Start a Business in Nevada

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LLC, C-Corp, or S-Corp?
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This guide on starting your business in Nevada provides step-by-step instructions on the paperwork to file formation documents, obtain tax IDs, and set up company records.

Step-By-Step Startup
Below is an overview of the paperwork, cost, and time to form each of the most popular business structures. Simply click on the link for your desired structure to view detailed step-by-step instructions.
- If you have not decided whether you want to form an LLC, corporation, or other business structure, click here.
- If wish to form your business in a different state than Nevada, click here.
Structure | Paperwork | Cost | Time |
Nevada Limited Liability Company Click for step-by-step instructions |
Nevada Corporation Click for step-by-step instructions |
Nevada Nonprofit Click for step-by-step instructions |
Top 5 Tips on Registering a Business in Nevada
- As soon as you're done filing formation documents in Nevada, it's time to file your initial report and business license. This second round of state filings is more expensive than the first, so take heed of the total cost before getting started. Keep reading and we'll explain the total cost and steps to take.
- Both LLCs and corporations must appoint a registered agent. Your registered agent must sign your formation documents.
- Get your EIN before attempting to register with the Nevada Department of Taxation. Both the Nevada Business Registration and the Supplemental Application must be completed.
- All officers of a corporation must be natural persons (not businesses). Every corporation must have a president, a secretary and a treasurer, or the equivalent thereof. Any natural person may hold two or more offices.
- Corporations and LLCs must file an annual list (called in annual report in other states) with the Nevada Secretary of State. This report includes the annual state business license renewal.