with the Secretary of State if they intend to use their corporate name. For information call (850) 245-6051.
  • If the business name used in your business does not include the full first name, and last name of the business owner, the business name would be considered a Fictitious Name, and must be registered with the Florida Secretary of State's Office, 850-245-6058
Insurance Requirements:

Certificate of Insurance Liability with the City of Fort Lauderdale (if applicable)

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Requirement Notes:

All new businesses require Zoning approval after an application is submitted

Initial Registration


Business Tax Registration Checklist 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by business type and size. 

Required Attachments:
  • Photocopy of Fictitious Name Registration and/or Articles of Incorporation (if applicable)
  • Photocopy of a valid State License (State licensed professionals only)
  • Photocopy of your State Driver’s License with current address per Florida Statute 322.19
  • Photocopy of State License for Alcohol (if serving or selling alcohol)*City liquor measurement may be needed*
  • Photocopy of Certificate of Insurance Liability with the City of Fort Lauderdale (if applicable)
  • Photocopy of bill of sale or Tax signed by buyer and seller (if change of ownership)
  • Letter of approval from the Airport Manager (if business located at Executive Airport)

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by business type and size. 


Annually by September 30. 

Fort Myers Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Fort Myers Community Development Department - Planning Division (FL)

Initial Registration


Application Packet - Complete

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees depend on business services.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees depend on business services.


Annually by September 30.

City of Fort Pierce Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Fort Pierce City Clerk's Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


BTR Step 1 - BTR Application


Step 1:
a. Business name must be registered with SUNBIZ.org (Fictitious name or corporate documents)
b. Obtain Federal Tax Identification Number (recommended) if not using Social Security Number
c. Secure all required state licenses for proposed business activities. Clerk staff can assist and provide contact information if necessary.
Step 2:
a. Commercial Front Business must submit Step 1: Business Tax Receipt Application and Step 2 Review & Inspection Application; Planning will review for proper zoning classification. The Building department will review for BTR Inspection and necessary permits.
b. Home-Based Business will complete Step 1 Business Tax Receipt application, SUNBIZ registration, and any required state license. Go to Step 4.
c. If Vehicle for Hire, follow additional requirements for the Vehicle for Hire Application Process.
d. If Vacation or Short-Term Rental, follow additional registration requirements for Short-Term Rentals.
e. If Arcade, follow additional requirements for Arcade.
Step 3:
a. Clerk staff will notify the applicant once Building and Planning have approved the applications.
Step 4:
a. Clerk staff will reach out with an invoice and issue Business Tax Receipt.
Step 5:
a. Take a copy of your Fort Pierce Business Tax Receipt to the St. Lucie County Tax Collector's office to acquire the County's Business Tax Receipt. They are located at 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-1650.
Step 6:
a. Post a copy of your City of Fort Pierce and St. Lucie County Business Tax Receipt in your business location along with any other state licenses as required.

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determind by business type

  • Prior to signing a lease or purchasing a building, it is imperative
    that you contact the Planning & Zoning Department at 772-467-3729
    to verify the zoning designation at the location you are considering.
  • All commercial business tax receipt applications require approval by
    planning and zoning of land use and zoning.
  • All new businesses that are commercially located will be required to
    obtain an “Occupancy Use Permit and Inspection” from the Building
  • The business tax year is October 1 through September 30.
  • All business tax receipts must be renewed by September 30 of each year to avoid a penalty.
  • Businesses are required to obtain a St. Lucie County Health Department Hazardous Waste Screening. The telephone number is 772-87
Required Attachments:
  • Corporate Registration/Fictitious Name Registration from Sunbiz
  • State licenses
  • Zoning Approval 
  • Building Approval

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type


Annually by September 30.

City of Fort Walton Beach Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Fort Walton Beach (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by gross reciepts 


Annually by September 30.

Gainesville Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Gainesville Financial Services Department - Billing & Collection (FL)

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees are determined by business type.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees are determined by business type.


Annually by September 30.

City of Greenacres Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Greenacres Building Division (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Commercial Business Tax Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$69 nonrefundbable application fee + fee determined by busines type


All new Commercial Businesses will require a safety inspection

Required Attachments:
  • A copy of the Articles of Incorporation and/or Fictitious Name Registration if applicable.
  • Palm Beach County Business Tax Application
  • Copy of State License, if business is regulated by a state agency, for example: Department of Business & Professional Regulation, Department of Health, Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services.
  • Federal Employer Identification number or Confidential Release of Social Security Number and Statement of Purpose affidavit.
  • Prohibited Sign information affidavit
  • Schedule Life Safety inspection and payment at time of application

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type


Annually by September 30

City of Lake City Occupational License

Agency:City of Lake City - Growth Management Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Forms are not currently available online. Call the Growth Management office to have one sent via email with instructions on the application process. 

