California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI)
Please Note
We are a service company that can help you file with the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI). We are not associated with this nor any other government agency. We offer paid services and software to help you file. You are not required to purchase our service to file - you may file directly with this agency without using our service.
Contact Information
2101 Arena Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: (866) 275-2677
Web: Home Name search
We track the following licenses with the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) in order to provide compliance services to our clients. As a client, you see this and other Compliance Core™ data in License Manager in-line with your licenses.
California Debt Collection Branch Registration
Agency: | California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | No |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | No |
Initial Registration
Instructions: | |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $15/person credit report + fingerprint processing fee |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: |
California Debt Collection License
Agency: | California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Bond Requirements: | $25,000 |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $350 |
Renewal Not Required
Not required
Licenses are perpetual and do not need to be renewed, however, licesees must complete an annual attestation in the NMLS system by December 31 to keep their NMLS registration active.
Supplemental Reporting
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: | Annually by March 15. |
Law: | |
Notes: | Licensees are required to file an Annual Report with the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation containing:
California Exempt Mortgage Company Registration
Agency: | California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Instructions: | |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $100 NMLS processing fee |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: |
California Finance Lenders Law License
Agency: | California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Instructions: | |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $100 + $200 application fee + $100 investigation fee |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: |
California Financing Law License (Branch)
Agency: | California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | No |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | No |
Initial Registration
Instructions: | |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $100 + $200 application fee + $100 investigation fee |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: |
California Money Transmitter License
Agency: | California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Instructions: | |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $5000 application fee |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: |
California Mortgage Loan Originator License
Agency: | California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) |
Initial Registration
Instructions: | |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $30 + $300 application fee + $15 credit report + $36.25 background check |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $300 |
Due: |
California Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program Administrator Branch License
Agency: | California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | No |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | No |
Initial Registration
Instructions: | |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $300 application fee |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: |
California Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program Administrator License
Agency: | California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Instructions: | |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $300 application fee |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: |
California Residential Mortgage Lending Act License
Agency: | California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Instructions: | |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $100 + $900 application fee + $100 investigation fee |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: |
California Residential Mortgage Lending Act License (Branch)
Agency: | California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | No |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | No |
Initial Registration
Instructions: | |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $20 |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: |
California Student Loan Servicing License
Agency: | California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | Yes |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | Yes |
Initial Registration
Instructions: | |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $400 application fee |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: |
California Student Loan Servicing License (Branch)
Agency: | California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) |
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite: | No |
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required? | No |
Initial Registration
Instructions: | |
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $400 application fee |
Registration Renewal
Filing Method: | |
Agency Fee: | $0 |
Due: |
Related Government Agencies
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- California Architects Board
- California Attorney General - Registry of Charities and Fundraisers
- California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists
- California Board of Accountancy
- California Bureau of Automotive Repair
- California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services
- California Council For Interior Design Certification (CCIDC)
- California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
- California Department of Consumer Affairs - Bureau of Household Goods and Services (BHGS)
- California Department of Consumer Affairs - Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers (BREA)
- California Department of Consumer Affairs - Contractors State License Board (CSLB)
- California Department of Food and Agriculture - Division of Measurement Standards
- California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection - Licensed Timber Operator (LTO) Program
- California Department of Health Care Services - Provider Enrollment Division
- California Department of Health Care Services - Substance Use Disorder Compliance Division - Licensing & Certification Section
- California Department of Housing and Community Development - Division of Codes and Standards - Occupational Licensing Program
- California Department of Industrial Relations - Asbestos and Carcinogen Unit
- California Department of Industrial Relations - Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
- California Department of Industrial Relations - Division of Workers' Compensation
- California Department of Industrial Relations - Electrician Certification Program
- California Department of Industrial Relations - Elevator Unit
- California Department of Industrial Relations- Public Works
- California Department of Insurance
- California Department of Motor Vehicles - Licensing Operations Division - Occupational Licensing Branch
- California Department of Public Health - Division of Radiation Safety and Environmental Management - Radiologic Health Branch
- California Department of Public Health - Food and Drug Branch
- California Department of Public Health Childhood Lean Poisoning Branch
- California Department of Real Estate
- California Department of Social Services - Community Care Licensing Division - Home Care Services Bureau
- California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
- California Employment Development Department
- California Franchise Tax Board
- California Landscape Architects Technical Committee
- California Office of the Attorney General - Bureau of Gambling Control
- California Public Utilities Commission
- California Secretary of State - Business Programs Division
- California State Board of Equalization
- California State Board of Pharmacy