Delaware Department of Transportation - Division of Motor Vehicles - Dealer Services

Please Note

We are a service company that can help you file with the Delaware Department of Transportation - Division of Motor Vehicles - Dealer Services. We are not associated with this nor any other government agency. We offer paid services and software to help you file. You are not required to purchase our service to file - you may file directly with this agency without using our service.

Contact Information

Physical address:
303 Transportation Circle
Dover, DE 19901

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 698
Dover, DE 19903

Phone: (302) 857-4665

Web: Home Name search


We track the following licenses with the Delaware Department of Transportation - Division of Motor Vehicles - Dealer Services in order to provide compliance services to our clients. As a client, you see this and other Compliance Core™ data in License Manager in-line with your licenses.

A laptop placed on a desk with our License Manager software on display

Delaware Motor Vehicle Dealer License

Agency:Delaware Department of Transportation - Division of Motor Vehicles - Dealer Services
Eligible Entity Types:
  • Corporations
  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Limited Partnerships
  • Limited Liability Partnerships
  • General Partnerships
  • Sole Proprietorships
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Ownership Requirements:

The owner of the dealership must be a Delaware resident and have a Delaware Driver's License for at least 90 days prior to the application for dealer licensure (Franchise Dealerships are exempt from this requirement).

Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


The application packet is not currently available online. Please email the department to request one. 

Filing Method:
  • Email (all applications and attachments should be submitted electronically and in color EXCEPT criminal background checks)
  • In-person or Mail (criminal background checks)
Agency Fee:
  • $0 license fee
  • $10 per dealer plate fee
Required Attachments:
  • DLR-1706 Officer Certification (notarized)
    • One must be completed for each officer
  • Copy of each owner and officer's Delaware Driver's License
  • IRS SS-4, LTR 147C, or Franchise Tax Filing to provide proof of the TIN/FEIN
    • All documents must reflect the legal name of the dealership
  • DLR-1708 Signature Authorization Form (notarized)
    • Must be signed by an owner/officer
    • Doesn't need to be completed for officers
    • All signers must provide clear and color copies of their driver's license or ID
  • DLR-1707 Disclaimer of Relatives
    • One must be completed for each owner/officer
  • Validation of Dealership name and address
  • Prothonotary Letter (if using a DBA)
  • Copy of Delaware Business License
  • Copy of City Business License, if applicable
  • Certificate of Good Standing from Delaware Division of Corporations
  • Copy of deed, mortgage statement, lease, or rental agreement
    • The deed or mortgage statement can be in a personal name if the owner of the property is the owner or officer of the business
    • The lease or rental agreement must be in the legal name of the dealership and indicate the approved use
  • Phone bill for dealership
    • Must be a landline
  • Planning and Zoning Letter of Approval from applicable county showing USE
  • Franchise Letter (new dealers only)
  • Criminal Background Check(s)
Background Check Requirements: ACCESS PREMIUM DATA

Registration Renewal


Renewal forms are mailed out approximately 4 months prior to the expiration of the license. 

Filing Method:

Email or mail

Agency Fee:
  • $0 license fee
  • $10 per dealer plate fee

Annually by December 31

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Order Registered Agent Service

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It's awesome to know that Harbor Compliance is looking out for my customers' best interests and will only do what's right for them.