Filing Method:

Mail or email

Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business

Required Attachments:
  • Fictitious Name Registration with the Division of Corporations
  • State License, if applicable

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business


Annually by September 30

City of Lake Mary Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Lake Mary City Clerk's Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type


Annually by September 30

City of Lake Worth Beach Business License

Agency:City of Lake Worth Beach - Community Sustainability Office - Business Licenses (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business

Required Attachments:
  • Proof of Ownership
  • Business Owner's Drivers License
  • Copy of Articles of Incorporation, DBA, or Trust paperwork
  • Business Tax Receipt from Palm Beach County
  • Use & Occupancy Certificate, if applicable

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business


Annually by September 30

Town of Lantana Business Tax Reciept

Agency:Town of Lantana Development Services Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


BTR Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by gross reciepts 

Registration Renewal


BTR Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by gross reciepts 


Annually by September 30.

City of Largo Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Largo - Community Development Services - Business Tax Receipt
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business


Annually by September 30

City of Longwood Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Longwood (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

  1. Submit Building Permit and Planning applications and documents electronically.
  2. Submit BTR applications and required documents electronically, receive automatic renewal notices and pay online.
  3. Pay online from anywhere.
  4. Track the progress of your application(s).
  5. Receive automatic alerts for any action taken on your permit(s).
  6. Allow online scheduling of inspections.
  7. Have a complete history of your activities.
Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type


Annually by September 30

Lynn Haven Business Tax Certificate

Agency:Lynn Haven Building Department - Business Tax Section (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business License Application

Agency Fee:

Varies by business activity. Unspecified businesses pay a fee of $50.

Registration Renewal


Business License Application (Renewal)

Agency Fee:

Varies by business activity. Unspecified businesses pay a fee of $50.


Annually by September 30.

City of Maitland Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Maitland Community Development Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

The fee for October through September is $154.26. Prorated quarterly + registration fees based on resdiential or non residential business type

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by September 30.

City of Melbourne Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Melbourne Financial Services (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Application Information and Instructions

  1. Contact the Brevard County Property Appraiser's Office to ensure the planned business location is within the city limits of Melbourne.
  2. Contact the Community Development Department to ensure the planned business location is compatible with the land use. The Community Development Department can be reached at 321-608-7500 or by e-mail at Community.Development@mlbfl.org.
  3. If you are a professional or in a business that requires a license from any division of the State, you must first obtain your State license before applying for your City of Melbourne Business Tax Receipt. For more information, please refer to: State of Florida and Brevard County License Requirements for Businesses and/or State of Florida and Brevard County License Requirements for Professionals.
  4. Contractors must present a certificate showing proof of insurance for general tort liability in an amount of not less than $300,000 combined single limit per occurrence and $500,000 annual aggregate.
  5. If a business uses any name other than the full legal name of the owner or a corporation uses a name other than its legal corporate name, a fictitious name (also referred to as a D/B/A) must be registered with the State. Forms and additional information are available from the Florida Department of State, Fictitious Name Registration
  6. Any entity that transacts business as a corporation is required to file documents of incorporation or authorization with the State Division of Corporations. Proof of active status must be submitted with your application for a City of Melbourne Business Tax Receipt. Contact the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations.
  7. Use this link to determine your Business Tax Receipt Category. Once you have determined the appropriate category from the listing, complete the application and pay the application fee, if required.
  8. Application Information and Instructions
Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$25 application fee 


5-10 business days

Required Attachments:
  • The Business Tax Receipt Application must be completed IN FULL. Please also complete the Police Emergency Information form. 
  • he Ownership Information on Page 2 must include full and complete personal information, including home address and home telephone number, on all corporate officers (corporations) and partners (partnership). Ch. 205.0535(5), Florida Statutes states that "No receipt shall be issued unless the federal employer identification number or social security number is obtained from the person to be licensed."
  • If your business or profession requires a State of Florida license, a copy of that license must be attached to the application.
  • If you are a Contractor, prior to obtaining an Business Tax Receipt, you must present a certificate showing that you are insured for general tort liability in the amount of not less than $300,000 combined single limit per occurrence and $500,000 annual aggregate.
  • Proof of your Fictitious Name Registration or Reason for Exemption must be provided on the application. (Per Ch. 205.023, F.S.)
  • Additional forms and attachments may be required depending on the type of business. Please refer to the Classification / Certificate Requirements for Professionals to determine which application requirements apply to your business type.
  • All additional required forms must be completed and submitted with the application in the following instances:
    • Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicle must submit a Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicle Business Tax Receipt Stipulation form along with a City of Melbourne/Fire Prevention Food Truck Database Registration Form. 
    • For businesses operating in the construction industry, but the owner is not a contractor, a Construction Service Affidavit Form must be submitted with your application.
    • If you are applying for a home-based Business Tax Receipt, a Home Business Tax Receipt Stipulation (signed by the property owner) must be submitted with your application.
    • If you are planning to operate from a Mini-Storage facility or a Private Mail Box facility, you will need to submit the Mini Storage Unit Rental / Shared Business Stipulation Form. View a list of facility locations.
    • If you have an alarm system, you will need to complete the Alarm Registration Form.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:

You must request for an invoice to be created and emailed to you. Call 321-608-7038 or email business.tax.receipts@mlbfl.org to request an invoice and notify of any changes needing to be made. If you have a state license, please include a copy with your email. An invoice will be emailed to you in 1-3 business days. Once you receive this invoice, you may pay online. This same link will be provided with your emailed invoice.  

Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type


Annually by September 30

  • October: 10%
  • November: 15% 
  • December: 20% 
  • January: 25% 

City of Milton Occupational Business License

Agency:City of Milton Economic Development Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


New Business License for Milton, Florida

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type

Registration Renewal


Business License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type


Annually by October 31. 

Miramar Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Miramar Financial Services Department - Business Tax Division (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business Tax Receipt Application

Agency Fee:

$25 application fee + license fee determined by business type.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

The renewal fee is determined by business type and inventory.


Annually by September 30.

City of Niceville Business Tax Receipts

Agency:City of Niceville Building & Inspections Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Email License@nicevillefl.gov

  • Prior to purchasing a Business Tax Receipt, please contact the Niceville Fire Inspector at 850-279-6436, ext. 1302 for a fire inspection at the building you intend to do business out of.
  • For businesses that do not require a physical location (landscapers, painters, sprinkler system installers, etc.), a Post Office box is required to use as your business address. The City of Niceville does not allow home based businesses without a special exception to the Land Development Code, Section 7.14.
  • All contractors, not regulated by the state, i.e., landscapers, painters, handymen, fence installers, tile setters, etc., who operate their businesses from an address outside of the city limits are required to purchase a City Registration Certificate for $40.
  • Requirements for purchasing this license are: Okaloosa County Business Tax Receipt, Certificate of Insurance for 100,000 general liability and worker's comp.
  • Florida Certified Contractors are not required to purchase a license with the City of Niceville, but must show proof of state license when purchasing a permit
  • Florida Registered Contractors (through Okaloosa County) are not required to purchase a license with the City of Niceville, but must show proof of state license and an Okaloosa County Competency Card.
Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$40 base fee + fee dtermined by business type. See fee schedule here

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by gross reciepts 


Annually by September 30.

City of Orange City Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Orange City Clerks Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business Tax Application Packet 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$15 application fee + fee determined by business type + fire marshal fee + sign permit fee


7-10 business days

Required Attachments:
  • A copy of any required state license for yourself, your business, or your employees.
  • A copy of your fictitious name registration from the Department of State and/or proof of registration of your corporation. Sunbiz.org

Registration Renewal


Business Tax Application Packet 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type


Annually by September 30.

Orlando Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Orlando - Permitting Services Division - Business Tax Section (FL)

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary and are based on factors such as square footage, number of workers, or cost of inventory.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary and are based on factors such as square footage, number of workers, or cost of inventory.


Annually by September 30.


Registered businesses must also complete an Annual Declaration to ensure that business information is up-to-date.

City of Ormond Beach Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Ormond Beach - Building Division (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Business Name Registration, if applicable
  • Certificate of Insurance (contractors only)
  • Food Safety Certificate, if applicable
  • Restaraunt License, if applicable
  • Alcohol License, if applicable
  • Resale Certificate, if applicable

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business


Annually by September 30

City of Oviedo Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Oviedo Zoning Division (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Request a preapplication meeting by calling 407-971-5796. These meetings are held every Wednesday afternoon and should be scheduled and confirmed one week prior to the meeting date.

Filing Method:

In person 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:



Annually by September 30.

City of Palm Bay Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Palm Bay (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:



10 -14 business days


Upon receipt of the City of Palm Bay’s Business Tax Receipt, you will need to contact the Brevard County Tax Office at 400 South Street, 6th Floor, Titusville, FL 32780 or visit www.brevardtc.com/Business to apply online.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:



Annually by September 30.

City of Palm Beach Gardens Business Tax Receipt - Out of Town Business

Agency:City of Palm Beach Gardens (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Requirement Notes:

Out of town businesses will need a current copy of local County Business Tax Reciept, copy of State license and/or Certificate of Competency, copy of General Liability (showing City of Palm Beach Gardens as the certificate holder), and a copy of Workers Compensation or Exemption. 

Initial Registration


Business License Registration  Out of town Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$30 application fee

Required Attachments:

Copy of your local business tax receipt, certificate of insurance, and a copy of state license.

Registration Renewal


To log in to renew, ensure that you have the business tax number to review infromation. 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Renew your City of Palm Beach Gardens Business Tax Receipt if the fees are less than $5,000.00. Fees will be determined by business type. 


Annually by September 30.


(Ord. No. 7, 2010, § 1, 6-17-10)


Business tax receipts that are not renewed when due and payable are delinquent and subject to a delinquency penalty of ten percent for the month of October, plus an additional five percent for each subsequent month of delinquency until paid. However, the total delinquency penalty may not exceed 25% of the business tax for the delinquent establishment.

Palm Springs Business Permit

Agency:Village of Palm Springs Zoning & Building Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:

In person

Agency Fee:

$50 permit fee. The fee is pro-rated to $25 for entities that apply for a license between April 1 and October 1.


Applications must be requested from the department.

