Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy
Please Note
We are a service company that can help you file with the Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy. We are not associated with this nor any other government agency. We offer paid services and software to help you file. You are not required to purchase our service to file - you may file directly with this agency without using our service.
Contact Information
400 SW 8th St
Suite E
Des Moines, IA 50309-4688
Phone: (515) 281-8630
Fax: (515) 281-4609
Web: Home Company search Individual search Forms
We track the following licenses with the Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy in order to provide compliance services to our clients. As a client, you see this and other Compliance Core™ data in License Manager in-line with your licenses.
Iowa Controlled Substances Act (CSA) Registration - Business
Initial Registration
Form: | |
Agency Fee: | $90 |
Registration Renewal
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $90 |
Due: | Biennially |
Iowa Controlled Substances Act (CSA) Registration - Individual Practitioners
Initial Registration
Form: | Controlled Substances Act Registration Application for Individual Practitioners or Researchers |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $90 |
Registration Renewal
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $90 |
Due: | Biennially |
Iowa Limited Distributor License
Agency: | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Form: | Limited Distributor Application including Self-Inspection Form |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $175 |
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $175 |
Due: | Annually by December 31. |
Required Attachments: |
Iowa Limited Use Pharmacy License
Agency: | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Form: | New License or Change Application and Instate Limited Use Pharmacy Application Addendum |
Agency Fee: | $135 |
Registration Renewal
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $135 |
Due: | Annually by December 31. |
Iowa Outsourcing Facility License
Agency: | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Form: | |
Agency Fee: | $400 |
Registration Renewal
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $400 |
Due: | Annually by December 31. |
Iowa Pharmacist License
Agency: | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Form: | |
Agency Fee: | $252 application fee + $45 background check fee |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Reciprocal Registration
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $252 application fee + $45 background check fee |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Registration Renewal
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $180 |
Due: | Biennially by June 30th. |
Original Ink: | Not required |
Iowa Pharmacist-Intern Registration
Agency: | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $30 |
Renewal Not Required
Not required
Registration shall remain in effect aslong asthe board issatisfied that the intern is pursuing a degree in pharmacy in good faith and with reasonable diligence.
Iowa Pharmacy Certified Technician Registration
Agency: | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Form: | Initial and Renewal Certified Technician Registration Application |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | Depends on the date of signature on the applicant's national certification:
Registration Renewal
Form: | Initial and Renewal Certified Technician Registration Application (Renewal) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $40 |
Due: | Biennially by the last day of the licensee's birth month. |
Iowa Pharmacy License
Agency: | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | No |
Initial Registration
Form: | |
Agency Fee: | $135 |
Notes: |
Before you Apply: |
Required Attachments: |
Registration Renewal
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $135 |
Due: | Annually by December 31. |
Iowa Pharmacy Support Person Registration
Agency: | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $25 |
Registration Renewal
Form: | Pharmacy Support Person Initial and Renewal Registration (Renewal) |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $25 |
Due: | Biennially by the last day of the licensee's birth month. |
Iowa Pharmacy Technician Trainee Registration
Agency: | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $20 |
Renewal Not Required
Not required
Trainee registrations are issued for a period of one year and may not be renewed.
Iowa Telepharmacy License
Agency: | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Form: | |
Agency Fee: | $135 |
Registration Renewal
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $135 |
Due: | Annually by December 31. |
Iowa Third-Party Logistics Provider License
Agency: | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $750 |
Notes: | Inspection
NABP Drug Distributor Accreditation (Formerly known as VAWD)
Qualified Indivdiual
Required Attachments: | If the 3PL is physically located in the state of Iowa, the following documents will be required to be uploaded with your application:
If the 3PL is not physically located in the state of Iowa, the following documents will be required to be uploaded with your application:
Registration Renewal
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $750 |
Due: | Annually by March 31. |
Iowa Wholesale Distributor License
Agency: | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Board of Pharmacy |
Initial Registration
Form: | |
Agency Fee: | $750 |
Registration Renewal
Form: | |
Filing Method: | Mail or online. |
Agency Fee: | $750 |
Due: | Annually by December 31. |
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- Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Building & Construction Division
- Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Building & Construction Division - Electrical Licensing and Inspection Program
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- Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Health & Safety Division
- Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Licensing Division - Accountancy Examining Board
- Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Licensing Division - Architectural Examining Board
- Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Licensing Division - Engineering & Land Surveying Examining Board
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- Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Licensing Division - Interior Design Examining Board
- Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Licensing Division - Landscape Architectural Examining Board
- Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing - Real Estate Commission
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- Iowa Department of Public Safety
- Iowa Department of Public Safety State Fire Marshal Division
- Iowa Department of Revenue
- Iowa Department of Transportation - Vehicle Central Programs - Dealer Programs
- Iowa Division of Banking
- Iowa Division of Labor
- Iowa Insurance Division
- Iowa Secretary of State
- Iowa Utilities Board
- Iowa Workforce Development