Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

Please Note

We are a service company that can help you file with the Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects. We are not associated with this nor any other government agency. We offer paid services and software to help you file. You are not required to purchase our service to file - you may file directly with this agency without using our service.

Contact Information

Physical address:
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23230-4917

Phone: (804) 367-8506
Fax: (866) 465-6206

Web: Home Name search


We track the following licenses with the Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects in order to provide compliance services to our clients. As a client, you see this and other Compliance Core™ data in License Manager in-line with your licenses.

A laptop placed on a desk with our License Manager software on display

Virginia Architect License

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration

This section applies to architects that are applying for a license in Virginia for the first time.


Architect License Application

Agency Fee:


Reciprocal Registration

This section applies to architects licensed in another state that are looking for reciprocal licensure in Virginia.


Architect License Application

Agency Fee:



Applicants applying for licensure by comity without an NCARB Certificate Record must meet the eligibility requirements in effect in Virginia at the time of their original licensure in another jurisdiction. If the applicant does not meet the Virginia requirements that were in effect at the time of original licensure, the applicant shall be required to meet the Virginia entry requirements current at the time the completed application for comity is received in the Board's office.

Required Attachments:

If applying with a NCARB Certificate Record:

  • Architect License Application
  • NCARB Certificate Record that includes verification of current licensure in another state, jurisdiction, territory of the United States, or a province of Canada


If applying without a NCARB Certificate Record:

  • Architect License Application
  • Three Architect Reference Forms (less than one year old) completed by licensed Architects who have known the applicant for at least one year, and who has been associated with the applicant within the last 5 years;
  • Experience Verification Form or Client Verification Form to document all required experience;
  • Degree Verification Form; or Official Transcript and
  • Verification of Examination and Licensure Form to verify a passing grade on a nationally-recognized examination which leads to licensure as an architect.

Registration Renewal

This section applies to architects that are already licensed in Virginia and need to renew their license.


License Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



Biennially by the end of the month of issuance.

Virginia Business Entity Branch Office Registration

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

Initial Registration


Business Entity Branch Office Application

Filing Method:

Typically 3-5 business days, but could take as long as 3 weeks.

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Branch Office Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



By February 28 of even-numbered years.

Change of Status


Business Entity Application (Change of Status)

Filing Method:

Email to

Agency Fee:



Any changes of status including, but not limited to, change in entity, name (including assumed names), address, place of business or responsible persons at each place of business must be reported to the board by the registered entity within 30 days of the occurrence.


18 VAC 10-20-660

Notarization Required?:Required



Business Entity Branch Office Application (Reinstatement)

Agency Fee:

$80 for licenses expired for 30 days or more.

Virginia Business Entity Registration

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

VA Code § 54.1-411

Eligible Entity Types:
  • Business Corporations
  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Partnerships
  • Professional Corporations
  • Professional Limited Liability Companies
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Ownership Requirements:

Business Corporations:

  • No licensure requirements for officers, but at least one full-time employee or resident principal licensed or certified in each profession offered or practiced at each branch must provide effective supervision and control of the final professional product.

Limited Liability Companies:

  • No licensure requirements for members, but at least one full-time employee or resident principal licensed or certified in each profession offered or practiced at each branch must provide effective supervision and control of the final professional product.


  • No licensure requirements for partners, but at least one full-time employee or resident principal licensed or certified in each profession offered or practiced at each branch must provide effective supervision and control of the final professional product.

Domestic Professional Corporations: 

  • At least 2/3 of the capital stock must be held by persons duly licensed to render the services of architect, professional engineer, land surveyor, surveyor photogrammetrist, landscape architect, or to individuals legally authorized to use the title of certified interior designer.
  • The remainder of the stock may be issued only to and held by individuals who are employees of the corporation.
  • At least 2/3 of the Board of Directors shall be licensed to render the services of architect, professional engineer, land surveyor (including surveyor photogrammetrist), landscape architect, or duly certified to use the title of certified interior designer, or any combination thereof.
  • At least one director currently licensed or certified in each profession offered or practiced shall be resident at the business to provide effective supervision and control of the final professional product.
  • Joint ownership of corporate stock is not allowed.

Foreign Professional Corporations: 

  • At least 2/3 of the Board of Directors shall be licensed to render the services of architect, professional engineer, land surveyor (including surveyor photogrammetrist), landscape architect, or duly certified to use the title of certified interior designer, or any combination thereof.
  • At least one director currently licensed or certified in each profession offered or practiced shall be resident at the business to provide effective supervision and control of the final professional product.

Domestic Professional Limited Liability Companies: 

  • At least 2/3 of the membership interests shall be held by individuals duly licensed or professional business entities legally authorized to render the services of architects, professional engineers, land surveyors, surveyor photogrammetrists, landscape architects, or by individuals or professional business entities legally authorized to use the title of certified interior designer.