Registration Renewal

Agency Fee:



Annually by October 1.

Panama City Occupational License

Agency:Panama City Business Services (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No

Occupational licenses are required for businesses located in the city limits of Panama City that provide a service and charge a fee for the service. Annual license fees range from $25.00 to $2,500.00 depending on the occupation/service type. Some occupations/services are regulated by a state agency and a copy of the current state license is required at the time of application and prior to a local occupational license being issued.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


 Business License Application and Sign and Development Questionnaire 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Annual license fees range from $25.00 to $2,500.00 depending on the occupation/service type

Registration Renewal


On August 1st of each year a renewal statement is mailed out to each occupational license holder

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Annual license fees range from $25.00 to $2,500.00 depending on the occupation/service type


Annually by October 1.

Pensacola Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Pensacola Planning & Zoning Division - Business License Section (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary by business type.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary by business type.


Annually by September 30.

City of Pinellas Park Business Tax Reciept (Occupational License)

Agency:City of Pinellas Park (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by gross reciepts. 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by gross reciepts. 


Annually by September 30. 

City of Plant City Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Plant City - Finance Department - Business Tax Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business Tax Application

Filing Method:

In-person, fax, or drop-box

Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business and will be invoiced upon receipt of the application

Required Attachments:
  • Merchant Declaration of Inventory, if applicable
  • State License, if applicable

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business


Annually by September 30

City of Pompano Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Pompano (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business Applications

Filing Method:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:



Annually by September 30.

City of Port St. Lucie Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Port St. Lucie Financial Management Department - Business Tax Division (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Requirement Notes:

If you will be ioerating under a fictious name, you will have to register that name wit the Florida Divsion of Corporations. 

Initial Registration


Business Tax Receipt Registration Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined bybusiness type.Business Tax Receipts are pro-rated to half-year fee beginning April 1 for new businesses.

Before you Apply:
  • St Lucie County Tax Collectors Office requires that all businesses or professions located in St. Lucie County obtain a County Business Tax Receipt. The telephone number is 772-462-1650.
  • St Lucie County Property Appraisers Tangible Personal Property Tax – requires that all businesses apply. Tangible personal property is everything other than real estate that has value by itself. Anyone in possession of assets on January 1 who has either a proprietorship, partnership, corporation or is a selfemployee agent or contractor, must file each year. Property owners who lease or rent property to others must also file. The telephone number is 772-462- 1000.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by business type. 


Annually by September 30. 

City of St. Cloud Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of St. Cloud Community Development Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Commercial Business Tax Receipt Application Packet (PDF)

  • Once your application has been approved, an email notification will be sent and both the Business Tax Receipt and Certificate of Use will be attached to your account. The certificates will be emailed to you once the New Business Fire Inspection (if necessary) has been completed and approved. Please print the certificates and post them in a conspicuous location to public viewing for commercial businesses.
  • Step 1 - Verify Allowance and Standards: Determine where you would like to operate your business. Consult the Planning and Zoning Department to verify that your proposed business is located inside the City limits and is zoned appropriately for the property in question by filling out a New Business Information Form (PDF).
  • Step 2 - Application and Plan Requirements: Download and complete the Commercial Business Tax Receipt Application Packet (PDF) in its entirety.
  • Step 3- Submit: Submit the completed application, associated documents, and fees by one of the following ways:In Person: City Hall - Planning and Zoning, Building A 1st Floor between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday; By Mail: City of St. Cloud, 1300 9th Street, Attn. Licensing, St. Cloud, FL 34769
  • Step 4- Staff Review: Staff will review the proposed request for compliance with City standards and will offer any applicable comments.
  • Step 5- License Inspection and Issuance: Once approved, staff will schedule an inspection with the Fire Marshal and obtain approval. After receiving your Business Tax Receipt and Certificate of Use, it must be displayed conspicuously at your place of business and in such a manner as to be open to the view of the public and subject to inspection by all duly authorized officers of the City.
Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type 

Required Attachments:
  • For Certificate of Use
    • Application Completed in Full
    • Proof of Ownership or copy of lease agreement (if lease has not been
      executed it must be presented prior to issuance of Business Tax and
      Certificate of Use)
    • Location of business must meet all zoning regulations (additional applications and fees may be required when applicable)
    • For signage on a commercial business location a sign permit will be required and finalized prior to issuance
    • (When Applicable) Must schedule and pass a new business inspection by the Building Official and Fire Marshal PRIOR to opening. All permits must be closed and business ready to operate before the new business inspection can be scheduled
  • For Business Tax Receipt 
    • Application Completed in Full
    • Proof of permission to use business name by the State of Florida if named something other than first and last name of applicant (i.e. Fictitious Name, Incorporated, LLC, etc.)
    • Copy of State License by the appropriate regulating authority of the State of Florida (when applicable)
    • Local Business Tax Receipt Exemption Affidavit (when applicable)
    • Social Security Policy

