Individual Professional Solicitor Licensing

The following table summarizes paid solicitor licensing requirements for individuals across the United States.


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Alabama Attorney General - Consumer Interest Division

Initial Application

License Renewal




Professional Solicitor Registration Statement (Renewal)


Annually by September 30.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Alaska

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Alaska.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Arizona

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Arizona.


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Arkansas Secretary of State - Business and Commercial Services Division (BCS)


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in California

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in California.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Colorado

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Colorado.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Connecticut

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Connecticut.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Delaware

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Delaware.

District of Columbia

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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in District of Columbia

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in District of Columbia.


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Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services - Division of Consumer Services


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Georgia Secretary of State

Initial Application

License Renewal




Annually by December 31.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Hawaii

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Hawaii.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Idaho

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Idaho.


Our Resources:

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Illinois Attorney General - Charitable Trust Bureau

License Renewal


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Indiana

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Indiana.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Iowa

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Iowa.


Our Resources:

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Kansas Attorney General - Licensing & Inspections Section - Charitable Organization Registration Unit

Initial Application

License Renewal




Professional Solicitor Application (Renewal)


Annually by June 30.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Kentucky

The criminal history check section of the professional solicitor application applies to individual solicitors, however, no license is issued for individual employees.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Louisiana

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Louisiana.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Maine

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Maine.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Maryland

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Maryland.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Massachusetts

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Massachusetts.


Our Resources:

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Michigan Department of Attorney General - Consumer Protection - Charitable Trust Section

License Renewal


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Minnesota

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Minnesota.


Our Resources:

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Mississippi Secretary of State

Initial Application



Filing Method:


License Renewal



Filing Method:



Annually by June 30.


Our Resources:

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Missouri Attorney General - Charities

Initial Application

License Renewal


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Montana

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Montana.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Nebraska

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Nebraska.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Nevada

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Nevada.

New Hampshire

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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in New Hampshire

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in New Hampshire.

New Jersey

Our Resources:

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New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs - Charities Registration Section

New Mexico

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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in New Mexico

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in New Mexico.

New York

Our Resources:

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New York State Attorney General's Office - Charities Bureau

North Carolina

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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in North Carolina

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in North Carolina.

North Dakota

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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in North Dakota

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in North Dakota.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Ohio

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Ohio.


Our Resources:

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Oklahoma Secretary of State - Charitable Organizations Section

Initial Application

License Renewal




Professional Solicitor Registration (Renewal)


Annually by the registration anniversary date.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Oregon

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Oregon.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Pennsylvania

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Pennsylvania.

Rhode Island

Our Resources:

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Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation - Securities Division - Charities Section

Initial Application



Filing Method:


License Renewal



Filing Method:



Annually by June 30.

South Carolina

Our Resources:

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South Carolina Secretary of State - Division of Public Charities

South Dakota

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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in South Dakota

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in South Dakota.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Tennessee

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Tennessee.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Texas

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Texas.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Utah

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Utah.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Vermont

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Vermont.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Virginia

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Virginia.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Washington

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Washington.

West Virginia

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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in West Virginia

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in West Virginia.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Wisconsin

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Wisconsin.


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Not Required

Professional Solicitor licensure is not required on the State level in Wyoming

Solicitors who are not employed by a professional fundraising firm but operate independently may be required to register. Employees of professional fundraising firms are generally not required to register as an individual solicitor in Wyoming.