Foreign Professional Limited Liability Companies:

  • Foreign PLLCs must meet every requirement of § 13.1-1111 of the Code of Virginia except for the requirement that two-thirds of its members and managers be licensed or certified to perform the professional service in this Commonwealth.

Initial Registration


Business Entity Application

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Typically 3-5 business days, but could take as long as 3 weeks.

Notarization Required?:Required
Before you Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  • For each of the professional services performed by the firm, identify a Virginia licensed design professional to act as the individual in responsible charge of the firm's professional activities in Virginia.

Foreign Applicants:

  • For each of the professional services performed by the firm, identify a Virginia licensed design professional to act as the individual in responsible charge of the firm's professional activities in Virginia.
  • Obtain certified copies of the entity's formation documents from its home state including all amendments and mergers to be filed with foreign qualification documents. The certified copies must be dated within 1 year of the date of filing foreign qualification documents in Virginia.
How to Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  1. File entity formation documents with Virginia State Corporation Commission.
  2. Submit a Business Entity Registration Application with the Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects. Include a copy of the entity's formation certificate and organizational documents (bylaws and charter if a corporation, partnership agreement if a partnership). If using a trade or fictitious name, also include a copy of the certificate filed with the State Corporation Commission to register the name.

Foreign Applicants:

  1. File foreign qualification documents with Virginia State Corporation Commission.
  2. Submit a Business Entity Registration Application with the Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects. Include a copy of the entity's foreign qualification certificate and, if a corporation, the entity's articles of incorporation, bylaws, and charter. If using a trade or fictitious name, also include a copy of the certificate filed with the State Corporation Commission to register the name.
Required Attachments:
  • If an assumed/fictitious name is to be used, a copy of the certificate filed with the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) must be attached.

Registration Renewal


Business Entity Registration Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



By December 31 of odd-numbered years. Renewals may be filed as early as 90 days prior to the expiration date.

Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required

The department automatically mails a renewal notice to the business address of record approximately 45 days prior to the expiration date.

Change of Status


Business Entity Application (Change of Status)

Filing Method:

Email to

Agency Fee:



Any changes of status including, but not limited to, change in entity, name (including assumed names), address, place of business or responsible persons at each place of business must be reported to the board by the registered entity within 30 days of the occurrence.


18 VAC 10-20-660

Notarization Required?:Required



Business Entity Registration Application (Reinstatement)

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$145 for licenses expired for at least 6 months but less than 5 years and $295 for licenses expired for more than 5 years.

Notarization Required?:Required

Virginia Engineer-in-Training Designation

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

Initial Registration


EIT Designation Application

Agency Fee:


Renewal Not Required

Not required

Virginia Interior Designer Certification

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

Initial Registration


CID Certificate Application

Agency Fee:


Reciprocal Registration


CID Certificate Application

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Interior Designer Degree Verification Form or official school transcript(s);
  • Interior Designer Experience Verification Form(s); and
  • Verification of Interior Designer Examination and Certification Form to provide evidence of having passed the NCIDQ examination and verification of current certification in another jurisdiction.

Registration Renewal


CID Certificate Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



Biennially by the end of the month of initial certification.

Virginia Land Surveyor B License

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

Initial Registration


LS-B License Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


LS and LS-B License Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



Biennially by the end of the month of issuance.

Virginia Land Surveyor License

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

Initial Registration


LS License Application

Agency Fee:


Reciprocal Registration


LS License Application

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Verification of Examination and Licensure Form to verify a passing grade on the Fundamentals of Land Surveying (FS) and Principles and Practice of Land Surveying Examinations (verification of the FS Examination is not required if the exam was passed in Virginia);
  • Degree Verification Form(s) or official high school/college/university transcripts.
  • Completion of an apprenticeship program (if applicable); and
  • Experience Verification Form(s) documenting a minimum of 4 years of experience under the supervision of a licensed land surveyor or a licensed Surveyor Photogrammetrists.

Registration Renewal


LS and LS-B License Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



Biennially by the end of the month of issuance.

Virginia Landscape Architect License

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

Initial Registration


LA License Application

Agency Fee:


Reciprocal Registration


LA License Application

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Applying by Comity with a CLARB Certificate Record:

  • Landscape Architect License Application
  • Council of Landscape Architect Registration Board (CLARB) Certificate Record that includes verification of current licensure in another state, jurisdiction, territory of the United States.


Applying by Comity without a CLARB Certificate Record:

  • Landscape Architect License Application
  • Three Landscape Architect Reference Form (less than one year old);
  • Experience Verification Form to document all required experience;
  • Degree Verification Form or official transcript; and
  • Verification of Examination and Licensure Form to verify a passing grade on a nationally-recognized examination which leads to licensure as a landscape architect and verification of current licensure in another state, jurisdiction, territory of the United States.