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type


Annually by September 30

City of Sanford Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Sanford Developmental Services - Building Division (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Required Attachments:
  • Documentation of your business name is required. The business name registration, whether a corporate or a fictitious name shall be filed with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations.
  • Verify if your  business operations require licensing from the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. We may be prohibited from issuing your business tax receipt if your businesses requires licensure from DBPR.
    Other businesses may require licensure from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and we are required to verify license prior to issuing your business tax receipt.
  • Sales tax numbers are issued by the Florida Department of Revenue.
    Federal Employer ID numbers are issued by the Internal Revenue Service.
    Changes of ownership, business name or location require completion of a new application.
  • The applicable tax for all applications will be calculated by a customer service person in the Building & Fire Prevention Division.
  • Commercial businesses will also pay an Annual Fire Inspection Fee based on the square footage of the property they occupy for their business activities.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:



Annually by September 30

City of Sarasota Local Business Tax License

Agency:City of Sarasota Local Business Tax Division (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
  • Businesses and licensed professionals operating within the City limits of Sarasota must pay a business tax.  This includes anyone doing business out of their home, if the home is located within the City limits.  A Business Tax paid for an office does not cover professionals working in that office.  Each person engaged in an occupation requiring a state license must pay a Professional Business Tax.
  • The Business Tax is required to be paid when the business begins operations. You will also need a Local Business Tax with Sarasota County. Contact the Sarasota County Tax Collector for more information.
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Requirement Notes:

Prior to Applying for the City of Sarasota Business Tax applicants will need to:

Register your business (corporate name and/or fictitious name) with the Division of Corporations Florida Division of Corporations

Acquire a state license, if required, for your occupation.

Identify a location/address for your business within the City limits. Note: Before you sign any contract or lease, we recommend contacting our zoning division – 941-263-6432 or cityzoning@sarasotafl.gov to ensure that business type is allowed in that location. A zoning review will be conducted for all new businesses operating in the City of Sarasota. This also applies when moving a business from one location to another. There will be a $50.00 charge for the zoning review.

Initial Registration


Local Business Tax Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by business type. See fee schedule

Registration Renewal


A copy of your renewal notice, current copy of your Sunbiz registration, current copy of your license, if any, must accompany your payment or there will be a delay in processing your renewal.

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by business type and payment of taxes. 


Annually by September 30. 


Renewal Notices sent via regular mail are color coded for your convenience – Business tax renewals are PINK and Professional tax renewals are GREEN.  If you have BOTH a business and professional tax certificate, you will receive SEPARATE renewal notices for each.  These notices may arrive in separate envelopes.  When paying by check, you may combine your payment for both renewals; however separate tax certificates will be issued for the business and the professional.

City Of Seminole Local Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Seminole Building Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business License Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by gross reciepts

Required Attachments:
  • DBA
  • State licenses, if applicable
  • F.E.I.N. or S.S. #
  • Floor plan

Registration Renewal


Business License Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by gross reciepts 


Annually by September 30.

City of Tampa Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Tampa Business Tax Supervisor (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by business type. 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by business type. 


Annually by September 30. 

  • Receipts that are not renewed when due and payable are delinquent and subject to a delinquency penalty of 10 percent for the month of October, plus an additional 5 percent penalty for each subsequent month of delinquency until paid. However, the total delinquency penalty may not exceed 25 percent of the business tax for the delinquent establishment.
  • Any person who engages in or manages any business, occupation, or profession without first obtaining a local business tax receipt, if required, is subject to a penalty of 25 percent of the tax due, in addition to any other penalty provided by law or ordinance.

Vero Beach Local Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Vero Beach Planning Department (FL)

Initial Registration


Local Business Tax Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Agency Fee:

Fees depend on business services.


Annually by September 30.

City of West Melbourne Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of West Melbourne (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


BTR Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$20 application fee + fee based on business type

Required Attachments:
  • If your business of profession requires a State of Florida license, please provide a copy of all appropriate licenses or certificates, regulated by the State or the County.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type


Annually by September 30.

City of Wilton Manors Business Tax Receipt

Agency:City of Wilton Manors Community Development Services (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


City of Wilton Manors Business Tax Receipts

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

The amount of tax will vary according to the business type and size. The fee is determined upon approval of the application and due at time of issuance.

Required Attachments:
  • Articles of Corporation/Incorporation/LLC
  • Fictitious Name Registration (if applicable)
  • Business Plan
  • Executed Lease

Registration Renewal


City of Wilton Manors Business Tax Receipts

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type and size


Annually by September 30.

Required Attachments:
  • Articles of Corporation/Incorporation/LLC
  • Fictitious Name Registration (if applicable)
  • Business Plan
  • Executed Lease 

Winter Park Business Certificate

Agency:Winter Park Planning & Zoning Department (FL)

Initial Registration


Instructions for applying for a Business Certificate

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees depend on business services. See the Annual Fee Schedule for details.

Registration Renewal


Instructions for Renewing a Business Certificate

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees depend on business services. See the Annual Fee Schedule for details.


Annually by September 30.

