
Conversion is a restructuring tool that allows business owners to adopt a new entity type without closing their existing entity. In some cases, business owners reap tax or other benefits by simply adopting a new entity type.

Depending on the states and entity types involved, businesses may also be able to change their domicile during the conversion process. Changing home states during a conversion may add complexity, as state laws often restrict conversions between certain entity types.

This guide is currently being updated. Please consult the table below for details about conversions in select states, or contact us for additional information.

Click on a link below to see state specific information regarding conversions.

Acquisition - When one company purchases ownership of another company.

Consolidation - Occurs when two or more companies merge and a new entity is formed as a result. (Some states now classify consolidations as mergers for filings purposes.)

Merger - When two or more companies combine and one of the companies becomes the surviving entity.