Registration Renewal


LA License Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



Biennially by the end of the month of issuance.

Virginia Professional Corporation Branch Office Registration

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

Initial Registration


Professional Corporation Branch Office Application

Agency Fee:



Typically 3-5 business days, but could take as long as 3 weeks.

Registration Renewal


Branch Office Renewal Form

Agency Fee:



By February 28 of even-numbered years.


Agency Fee:



No forms are provided for amendments; instead firms should submit updates to their registration via mail.



Professional Corporation Branch Office Application (Reinstatement)

Agency Fee:

$55 for licenses expired for 30 days or more.

Virginia Professional Corporation Registration

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

VA Code § 54.1-411

Eligible Entity Types:
  • Professional Corporations
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Ownership Requirements:

Domestic Professional Corporations:

  • At least 2/3 of the capital stock must be held by persons duly licensed to render the services of architect, professional engineer, land surveyor, surveyor photogrammetrist, landscape architect, or to individuals legally authorized to use the title of certified interior designer.
  • The remainder of the stock may be issued only to and held by individuals who are employees of the corporation.
  • At least 2/3 of the Board of Directors shall be licensed to render the services of architect, professional engineer, land surveyor (including surveyor photogrammetrist), landscape architect, or duly certified to use the title of certified interior designer, or any combination thereof.
  • At least one director currently licensed or certified in each profession offered or practiced shall be resident at the business to provide effective supervision and control of the final professional product.
  • Joint ownership of corporate stock is not allowed.

Foreign Professional Corporations:

  • At least 2/3 of the Board of Directors shall be licensed to render the services of architect, professional engineer, land surveyor (including surveyor photogrammetrist), landscape architect, or duly certified to use the title of certified interior designer, or any combination thereof.
  • At least one director currently licensed or certified in each profession offered or practiced shall be resident at the business to provide effective supervision and control of the final professional product.


Initial Registration


Professional Corporation Application

Agency Fee:



Typically 3-5 business days, but could take as long as 3 weeks.

Before you Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  • For each of the professional services performed by the firm, identify a Virginia licensed design professional to act as the individual in responsible charge of the firm's professional activities in Virginia.
  • Obtain certified copies of the corporation's articles of incorporation, bylaws, and charter to submit with the license application.
  • Check the ownership requirements and ensure that the entity is in compliance with all relevant rules regarding ownership.

Foreign Applicants:

  • For each of the professional services performed by the firm, identify a Virginia licensed design professional to act as the individual in responsible charge of the firm's professional activities in Virginia.
  • Check the ownership requirements and ensure that the entity is in compliance with all relevant rules regarding ownership.
  • Obtain certified copies of the entity's formation documents from its home state including all amendments and mergers to be filed with foreign qualification documents. The certified copies must be dated within 1 year of the date of filing foreign qualification documents in Virginia.
How to Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  1. File articles of incorporation with State Corporation Commission.
  2. Submit a Professional Corporation Application with the Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects along with certified copies of the corporation's articles of incorporation, bylaws, and charter.

Foreign Applicants:

  1. File a certificate of authority application with State Corporation Commission.
  2. Submit a Professional Corporation Application with the Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects along with certified copies of the corporation's articles of incorporation, bylaws, and charter, and certificate of authority.

Registration Renewal


Business Entity Registration Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



By December 31 of odd-numbered years. Renewals may be filed as early as 90 days prior to the expiration date.


The department automatically mails a renewal notice to the business address of record approximately 45 days prior to the expiration date.


Agency Fee:



No forms are provided for amendments; instead firms should submit updates to their registration via mail.



Professional Corporation Application

Agency Fee:

$125 for licenses expired for at least 6 months but less than 5 years and $275 for licenses expired for more than 5 years.

Virginia Professional Engineer License

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects
Exam Required?Yes
Allow Digital Signatures?Yes
Digital Signature Guidelines:

See digital sealing guidelines.

Allow Digital Sealing?Yes
Digital Sealing Guidelines:

C. An electronic seal, signature, and date are permitted to be used in lieu of an original seal, signature, and date when the following criteria, and all other requirements of this section, are met:

  1. It is a unique identification of the professional;
  2. It is verifiable; and
  3. It is under the professional's direct control.