Brevard County Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Brevard County Tax Collector's Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

  •  Listed below are the three types of Business Tax Receipt applications. Please download the application that is applicable to your business.
    • Unincorporated Area of the County (Home Locations)
    • Commercial Unincorporated Area
    • Incorporated Municipalities (City Limits)
Filing Method:

Mail or online

Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type

Required Attachments:
  • Fictitious name registration and/or Corporation receipt from Florida Secretary of State. (850) 488∙9000 www.sunbiz.org
  • Certificate of Competency or State of Florida Certification [Contractors]. County: 321 633∙2058 State: 850‐487‐1395
  • Certificate(s) from Hotel & Restaurant Commission. 850∙487∙1395 (State of Florida Dept. of Business Regulation)
  • Florida Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Services 800∙435∙7352
  • Auto Dealer's License [FL Dept of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles] 321∙383∙2748
  • Second Hand Dealer License 321∙757∙7070 [Dept. of Revenue] Notify Brevard County Sheriff Pawn Compliance: 321‐617‐7306

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type


Annually by the third week in July.

Broward County Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Broward County Treasury Division (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type

Required Attachments:
  • If your business is located in Unincorporated Broward County, a Broward County Certificate of Use is required
  • There are certain types of businesses that are required to show a state license, registration, or other certification to obtain or renew a Local Business Tax Receipt.
  • When you pay your Local Business Tax, you will be required to:
    • Submit your Social Security number or Federal Identification numbe

    • Depending on the nature of your business, you may also be required to submit proof of active permits and certifications from other state or county agencies before you renew or are issued a Local Business Tax Receipt

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type


Annually by September 30.

Collier County Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Collier County Tax Collector (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Visit the Business Tax Receipts webpage and download the form applicable to the business location on the right side of the page

Filing Method:
  • Mail or in-person
  • Payments can be made online
Agency Fee:

Call the Collier County Tax Collector for the appropriate fee

Registration Renewal


Visit the Business Tax Receipts webpage and download the form applicable to the business location on the right side of the page

Filing Method:
  • Mail or in-person
  • Payments can be made online
Agency Fee:

Call the Collier County Tax Collector for the appropriate fee


Annually by September 30

Columbia County Local Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Columbia County Tax Collector (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Local Business Tax Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Florida Division of Corporations Corporation Detail Page or Fictitious Name Detail Page
  • State License, if applicable

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by September 30

Jacksonville/Duval County Local Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Duval County Tax Collector's Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Requirement Notes:

See check list here

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type. 


(Ord. 80-765-409, § 2; Ord. 83-591-400, § 1)

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:

Mail, online or in person. 

Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type. 


Annually by September 30.

Escambia County Business Tax Receipt License

Agency:Escambia County City Business Tax Receipt Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$26.25 (Businesses that initially register from April through June pay half the standard fee.)

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by September 30.

Hillsborough County Local Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Hillsborough County Tax Collectors Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
  • New businesses must obtain their Local Business Tax Receipt prior to engaging in their enterprise. The tax period is from Sept 1 to Sept 30 of the next year.  Businesses seeking new Local Business Tax Receipt between April 1st and June 30th will be issued a tax receipt at a half year rate.
  • All businesses must file a Tangible Personal Property Tax Return, with the Property Appraiser, (813) 272-6100 before April 1st.
    • The business tax year runs from October 1 to September 30 of the following year.
    • If the Tangible Personal Property Tax is not paid, a Tax Warrant will be issued. Personal Property Taxes follow the equipment, NOT the owner. When purchasing an existing business, make sure a TAX SEARCH has been done.
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee/tax determined by business type. 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee/tax is determined by business type. 


Annually by September 30.

Required Attachments:

If your business, profession, or occupation is regulated by the state or county agencies, a copy of the documents verifying compliance may be required by our office prior to renewing your business tax receipt online. This documentation can be sent to our office via email to businesstax@hillstax.org or you may fax it to (813) 612-6748.

Indian River County Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Indian River County Tax Collector's Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Local Business Tax Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • A Fictitious Name Registration is required in order to receive a Local Business Tax Receipt unless; the business uses their corporation name as stated in their Articles of Incorporation, a sole proprietor using their legal first and last name as it appears on their drivers license, an individual attorney doing business in his legal name as a professional association or a business licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation that is doing business in the business name as it appears on the state license.

Registration Renewal


Local Business Tax application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by September 30.

A local business tax receipt is issued by the Tax Collector on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners for the privilege of operating a business in Lee County. Anyone providing merchandise or services to the public within the jurisdiction of Lee County, even a one-person company or home-based occupation, must obtain a Lee County business tax account to operate unless specifically exempted.

Lee County Local Business Tax License

Agency:Lee County Tax Collector (FL)

 Florida Statute 205.053

Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No

Currently these are the cities that have a city business tax requirement: Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and Sanibel.

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Local Tax License Registration Application 

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

Full Year Fee (Oct – Sept): $50.00, Half Year Fee (Apr – Jun): $25.00 , Quarter Year Fee (Jul – Sept): $12.50. 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by September 30. 

Leon County Business Tax Receipt

Not required

General Business License licensure is not required on the County level in Leon County.

