Pennsylvania Department of State - Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations - Business Program
Please Note
We are a service company that can help you file with the Pennsylvania Department of State - Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations - Business Program. We are not associated with this nor any other government agency. We offer paid services and software to help you file. You are not required to purchase our service to file - you may file directly with this agency without using our service.
Contact Information
401 North Street
Room 206
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 8722
Harrisburg, PA 17105
Phone: (717) 787-1057 or (888) 659-9962
Web: Home Name search Forms File online
Corporate Filings
We track the following filings with the Pennsylvania Department of State - Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations - Business Program in order to provide compliance services to our clients. We share this reference information with the general public as a courtesy. As a registered agent client, you get access to state templates pre-filled with our company information to help you save time looking up information.
Commercial Registered Office Provider
Agency: | Pennsylvania Department of State - Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations - Business Program |
Certificate of Annual Registration
Foreign Registration
Agency: | Pennsylvania Department of State - Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations - Business Program |
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $250 |
Law: | |
Certified Copy Requirement: | Certified copies not required. |
Certificate of Good Standing Requirement: | Good standing certificate not required. |
Fictitious Name
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $70 |
Is registration mandatory?: | Filing a fictitious name registration is mandatory to conduct business under any other name than your personal legal name or a registered business name. |
County Level Filing: | Filing is not required at the county level. |
Does registration prevent others from using the name I choose?: | Registration of a trade name does not confer ownership rights and does not prevent another entity from using the same fictitious name. |
Notes: |
Certificate of Subsistence
Agency: | Pennsylvania Department of State - Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations - Business Program |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $40 |
Annual Benefit Report
Annual Report
Agency: | Pennsylvania Department of State - Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations - Business Program |
Instructions: | |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $7 |
Due: | Annually by June 30. |
Law: |
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- Pennsylvania Board of Funeral Directors
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- Pennsylvania Board of Occupational Therapy Education and Licensure
- Pennsylvania Board of Optometry
- Pennsylvania Board of Osteopathic Medicine
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- Pennsylvania Board of Physical Therapy
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- Pennsylvania Department of Health
- Pennsylvania Department of Health - Bureau of Non-Long-Term Care - Temporary Health Care Agency Program
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- Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry - Lead Occupations
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- Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
- Pennsylvania Department of State - Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation
- Pennsylvania Department of State - Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations - Charities Program
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- Pennsylvania Navigation Commission for the Delaware River and Its Navigable Tributaries
- Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General - Bureau of Consumer Protection
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