18 VAC 10-20-760

Initial Registration


PE License Application

Agency Fee:


Reciprocal Registration


PE License Application

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:

Comity Applicants with an NCEES Council Record:

  • Professional Engineer License Application
  • Three current Professional Engineer Reference Forms (less than one year old) completed by licensed professional engineers (in a state, territory, or possession of the United States or the District of Columbia) - references must have known the applicant for at least one year and been associated with the applicant within the last 5 years; and
  • An NCEES Council Record (submitted directly to the Virginia Board)


Comity Applicants without an NCEES Council Record:

  • Professional Engineer License Application
  • Three current Professional Engineer Reference Forms (less than one year old) completed by licensed professional engineers (in a state, territory, or possession of the United States or the District of Columbia) - references must have known the applicant for at least one year and been associated with the applicant within the last 5 years;
  • A completed Experience Verification Form(s) to document all required experience;
  • A completed Degree Verification Form; and
  • A completed Verification of Examination and Licensure Form to verify a passing grade on the Fundamentals of Engineering and Principles and Practice of Engineering Examinations (verification of the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination is not required if the FE Examination was passed in Virginia).

Registration Renewal


PE License Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



Biennially by the end of the month of issuance.

Original Ink:Not required
Notarization Required?:Not required

Virginia Professional Limited Liability Company Branch Office Registration

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

Initial Registration


Professional Limited Liability Company Branch Office Application

Agency Fee:



Typically 3-5 business days, but could take as long as 3 weeks.

Registration Renewal


Branch Office Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



By February 28 of even-numbered years.


Agency Fee:



No forms are provided for amendments; instead firms should submit updates to their registration via mail.



Professional Limited Liability Company Branch Office Application (Reinstatement)

Agency Fee:

$80 for licenses expired for 30 days or more.

Virginia Professional Limited Liability Company Registration

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

VA Code § 54.1-411

Eligible Entity Types:
  • Professional Limited Liability Companies
Ownership Requirements:

Domestic Professional Limited Liability Companies:

  • At least 2/3 of the membership interests shall be held by individuals duly licensed or professional business entities legally authorized to render the services of architects, professional engineers, land surveyors, surveyor photogrammetrists, landscape architects, or by individuals or professional business entities legally authorized to use the title of certified interior designer.

Foreign Professional Limited Liability Companies:

  • Foreign PLLCs must meet every requirement of § 13.1-1111 of the Code of Virginia except for the requirement that two-thirds of its members and managers be licensed or certified to perform the professional service in this Commonwealth.

Initial Registration


Professional Limited Liability Company Application

Agency Fee:



Typically 3-5 business days, but could take as long as 3 weeks.

Before you Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  • For each of the professional services performed by the firm, identify a Virginia licensed design professional to act as the individual in responsible charge of the firm's professional activities in Virginia.
  • Obtain certified copies of the LLC's certificate of organization to be filed with the license application.
  • Check the ownership requirements and ensure that the entity is in compliance with all relevant rules regarding ownership.

Foreign Applicants:

  • For each of the professional services performed by the firm, identify a Virginia licensed design professional to act as the individual in responsible charge of the firm's professional activities in Virginia.
  • Obtain certified copies of the entity's formation documents from its home state including all amendments and mergers to be filed with foreign qualification documents. The certified copies must be dated within 1 year of the date of filing foreign qualification documents in Virginia.
  • Check the ownership requirements and ensure that the entity is in compliance with all relevant rules regarding ownership.
How to Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  1. File certificate of organization with the Virginia State Corporation Commission.
  2. Submit a Professional Limited Liability Company Application with the Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects along with certified copies of the LLC's certificate of organization and either the articles of organization or operating agreement.

Foreign Applicants:

  1. File a certificate of authority application with State Corporation Commission.
  2. Submit a Professional Limited Liability Company Application with the Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects along with certified copies of the LLC's certificate of organization, articles of organization or operating agreement, and certificate of authority.

Registration Renewal


Business Entity Registration Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



By December 31 of odd-numbered years.


Agency Fee:



No forms are provided for amendments; instead firms should submit updates to their registration via mail.



Professional Limited Liability Company Application (Reinstatement)

Agency Fee:

$150 for licenses expired for at least 6 months but less than 5 years and $300 for licenses expired for more than 5 years.

Virginia Surveyor Photogrammetrist License

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

Initial Registration


SP License Application

Agency Fee:


Reciprocal Registration


SP License Application

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Surveyor Photogrammetrist License Application
  • Degree Verification Form(s)
  • Documentation of completion of an apprenticeship program (if applicable)
  • Experience Verification Forms documenting the required experience; and
  • Verification of Examination and Licensure Form to verify a passing grade on the Fundamentals of Land Surveying (FLS) and Board-approved Surveyor Photogrammetrist Examination (verification of the FLS Examination is not required if the exam was passed in Virginia).

Registration Renewal


SP License Renewal Form

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



Biennially by the end of the month of issuance.

Virginia Surveyor-in-Training Designation

Agency:Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects

Initial Registration


SIT Designation Application

Agency Fee:


Renewal Not Required

Not required

The EIT designation remains valid indefinitely.

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