Martin County Business License Tax Receipt

Agency:Martin County Tax Collector's Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Requirement Notes:

In Martin County, a business located within a city limit requires both a municipal license and a county license to operate, a city license must be procured before a county business tax receipt. If the nature of a business takes employees inside a city limit to conduct business, even though the business establishment is in the county, it may be necessary to obtain a city license also. 

Initial Registration


Martin County Application 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$26.25, prorated fees are avaiable after October 1. 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by September 30. 


On October 1st, unpaid Local Business Tax is delinquent and subject to penalties each month thereafter. 

Miami-Dade County Local Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Miami-Dade County - Tax Collector - Local Business Taxes Section (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Local Business Tax Receipt Application

Filing Method:

Mail, in-person, or online

Agency Fee:

Fees are determined by the nature and location of the business, number of employees, and other characteristics

Before you Apply:

Review your business tax category to see additional requirements or if you are eligible for an exemption

Required Attachments:
  • If not using the full legal name for your business, provide proof of your fictitious name or corporate documents
    • Businesses using a fictitious name must submit a copy of the current Certificate of Registration from the Florida Department of State
    • Businesses using a corporate name must submit a copy of the corporation's current Certificate of Status from the State of Florida
  • State License, if applicable
  • Miami-Dade County Certificate of Competency, if applicable

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees are determined by the nature and location of the business, number of employees, and other characteristics


Annually by September 30

Okaloosa County Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Okaloosa County Office of the Tax Collector (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$35 per location 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$35 per location 


Annually by September 30.

Orange County Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Orange County Tax Collector - Business Tax Department (FL)

Orange County, Fla., Municipal Code § 25.

Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business Tax Application and Declaration

Filing Method:

Mail or in-person

Agency Fee:

Fees vary by business activities and other factors.


The cities of Apopka, Belle Isle, Eatonville, Edgewood, Maitland, Oakland, Ocoee, Orlando, Windermere, Winter Garden and Winter Park require municipal Business Tax Receipts. A municipal Business Tax Receipt must be obtained before applying for an Orange County Business Tax Receipt.

Required Attachments:
  • Florida Driver License
  • State License, if applicable
  • County Competency Card, if applicable
  • Municipal Business Tax Receipt(s), if applicable
  • SunBiz Registration
  • Business Tax Receipt Zoning Approval form, if applicable

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:

Mail, in-person, or online

Agency Fee:

Fees vary by business activities and other factors.

If submitting payment using a credit or debit card, processing fees apply.

  • 2.39% credit/debit card processing fee (excludes all Visa Debit cards)
  • $3.50 credit/debit card processing fee (Visa Debit)

Annually by September 30.


Renewal notices/forms are sent in the mail prior to expiration.

Osceola County Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Osceola County Tax Collector's Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Application for Osceola County Local Business Tax Receipt

Filing Method:


Required Attachments:
  • Business Fictitious Name Registration or Articles of Corporation
  • State License, if required for the Type of Business
  • Business Location Rental Lease Agreement and Tenant Occupancy Permit
  • Property Owner Affidavit completed by the Landlord including: Home, Apartments and Mobile Homes
  • Business owner Social Security, Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Business Federal Identification Number
  • Valid Florida Driver’s License or ID. Driver’s License must show current home address.

Registration Renewal


Application for Osceola County Local Business Tax Receipt

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by gross reciepts 


Annually by September 30. 

Palm Beach County Local Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Palm Beach County Tax Collector Business Tax Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Requirement Notes:

Applications will require a copy of fictious name registration, zoning approval , and copies of state or county certifications/licenses. 

Initial Registration


Local Business Tax Receipt Registration Application 

Filing Method:

Mail or in person. 

Agency Fee:

Once the application has been processed, a client service specialist will call to provide payment instructions.

Registration Renewal


Local Business Tax Receipt Registratoin Application (Renewal)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Once the application has been processed, a client service specialist will call to provide payment instructions


Annually by September 30.


Deliquent fees are effective on October 1. See here for schedule. 

Pasco County Business Tax Reciept (Occupational License)

Agency:Pasco County Tax Collector Office - Office of Economic Growth (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Determined by business type. Fee will advised once application is complete. 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:



Annually by September 30.

Polk County Local Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Polk County Tax Collector (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


There are two applications for Local Business Tax Receipts. One is for applications being submitted July through September and one is for applications being submitted October through June

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business

Required Attachments:
  • Fictitious Name (if applicable)
  • Owner's Social Security or Business Federal ID Number
  • Florida State Tax Number (if applicable)
  • State Licenses (if applicable)
  • Business Tax Receipt from Florida County of origin (if applicable)
  • Municipal Local Business Tax Receipts from businesses located inside a municipality in Polk County (if applicable)

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees vary based on the nature of the business


Annually by September 30


There is no application to renew a Local Business Tax Receipt in Polk County. To complete a renewal use the online portal to pay the annual business tax

Santa Rosa County Business Tax Reciept

Agency:Santa Rosa County Tax Collector's Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type. 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee determined by business type. 


Annually by September 30

Sarasota County Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Sarasota County Tax Collector (FL)

Initial Registration


Registration for Sarasota County Business Tax

Agency Fee:

Fees depend on business services. See the Fee Schedule for details.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fees depend on business services. See the Fee Schedule for details.


Annually by September 30.

Seminole County Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Seminole County Tax Collector's Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Infomration Packet

  • Seminole County issues two (2) types of business tax receipts - regulated and not regulated.
  • If the business is not required to have any type of county, state, or federal certification or license, a type A $25.00 non-regulated business tax receipt is issued.
  • If the business is required to have any of the above, a type B $45.00 regulated business tax receipt will be issued.
  • Seminole County Business Tax Receipts expire annually on September 30th.
  • You may renew your business tax receipt as early as July 1st. In this case, your business tax receipt will be valid through the date that you renewed to September 30 of the following year.
  • There are seven municipalities within Seminole County. If a business is located within a city limit, two business tax receipts will be required ~ one from the city and one from the county.The City of Sanford and the City of
  • Lake Mary require two separate business tax receipts. 
  • The cities of Altamonte Springs, Longwood, Winter Springs, Casselberry, and Oviedo only issue 1 (one) Business Tax Receipt. These cities participate in "One Stop Shopping" and collect the fees on the County's behalf. The Seminole County Business Tax Receipt will be issued at the same time the city business tax receipt is issued. (You do NOT have to complete the Seminole County Business Tax Receipt Application). 
  • If the business is located within the city limits** of any of the participating cities, a trip to the Tax Collector's office is not necessary.
Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • Fee determined by regulation type
  • Not regulated $25
  • Regulated $45
  • Prorated fees avaiable after March 31
Required Attachments:
  • Fictitious Name Registration 

Registration Renewal


Business Tax Receipt Form

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:
  • Fee determined by regulation type
  • Not regulated $25
  • Regulated $45


Annually by September 30.

St. Lucie County Business Tax Receipt

Agency:St. Lucie County Tax Collector's Office (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


To obtain your county Local Business Tax Receipt, you MUST complete the following steps:

1. If you are using a name other than your legal first and last name only, you must register with the Florida Division of Corporations.

2. Determine what jurisdiction your business will be in, whether it is the city limits of Port St. Lucie, city limits of Fort Pierce, within St. Lucie Village or in the unincorporated area of St. Lucie County.  (Click here to determine the jurisdiction for your business).

If your business is located in a municipality/city limit, you must obtain your Business Tax Receipt from that municipality in addition to St. Lucie County.  All businesses operating within city limits, by law, must obtain City and County Business Tax Receipts in order to operate legally. Unless you obtain both Receipts you will be considered in violation of the Local Business Tax Receipt Ordinance.

This process will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You will be required to upload digital files to complete your application.

Once your application is submitted, you must click the confirmation link in the email for your application to be sent to the Tax Collector's office for approval.

Once your application is approved, you will be notified by e-mail. Clicking the link in the email will allow you to access your account so you may pay online and then print your Business Tax Receipt.

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee ranges from approximately $9.00 - $45.00 depending on the business, number of employees (or number of seats in a restaurant, or the number of categories on your BTR).


48-72 hours

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Fee ranges from approximately $9.00 - $45.00 depending on the business, number of employees (or number of seats in a restaurant, or the number of categories on your BTR).


Annually by September 30. 

Volusia County Business Tax Reciept

Agency:Volusia County Department of Business Services - Revenue Services (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration

Filing Method:



2 to 5 business days. 

Required Attachments:

Social Secuirty number or Federal Employer ID number

Fictitious name registration 

State License Number 

"Speciality" Contractor License 

City License Number

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

 Based on businesss type + convenience fees.

Credit card payment convenience fee = 2.6% w/$1.95 minimum. E-Check payment convenience fee = $1.50.


Annually by October 1. Bills for each year are mailed July 1. A new receipt is issued for each year the tax is paid.

Wakulla County Local Business Tax Receipt

Agency:Wakulla County - Planning and Community Development Department (FL)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Local Business Tax Receipt Application

  1. Fill out the application and take it in person or mail it to the Planning & Community Development Department for approval with the required fee
  2. The Planning and Community Department will forward the application to the Building Department for approval (may require inspection before approval)
  3. Application is given back to you with appropriate signatures from each department and you must mail it or take it in person to the Tax Collector with the appropriate fee to have the Business Tax Receipt issued
    1. Tax Collector Address: 202 Ochlockonee Street Crawfordville, FL 32327
    2. Tax Collector Mailing Address: PO Box 280 Crawfordville, FL 32326
Filing Method:

In-person or Mail

Agency Fee:
  • $20 payable to the Planning and Community Development Department
  • $35 payable to the Wakulla County Tax Collector
Required Attachments:
  • Fictitious Name Registration with the Division of Corporations, if applicable

Registration Renewal


Renewal forms are mailed out in July. 

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$35 + $2 convenience fee if using a credit card


Annually by September 30

Learn about general business licensing requirements in other states: